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Healthy Aging

Picture of a man and a woman huggingSexual Health

Menopause and aging bring physical and emotional changes to a woman's sex life. For some women, the freedom from the hassle of monthly periods and worries about pregnancy help them enjoy sex more than ever. But for other women, physical changes, illness, disabilities, and some medicines make sex painful or difficult.

No matter what, it's important for women to protect their sexual health. Women (and men) after 50 sometimes also think that they aren't at risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV/AIDS. This is not true. Experts estimate that nineteen percent of people in the U.S with HIV/AIDS are over 50. For this and many other reasons, it's important for women to understand and protect their sexual health. Read on to learn more about sexual health.

Additional Resources


  1. Federal resource  Age Page: Sexuality in Later Life — This brochure describes the normal physical changes in men and women that come with age. It also discusses the effects of illness, disability, and emotional concerns of sexuality in later life.

  2. Federal resource  Frequently Asked Questions - Sexually Transmitted Diseases — This fact sheet explains in clear language what a sexually transmitted disease (STD) is and why these diseases can pose problems to women's health. It lists common STDs and their symptoms, describes the process of testing for STDs, and explains how women can protect themselves from contracting an STD. This fact sheet also provides a list of resources that offer more information on STDs.

  3. Sex after 50: How to hold onto the passion (Copyright © MFMER) — This publication explains the physical and psychological changes that can affect sexual function as you age and how you can improve your sex life as you grow older.

  4. Sexual health: How to achieve a fulfilling sexual relationship (Copyright © MFMER) — Although sex usually is a source of great pleasure, it can also be the cause of significant stress between partners. Even if you feel fulfilled in your sex life, you may worry about your performance when you hear about what others do behind closed doors — and how often. This article addresses these and other issues regarding sexual health in monogamous relationships.


  1. Federal resource  CDC-INFO
  2. Federal resource  National Institute on Aging, NIH, HHS
  3. Federal resource  Office of Women's Health, OD, CDC, HHS
  4. AGS Foundation for Health in Aging
  5. American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists

Federal resource = Indicates Federal Resources

Content last updated March 5, 2009.

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