APS Colloquium

The monthly APS Colloquium series benefits the Advanced Photon Source and Argonne communities by bringing distinguished scientists in all disciplines to lecture on topics of general interest. Objectives include the cross-fertilization of research initiatives at various institutions, and the identification of possible uses of the Advanced Photon Source. The lecturer is also invited to spend an additional day visiting with scientists at Argonne.

When: Wednesday, April 8, 2009 @ 3:00 pm
Where: APS Building 402, Auditorium

Upcoming Colloquium:

Dr. Laurence Marks - Department of Material Science and Engineering at the Rober R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science at Northwestern University.

"Oxide Surfaces "


Poster poster pdf

Visitors from off-site please contact Diane Wilkinson (630-252-7810) to arrange for a gate pass.

The APS colloquia are announced in the Argonne Bulletin and via postings and email notices sent to the APS and Argonne community. Video recordings of selected colloquia are available for checkout; contact Diane Wilkinson for more information. Suggestions for speakers and feedback should be directed to John Freeland , Marion White or Steve Heald .