Productivity Research and Program Development


The Division of Productivity Research and Program Development (DPRPD) works on strengthening and improving Bureau productivity measures and on understanding the sources and effects of productivity and technical change. The Division works on clarifying input and output concepts, using methods from microeconomic and macroeconomic theory, labor economics, industrial organization, econometrics, and statistics. Staff time is devoted partly to individual, long term research on theoretical and empirical topics and writing working papers and publications. The Division also works on projects jointly with the other productivity programs. For example, staff members worked with analysts from the Division of Major Sector Productivity to develop more timely measures of multifactor productivity and to determine the effect of labor composition and research and development (R&D) on productivity growth.

Current research includes:

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Division Chief

Jay Stewart (202) 691-7376 Labor economics; hours measurement; time use research
Research Economists
Michael Giandrea (202) 691-5628 Sources, effects, and measurement of technological change, retirement patterns among American workers
Peter Meyer (202) 691-5678 Sources and effects of technological change; occupational classification; economic history; history of technology; invention of the airplane and personal computers
Sabrina Pabilonia (202) 691-5614 Economics of technological change; self-employment; study of work-life balance; time use research; effects of child gender on parental time allocation; school to work transition; economics of education
Susan Powers (202) 691-5894 Productivity measurement; technical change; capital measurement; labor economics
Leo Sveikauskas (202) 691-5677 Research and development; technical change; productivity growth; urban and regional economics; international trade; competitiveness in international trade
Cindy Zoghi (202) 691-5680 Job design; workers use of technology; labor force skill and demographic composition; economics of higher education; high-involvement workplace practices

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