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ACT: Study Methods

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The ACT studies all use the same study design, field protocols, analytical methods and laboratories so that the studies are directly comparable. The details of the study design are described in:

Capel, P.D., McCarthy, K.A., and Barbash, J.E., 2008, National, Holistic, Watershed-Scale Approach to Understand the Sources, Transport, and Fate of Agricultural Chemicals: Journal of Environmental Quality, v. 37, no. 3, p. 983-993., Download Report (PDF, 1.5 MB)

The details for the field protocols, analytical methods and laboratories are described in:

Capel, P.D., McCarthy, K.A., and Barbash, J.E., 2008, National, Holistic, Watershed-Scale Approach to Understand the Sources, Transport, and Fate of Agricultural Chemicals: Supplemental Material Section: Journal of Environmental Quality, v. 37, no. 3., Download Report (PDF, 5.9 MB)


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Last modified:Wednesday, 22-Apr-2009 10:01:14 EDT
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