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2000 Archive of Eruption Updates

Jan. 2000 Lae`apuki lava bench remains active
Feb. 2000 Magma intrudes east rift and more surface flows
Mar. 2000 Lava breaks onto surface and enters sea 
April 2000 Flow field expands in Waha`ula area
May 2000 Lava continues to enter sea at Waha`ula
June 2000 Waha`ula entry still active
July 2000 Kilauea's slow-growing flow field and marathon run
Aug. 2000 Tube system breaks down and another pause
Sept. 2000 Breakouts on the pali and ocean entry bench formation
3 -12 Oct. 2000 Continuing bench formation, skylights, and exposed inactive tube
27 -28 Oct. 2000 Continuing bench formation, skylights, and pali activity
3 -21 Nov. 2000 Continuing bench formation, surface flows, skylights, and pali activity
28 -30 Nov. 2000 Bench formation and collapse, surface flows, skylights, and pali activity
8 Dec. 2000 Kamokuna bench and sampling lava from a skylight above Pulama pali
15-21 Dec. 2000 Flows on and below Pulama pali and a skylight above Pulama pali
23 Dec. 2000 Pahoehoe and `a`a flows below Pulama pali, and a dead bench.

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Updated: 19 June 2002 (srb)