Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages

The Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program publishes a quarterly count of employment and wages reported by employers covering 98 percent of U.S. jobs, available at the county, MSA, state and national levels by industry.


UPDATED Employment and Wages, Annual Averages 2011

NEW QCEW Introduces NAICS 2012 Industry Coding

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QCEW State and County Map Application

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QCEW News Releases

County Employment and Wages

January 08, 2013

Over the year, Washington, Ore., had the largest percentage increase in average weekly wages in the second quarter of 2012, 8.5 percent. Yakima, Wash., had the biggest over-the-year percentage increase in employment, 8.2 percent in June 2012. More...

Quarterly Releases

Annual Data Tables:

Discontinued Annual Releases

Archived News Releases

QCEW Databases


Database Name Special
Tables Text Files
State and County Wages
(Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages - QCEW)
Top Picks One Screen Data Search Multi Screen Data Search Text Files


Calculator Name Calculator
Location Quotient
Provides a way to readily compare the industrial activity levels among different areas of the country.

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QCEW Reporting Data

QCEW Publications

QCEW Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is QCEW?
  2. Does the QCEW program publish or release the number of employees in a particular company?
  3. How does QCEW employment compare to Current Employment Statistics (CES) and other employment measures?
  4. How do I get data prior to 2001?
  5. How do I use a QCEW .enb or .end file?
  6. Can I get QCEW data below the county-industry level?
  7. When are the most current QCEW data available?
  8. Can I get access to confidential QCEW microdata for research purposes?
  9. Why is my hand-calculated total different from the published total?
  10. Can I find data on employment and wages for a specific occupation or job?
  11. Why are there sometimes sudden shifts in levels of employment or wages?
  12. Why are some data unavailable, or marked as ND, NA, or with a dash (-)?
  13. Why are QCEW establishment counts different from those of other programs?
  14. What is included in employment?
  15. What is included in total wages?
  16. Does the QCEW program publish employment by company size?
  17. Which version of NAICS and SIC does the QCEW program use?
  18. Does the QCEW program have data based on the new Metropolitan Statistical Area definition?
  19. What is a location quotient?
  20. What is the difference between a company, an employer and an establishment in QCEW data?
  21. What is the prevailing wage rate for my area according to the Davis-Bacon Act?


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For state-published data

The cooperating State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) have labor market information offices that publish and disseminate QCEW data for their states.

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