The Industry Verification Survey FAQ

What is the purpose of the Annual Refiling Survey?
The main purpose of the Annual Refiling Survey (ARS) is to verify or correct the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes assigned to establishments. Other important purposes of the ARS are to verify or update establishments’ mailing and physical location addresses and geographic codes such as county and township (independent city, parish, or island in some States). The ARS also asks employers to identify new locations in the State.

How will my responses to this survey be used?
Your responses will be used for statistical and unemployment insurance purposes in accordance with law. For more detailed and specific information for your state please click on the following link and then select your state.

Why is the return mail address on the return envelope not located within my state?
In order to reduce costs and streamline operations 34 states have begun to use the centralized contractor to collect and sort their forms. In order to take advantage of cost savings from bulk mailing all of the responses from employers are sent to a single address, regardless of the state from which it originates.


What if all of the information on the form is correct?
If all of the data printed on the form is correct you still need to respond to the survey. There are two possible options for your response. First you may be eligible to use the Touchtone Response System (TRS). Your other option is to use the postage-paid envelope that was provided.

How do I know if I am eligible to use TRS?
If you are eligible to use TRS there should have been a flier included with the survey that explains the TRS system. The criteria are:

  1. The business mailing address and physical location address in items 1 and 2 are correct.
  2. The business operates in only one location, and you have not checked the box in item 2. The item asks you to check the box if your business has multiple establishments within your state. If you have checked this box you will not be eligible for TRS.
  3. The answer to item 3 is yes. The county, township, or parish that is listed is correct for your business. You have checked the box that is labeled “Yes”, signifying that your business is located in the county/town/parish that is listed.
  4. The main activity shown in item 4 accurately describes your business. This means that the narrative description of the industry that your business operates in accurately represents your major activities.

What if some or all of the information on the form is incorrect?
If you need to make changes to any of the information that is printed on the form please do so in the areas provided for corrections. Once you have completed making any necessary corrections please return the form in the envelope that was provided.


Last Modified Date: December 5, 2007