4 Easy Steps for Reporting Your Data

Important points to know before reporting to the IPP

  • For your convenience, your permanent account number will be included in the notification email sent to you prior to each month you agreed to provide prices.
  • Your temporary password can only be used once to create an account. To log in afterward, you are required to use your permanent password. If you forget your password, simply click on the "Forgot Password" link located to the right of the Password field and enter (or copy and paste from the notification sent) your permanent account number into the appropriate field. The password will then be emailed to you.
  • If you are idle for more than 30 minutes, your session will time out. The data that you entered will not be lost. Simply re-access your data by going to https://idcf.bls.gov and logging on again.
  • If you do not have all the necessary item and pricing information needed, you can submit partial information and return to the system later to finish.
  • You can navigate forward and backward through the survey by clicking on the blue “Continue” arrow or the blue numbered bubbles at the top of the screen.
  • You can click on any field label to get field-specific help.
  • Some mail servers will block emails originating from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Add IPP.HelpDesk@bls.gov to your Contacts list to allow transmission.

Getting started:

You will receive an email from the IPP HelpDesk notifying you that it is time to submit prices each month in which you agreed to report prices to the IPP. The link to the IPP Data Collection website is provided in the email: https://idcf.bls.gov. Note: The “s” in “https” is required to ensure a secure transmission.

  • At the logon page, enter your account number and password and select “I Accept”.
  • Select “International Price Program” from the Select a Survey Box and click the blue “Continue” arrow to proceed to the survey.

Step 1: Verify Your Contact Information

On this screen, we ask you to review your contact information; such as name, address, email, and phone number. Please update the information if it has changed.

  • After you have verified that all of your contact information is correct,
    click on the “Continue” arrow or click the “2: Item Still Available?”
    Continue Button

Step 2: Is Your Item Still Available?

On this screen, you will see a list of the items for which you currently send prices to the IPP. Here we ask you if any of the items have been discontinued or if you no longer offer them.

  • If you still DO offer all of the items, click the “Continue” arrow or click on the “3. Submit Item Prices” bubble.
  • If you DO NOT offer an item, click on the “No Longer Offered” button next to the item. You will then be asked if you can provide a comparable replacement item.

    • If you CAN NOT provide a replacement item, select “No” on the pop-up window and then “Submit.”
    • If you CAN provide a comparable replacement item, select “Yes” on the pop-up window and then “Submit”. You will see a page where you can enter information for the new item. Note: The specifications of the discontinued item will be displayed in the fields to help you provide a comparable item. The instructions on the screen will guide you.
  • If you are unsure how to provide a replacement item, or need any assistance, please click on the blue help-desk link at the bottom of the screen.

Is Your Item Still Available

Step 3: Submit Item Prices

On this screen, you will see your list of items. For each item, please enter a current price for the requested month

More Item Price Factor Screen

More Item Price Factors Screen

This page allows you to review or update all of the item information.

More Item Price Factor Screen

Step 4: Review Your Items’ Information

You will see your items summarized into two groups: Incomplete Items and Completed Items.

  • Please review any Incomplete Items and provide a current price if you can.
  • Click the “Printable Version” button if you wish to print out a copy of your updated information.
  • Click the “Finish” arrow to submit your prices.
  • Finish Button

Thank you for using the IPP Internet Data Collection System. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.

Your continued participation allows us to bring the nation the highest quality economic indicators.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the IPP HelpDesk.


Last Modified Date: February 26, 2009