Argonne National Laboratory

Accelerator Operations & Physics

Advance Photon Source
A U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science,
Office of Basic Energy Sciences national synchrotron x-ray research facility

Argonne Home > Advanced Photon Source > Accelerator Systems Division > Accelerator Operations & Physics

OAG Documentation

OAG Software Documentation This link contains documentation of OAG software. This includes the SDDS Toolkit, OAG Tcl/Tk extensions and libraries, the SDDS-compliant EPICS Toolkit, and physics codes (e.g., elegant, spiffe, shower).

OAG High-Level Applications Documentation* This APS-only link contains documentation of high-level applications software by the Operations Analysis Group. These applications are graphical user interfaces built with Tcl/Tk and relying on the SDDS Toolkit. At present, only a few applications are documented here. Look here for more information on the toolkit.

SDDS Information Information about SDDS and its applications is now available. If you are just getting interested in SDDS or elegant, this is a good place to start.

Open source software Free open source alternatives to commercial software

* Denotes links accessible from APS network only.