Argonne National Laboratory

Advanced Photon Source
Sector 1

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Welcome to Sector 1 of the Advanced Photon Source (APS) located at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). The Sector 1 beamlines are part of APS X-ray Operations and Research (XOR) organization and are operated by the X-ray Physics Group, which is part of the APS Experimental Facilities Division (XFD).

Sector 1 consists of the 1-ID and 1-BM beamlines, and 80% of the available beamtime is accessible to outside users through the General User program. The main programs pursued at these two beamlines are described below.

1-ID is dedicated to providing and using high-energy x-ray beams (45-180 keV) for the following activities:
Sector 1 General Layout

  • High-energy x-ray optics development
  • High-energy x-ray scattering techniques
    • Pair distribution function measurements
    • Powder diffraction
    • Single grain observations in polycrystals
    • Stress/strain/texture studies
    • Diffuse scattering
    • Small angle scattering
    • Flourescence

1-BM is a multi-purpose beamline delivering x-rays in the 6-24 keV range for the following activities:

  • Powder diffraction
  • Fuel spray studies
  • Reflectivity
  • Small angle scattering

The following links are available at this site:

Last update: August 21, 2008

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