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Data from the 2006 International Piping Plover Census

This report presents the results of the 2006 International Census of Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus). Two sets of tabular data are reported: one for distribution and abundance of wintering Piping Plovers, the other for distribution and abundance of breeding Piping Plovers. The winter census resulted in the observation of 3,884 Piping Plovers More...

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Evaluating the Role of Wetlands to Endangered Salmonids at Toppenish and Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge

Threatened and endangered salmonids in the Pacific Northwest often use backwaters and wetlands as they migrate toward the ocean, however our understanding of the role of wetlands to juvenile salmonids is limited. The major Objective of this study was to determine whether juvenile steelhead were being tapped on the wetland during spring, and More...

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Quantitative Threats Analysis for the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris)

This report assesses and forecasts the status of the Florida manatee population over 50 to 150 years, and examines the relative roles that different threats play in determining the status of these marine mammals, in cooperation with scientists at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWC). More...

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Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles....An Imperiled Species

Following the Kemp's Ridley on their perilous trek from Padre Island National Seashore, TX, where they are establishing a secondary nesting colony, to the Gulf of Mexico, is tricky business. Satellite transmitters are attached to a select number of females returning to the sea after laying eggs, their movements tracked by receivers picking up the More...

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National Resources Monitoring Partnership (NRMP)

Natural resource managers face complex decisions that require a clear understanding of the status of wildlife populations and their habitats. Monitoring is key to making effective management decisions and evaluating the outcomes of those decisions. The goal of NRMP is to improve the accessibility of monitoring efforts to resource managers to aid More...

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National Resources Monitoring Partnership (NRMP) Newsletter

Natural Resource Monitoring Partnership (NRMP) is a collaborative effort by the natural resource management community to improve monitoring efforts in order to support effective evaluation and decision-making by sharing information on monitoring projects and protocols. The Natural Resource Monitoring Partnership was built for easy access to More...

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Molecular Population Genetic Structure in the Piping Plover

The Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) is a migratory shorebird currently listed as Endangered in Canada and the U.S. Great Lakes, and threatened throughout the remainder of its U.S. breeding and winter range. In this study, scientists undertook the first comprehensive molecular genetic-based investigation of Piping Plovers. The primary goals were More...

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American Fisheries Society Imperiled Freshwater and Diadromous Fishes of North America

This website provides access to the list of imperiled freshwater and diadromous fishes of North America as determined by the 2008 American Fisheries Society (AFS) Endangered Species Committee (ESC) on Fishes. At this website, one can view lists of imperiled fishes by freshwater ecoregion, by state or province boundary, and plot distributions of More...

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Post-release Behavior and Survival of Hatchery and Natural Juvenile Fall Chinook Salmon

Fall chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Snake River are currently listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Because fall chinook salmon migrate seaward during the summer when flows are low and water temperatures are high, their survival rate is lower. The goal of this study is to more clearly identify the More...

  • Image of scientist surgically implanting a radio tag.