Miscellaneous Manufacturing: NAICS 339

About the Miscellaneous Manufacturing subsector

The miscellaneous manufacturing subsector is part of the manufacturing sector.

Industries in the Miscellaneous Manufacturing subsector make a wide range of products that cannot readily be classified in specific NAICS subsectors in manufacturing. Processes used by these establishments vary significantly, both among and within industries. For example, a variety of manufacturing processes are used in manufacturing sporting and athletic goods that include products such as tennis racquets and golf balls. The processes for these products differ from each other, and the processes differ significantly from the fabrication processes used in making dolls or toys, the melting and shaping of precious metals to make jewelry, and the bending, forming, and assembly used in making medical products.

North American Industry Classification System

The miscellaneous manufacturing subsector consists of these industry groups:

  • Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing: NAICS 3391
  • Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing: NAICS 3399

NOTE: There was a change in the definition of this subsector between NAICS 2002 and NAICS 2007. Some of the data below reflect the 2002 definition and some reflect the 2007 definition. See the BLS implementation schedule for NAICS 2007 to find out which BLS programs have already implemented NAICS 2007.

Workforce Statistics

This section provides information relating to employment and unemployment in miscellaneous manufacturing. While most data are obtained from employer or establishment surveys, information on industry unemployment comes from a national survey of households. The following tables present an overview of the industry including the number of jobs, the unemployment rate of those previously employed in the industry, mass layoffs, data for occupations common to the industry, and projections of occupational employment change.

Employment, Unemployment, and Layoffs

Data series Back

Employment (in thousands)


Employment, all employees (seasonally adjusted)

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618.4 611.0 (P) 604.5 (P) 602.4

Employment, production workers (seasonally adjusted)

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406.9 400.7 (P) 395.5 (P) 389.9



Unemployment rate

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9.3% 10.3% 11.6% 9.8%



Mass layoff events

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16 35 20 19

Initial claimants for unemployment benefits

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1,533 3,127 1,607 1,354

(P) Preliminary

(Source: Current Employment Statistics, Current Population Survey, Mass Layoff Statistics)

Extended Mass Layoffs

Data series Back
1st quarter
2nd quarter
3rd quarter
4th quarter

Extended mass layoff events

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7 8 (P) 11 (P) 16


Jump to page with historical data
1,555 895 (P) 1,306 (P) 2,507

Initial claimants

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834 1,100 (P) 1,696 (P) 2,532

(P) Preliminary

(Source: Mass Layoff Statistics)

Employment by Occupation

Data series Employment,

Cutting, punching, and press machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic


Dental laboratory technicians


First-line supervisors/managers of production and operating workers


Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers


Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products


Team assemblers


(Source: Occupational Employment Statistics)


For projected (future) employment estimates, see the National Employment Matrix, which includes employment estimates by industry and occupation for miscellaneous manufacturing.

(Source: Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections)

Earnings and Hours

This section presents data on employee earnings and weekly hours. The latest industry averages of hourly earnings and weekly hours for production or nonsupervisory employees are shown. In addition, recent hourly and annual earnings are shown for occupations commonly found in miscellaneous manufacturing.

Earnings and Hours of Production Workers

Data series Back

Average hourly earnings

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$15.60 $15.66 (P) $15.97 (P) $15.97

Average weekly hours

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38.3 38.4 (P) 38.2 (P) 38.2

(P) Preliminary

(Source: Current Employment Statistics)

Earnings by Occupation

Data series Wages, 2008
Hourly Annual
Median Mean Median Mean

Cutting, punching, and press machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic

$12.89 $13.41 $26,820 $27,880

Dental laboratory technicians

$16.20 $17.68 $33,700 $36,760

First-line supervisors/managers of production and operating workers

$23.76 $25.23 $49,430 $52,480

Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers

$14.98 $15.85 $31,160 $32,960

Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products

$25.50 $29.76 $53,050 $61,910

Team assemblers

$11.98 $12.49 $24,920 $25,970

(Source: Occupational Employment Statistics)

Work-related Fatalities, Injuries, and Illnesses

This section presents data for the industry on the number of workplace fatalities and the rates of workplace injuries and illnesses per 100 full-time workers in miscellaneous manufacturing. An injury or illness is considered to be work-related if an event or exposure in the work environment either caused or contributed to the resulting condition or significantly aggravated a pre-existing condition.

Data series 2004 2005 2006 2007



Number of fatalities

11 11 15 9

Rate of injury and illness cases per 100 full-time workers


Total recordable cases

4.5 4.4 4.2 3.9

Cases involving days away from work, job restriction, or transfer

2.5 2.4 2.1 2.0

Cases involving days away from work

1.2 1.0 1.0 0.9

Cases involving days of job transfer or restriction

1.3 1.4 1.1 1.1

(Source: Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities)


This section provides industry-specific pricing information. The producer price index measures the percentage change in prices that domestic producers receive for goods and services. The prices included in the producer price index are from the first commercial transaction. The import price index reflects the percentage change in prices paid to foreign producers for their goods and services within the U.S., while the export price index measures the percentage change in prices received by U.S. producers for goods and services sold outside the U.S.

Data series Back

Producer price index

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(P) 110.7 (P) 112.2 (P) 111.5 (P) 111.6

Percent change from previous month


(P) 0.3% (P) 1.4% (P) -0.6% (P) 0.1%

Import index

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110.7 111.0 (R) 110.3 110.1

Percent change from previous month


0.3% 0.3% (R) -0.6% (R) -0.2%

Export index

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(R) 111.5 111.3 (R) 110.7 110.7

Percent change from previous month


(R) -0.1% (R) -0.2% (R) -0.5% (R) 0.0%

(R) Revised
(P) Preliminary

(Source: Producer Price Indexes, International Price Program)

Workplace Trends

This section presents data on the number of establishments in miscellaneous manufacturing. Also included in this section is information on productivity, presented as the rate of change in output per hour of workers in the industry.


Data series Back
4th quarter
1st quarter
2nd quarter
3rd quarter

Number of establishments


Private industry

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32,528 (P) 32,292 (P) 32,472 (P) 32,604

Local government

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1 (P) 1 (P) 1 (P) 1

State government

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Federal government

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2 (P) 2 (P) 2 (P) 2

(P) Preliminary

(Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages)


Data series Back
2003 2004 2005 2006

Labor productivity index, output per hour

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132.745 134.931 144.627 149.791

Percent change from previous year

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6.9 1.6 7.2 3.6

Labor index, total labor hours

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89.770 88.475 87.992 87.603

Percent change from previous year

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-3.7 -1.4 -0.5 -0.4

Output index

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119.165 119.381 127.260 131.221

Percent change from previous year

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3.0 0.2 6.6 3.1

Unit labor costs index

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105.054 105.731 102.214 104.539

Percent change from previous year

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-1.8 0.6 -3.3 2.3

(Source: Productivity and Costs)

Other BLS Resources

Career Guide to Industries

To learn about careers from an industry perspective, see the Career Guide to Industries.


Data extracted on: May 07, 2009