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Morbility and Mortality Weekly Report Web Site Link
Synopsis for February 15, 2007

The MMWR is embargoed until Thursday, 12 PM EST.

  1. Prevalence of Heart Disease – United States, 2005
There is no MMWR Telebriefing scheduled for February 16, 2007

Prevalence of Heart Disease – United States, 2005

PRESS CONTACT: CDC - National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
(770) 488-5131

Heart diseases are common, debilitating and deadly. This study underscores the need for all states, particularly those states experiencing the highest proportion of people impacted by heart disease, to support programs and services designed to limit exposure to heart disease risk factors and improve access to preventive services. CDC study, for the first time, provides state and U.S. territory information on the percentage of people living with heart disease. The study, Prevalence of Heart Disease — United States, 2005, found that there was a two-fold difference in state prevalence of people with a history of heart attack, angina (chest pain) or coronary heart disease. Heart attacks rates ranged from 2.1 percent in the U.S. Virgin Islands to 6.1 percent in West Virginia. The prevalence of three heart disease conditions reported in the study – heart attack, angina (chest pain) or coronary heart disease – ranged from 3.5 percent in the U.S. Virgin Islands to 10.4 percent in West Virginia. Researchers also found many states within the so-called “coronary valley” region had the highest percentage of residents with heart disease. The study also identified gender, racial/ethnic, and educational level differences in heart disease prevalence.


Department of Health and Human Services

Content Source: Office of Enterprise Communication
Page last modified: February 15, 2007