Diplomatic Affairs

full color Great Seal.The Diplomatic Affairs division, headed by the Assistant Chief of Protocol for Diplomatic Affairs, is responsible for all activities associated with the accreditation of ambassadors and other diplomatic and consular officers assigned to missions in Washington; overseeing the determination of eligibility of diplomatic and consular officers and employees with respect to privileges and immunities and issuance of the appropriate credentials; and handling problems arising in the Department's relations with Foreign diplomatic missions.

Diplomatic Affairs has primary responsibility within the Department for all activities associated with: 1) accreditation of ambassadors and charges; 2) accreditation of diplomatic and consular officers assigned to the foreign missions, the delegations to the Council of the Organization of American States, and other international organizations in the United States (including territories and possessions); and 3) registration of other employees of foreign governments and employees of public international organizations in the United States, its territories and possessions.

Publication cover: United States Department of State Diplomatic List.The division maintains the official records regarding the status of all diplomatic and consular officers of foreign governments accredited to or accepted by the United States, members of their staffs, and all others employees of public international organizations in the United States. Responsibilities of the division also include coordinating the publication of the Diplomatic List and the list of Foreign Consular Offices in the United States.

In addition, Diplomatic Affairs determines the eligibility of diplomatic, consular, and other foreign government officers and employees with respect to privileges and immunities. This division is the action office for disputes arising out of diplomatic and consular immunities.

In consultation and coordination with other Department bureaus, Diplomatic Affairs administers Department program policy and procedures regarding the immunities and liabilities of foreign representatives in the United States.

In coordination with the Office of Foreign Missions, the division provides advice and assistance to diplomatic missions regarding the establishment of new missions and consular posts, and to other Federal agencies, the Government of the District of Columbia, and State and local government authorities on matters of common concern.