March 28, 2003 (The Editor’s Desk is updated each business day.)

Jobs with the most lost-time injuries

Truck drivers had the most injuries and illnesses with days away from work in 2001 of any occupation, as they have in each year since 1993.

Number of occupational injuries and illnesses involving time away from work for selected occupations, 2001 (thousands)
[Chart data—TXT]

Truck drivers experienced 129,100 work-related injuries and illnesses that required recuperation away from work beyond the day of the incident. Nursing aides and orderlies suffered the second highest number of occupational injuries and illnesses involving time away from work at 71,000, followed by nonconstruction laborers at 68,900 and construction laborers at 44,100.

These data are from the BLS Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities program. Additional information is available from "Lost-Worktime Injuries and Illnesses: Characteristics and Resulting Days Away From Work, 2001", news release USDL 03-138.