(816) 285-7000

February 20, 2009



Prices increased 2.9 percent from the second half of 2007 to the second half of 2008

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for the Kansas City metropolitan area increased 2.9 percent over the year, with most of the increase occurring in the first half of the period, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. According to Regional Commissioner Stanley W. Suchman, while prices in six of the eight major expenditure categories were higher in the second half of 2008 than in the second half of 2007, over two-thirds of the movement in the overall index was attributable to rising costs for housing and food and beverages.

Kansas City, MO-KS Metropolitan Area CPI-U 6-month and 12-month percent change

The housing index rose 3.1 percent due to upward pressure from both the fuels and utilities and the shelter components, and had the largest effect on the overall index among the eight major expenditure categories. Prices for fuels and utilities advanced 11.7 percent from the second half of 2007 to the second half of 2008. Within fuels and utilities, electricity costs rose 9.4 percent over the year and the index for utility (piped) gas service jumped 18.3 percent following an increase of 3.2 percent in the same period one year ago. Contributing to the 1.6 percent rise in shelter costs, owners' equivalent rent of primary residence increased 1.7 percent and rent of primary residence was up 2.3 percent. Prices for household furnishings and operations were 1.9 percent higher over the year.

The food and beverages index was up 7.4 percent from the second half of 2007 to the second half of 2008, the largest over-the-year advance since semiannual publication of the index began in 1985, and had the second greatest impact on the overall index. Food at home prices advanced 8.4 percent and the cost of food away from home was up 6.0 percent. Prices for alcoholic beverages increased 6.2 percent over the period.

Transportation costs were up 2.1 percent since the second half of 2007. Private transportation costs, which include prices for vehicles and motor fuel, rose 1.5 percent. Motor fuel prices were up just 0.6 percent from the second half of 2007 to the second half of 2008 after increases in the first part of the year were partially offset by declines in the last half of 2008.

The remaining major expenditure categories contributed little to the increase in the overall index. Costs for education and communication rose 3.0 percent from the second half of 2007 to the second half of 2008. Recreation prices, which include admissions to movies, concerts, and sporting events, increased 2.5 percent. Providing a slight downward impact, medical care costs declined by 1.9 percent and the apparel index declined 2.5 percent following a decrease of 3.8 percent in the same period one year ago. The other goods and services index, which includes prices for tobacco and smoking products and personal care items, rose 1.4 percent.

Energy prices, which include prices for motor fuel and household fuels, were up 6.5 percent over the year, with prices declining in the last half of the year after increasing sharply in the first half. The special aggregate index for all items less energy rose 2.4 percent over the year. Excluding the impact of food and energy prices, the Kansas City CPI-U was up 1.4 percent from the second half of 2007 to the second half 2008.

The Kansas City CPI-U stood at 201.432 for the second half of 2008. This means that a market basket of goods and services that cost $100.00 in 1982-84 cost $201.43 in the second half of 2008. Because metropolitan area CPI data are not adjusted for seasonal price variation, consumers and businesses should be cautious in drawing conclusions about long-term retail price trends from short-term changes in the metropolitan area indexes.


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Table 1. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): Indexes for semiannual averages and percent changes for selected periods

Kansas City, MO-KS (1982-84=100 unless otherwise noted)
Item and Group

Semiannual average indexes
Percent change to
2nd half 2008 from-
2nd half
1st half
2nd half
2nd half
1st half

Expenditure category


All Items

195.753 200.868 201.432 2.9 0.3

All items (1967=100)

581.261 596.449 598.125    

Food and beverages

200.003 206.678 214.877 7.4 4.0


202.481 208.728 217.860 7.6 4.4

Food at home

200.971 208.747 217.899 8.4 4.4

Food away from home

207.896 211.222 220.407 6.0 4.3

Alcoholic beverages

167.489 176.349 177.906 6.2 0.9


189.345 193.093 195.133 3.1 1.1


208.645 210.239 211.908 1.6 0.8

Rent of primary residence

207.045 208.749 211.872 2.3 1.5

Owners' equiv. rent (1)

204.524 206.491 207.981 1.7 0.7

Fuels and utilities

195.809 214.305 218.624 11.7 2.0

Household energy

174.235 189.264 198.671 14.0 5.0

Gas (piped) and electricity

173.188 186.520 196.421 13.4 5.3


116.102 115.574 127.009 9.4 9.9

Utility (piped) gas service

250.055 294.357 295.701 18.3 0.5

Household furnishings and operations

126.406 126.118 128.831 1.9 2.2


108.442 107.382 105.704 -2.5 -1.6


182.594 196.778 186.372 2.1 -5.3

Private transportation

180.738 195.046 183.510 1.5 -5.9

Motor fuel

256.374 299.873 257.960 0.6 -14.0

Gasoline (all types)

256.183 299.713 256.772 0.2 -14.3

Unleaded regular (2)

250.595 293.843 250.710 0.0 -14.7

Unleaded midgrade (2) (3)

309.683 360.241 310.416 0.2 -13.8

Unleaded premium (2)

252.207 292.579 256.041 1.5 -12.5

Medical Care

302.852   297.123 -1.9   0.5

Recreation (4)

113.457 114.445 116.260 2.5 1.6

Education and communication (4)

115.505 116.728 118.938 3.0 1.9

Other goods and services

323.679 328.186 328.220 1.4 0.0

Commodity and Service Group


All Items

195.753 200.868 201.432 2.9 0.3


167.364 172.950 171.170 2.3 -1.0

Commodities less food & beverages

150.577 155.562 149.383 -0.8 -4.0

Nondurables less food & beverages

195.585 205.874 194.053 -0.8 -5.7


107.434 107.685 106.641 -0.7 -1.0


223.873 228.488 231.353 3.3 1.3

Special aggregate indexes:


All items less medical care

189.820 195.535 196.042 3.3 0.3

All items less shelter

192.391 198.770 199.009 3.4 0.1

Commodities less food

150.929 156.143 150.431 -0.3 -3.7


197.941 206.508 204.339 3.2 -1.1

Nondurables less food

193.469 203.731 193.369 -0.1 -5.1

Services less rent of shelter (1)

249.228 257.236 261.959 5.1 1.8

Services less medical care services

214.185 218.408 221.306 3.3 1.3


212.496 240.711 226.380 6.5 -6.0

All items less energy

195.519 197.589 200.130 2.4 1.3

All items less food and energy

194.468 195.808 197.196 1.4 0.7

(1) Index is on a December 1982=100 base.
(2) Special index based on a substantially smaller sample.
(3) Indexes on a December 1993=100 base.
(4) Indexes on a December 1997=100 base.

Table 2. Consumer Price Index for Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W): Indexes for semiannual averages and percent changes for selected periods

Kansas City, MO-KS (1982-84=100 unless otherwise noted)
Item and Group

Semiannual average indexes
Percent change to
2nd half 2008 from-
2nd half
1st half
2nd half
2nd half
1st half

Expenditure category


All Items

187.094 192.430 193.066 3.2 0.3

All items (1967=100)

548.186 563.820 565.685    

Food and beverages

199.666 206.299 215.346 7.9 4.4


201.749 207.988 217.845 8.0 4.7

Food at home

199.898 207.351 216.360 8.2 4.3

Food away from home

207.728 211.422 222.526 7.1 5.3

Alcoholic beverages

168.009 176.982 179.174 6.6 1.2


179.722 183.304 185.629 3.3 1.3


195.862 197.209 198.924 1.6 0.9

Rent of primary residence

207.045 208.749 211.872 2.3 1.5

Owners' equiv. rent (1)

186.206 187.997 189.353 1.7 0.7

Fuels and utilities

194.785 212.962 217.445 11.6 2.1

Household energy

173.731 188.644 198.131 14.0 5.0

Gas (piped) and electricity

173.719 186.868 196.850 13.3 5.3


116.103 115.576 127.011 9.4 9.9

Utility (piped) gas service

250.054 294.355 295.700 18.3 0.5

Household furnishings and operations

114.272 113.309 116.179 1.7 2.5


102.586 101.564 99.736 -2.8 -1.8


173.546 186.760 176.263 1.6 -5.6

Private transportation

172.252 185.630 174.715 1.4 -5.9

Motor fuel

256.355 299.845 257.980 0.6 -14.0

Gasoline (all types)

256.177 299.706 256.767 0.2 -14.3

Unleaded regular (2)

250.592 293.840 250.707 0.0 -14.7

Unleaded midgrade (2) (3)

309.683 360.241 310.416 0.2 -13.8

Unleaded premium (2)

252.198 292.568 256.032 1.5 -12.5

Medical Care

304.312   300.046 -1.4   0.6

Recreation (4)

112.407 113.658 115.398 2.7 1.5

Education and communication (4)

108.849 110.363 112.475 3.3 1.9

Other goods and services

327.421 332.747 334.166 2.1 0.4

Commodity and Service Group


All Items

187.094 192.430 193.066 3.2 0.3


162.374 168.202 166.920 2.8 -0.8

Commodities less food & beverages

145.010 150.372 144.384 -0.4 -4.0

Nondurables less food & beverages

192.644 204.386 192.467 -0.1 -5.8


108.021 108.180 107.102 -0.9 -1.0


215.947 220.562 223.602 3.5 1.4

Special aggregate indexes:


All items less medical care

182.138 187.848 188.426 3.5 0.3

All items less shelter

185.031 191.619 191.944 3.7 0.2

Commodities less food

145.681 151.259 145.706 0.0 -3.7


196.215 205.460 204.034 4.0 -0.7

Nondurables less food

191.300 202.973 192.474 0.6 -5.2

Services less rent of shelter (1)

220.087 227.584 231.949 5.4 1.9

Services less medical care services

206.496 210.651 213.674 3.5 1.4


210.986 239.162 224.372 6.3 -6.2

All items less energy

186.216 188.328 191.136 2.6 1.5

All items less food and energy

183.108 184.339 185.650 1.4 0.7

(1) Index is on a December 1984=100 base.
(2) Special index based on a substantially smaller sample.
(3) Indexes on a December 1993=100 base.
(4) Indexes on a December 1997=100 base.


Last Modified Date: February 20, 2009