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Aerial view of Matanuska River at mile 59, Glenn Hwy., near Sutton, AK.
Aerial view of Matanuska River at mile 59, Glenn Hwy., near Sutton, AK. Photo by J. Curran, USGS, August 14, 2007.

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Matanuska River Bank Erosion - Products and Publications

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Matanuska River Bank Erosion Project Overview Map Matanuska River Bank Erosion Project Study Area Map


Summary of project products for the Matanuska River, Alaska
Product Date(s) Coverage (upstream to downstream location) Scale Media Metadata Full Resolution Image Available From Example Thumbnail Image, near Palmer, Alaska
Orthophoto 1949 Entire Matanuska River Corridor
(See Overview Map)
2 ft pixels
Black & White Metadata USGS Thumbnail of 1949 Orthophoto of the Matanuska River Corridor
Orthophoto 1960, 1962 Entire Matanuska River Corridor
(See Overview Map)
1:24,000 (1960), 1:40,000 (1962)
2 ft pixels
Black & White Metadata USGS Thumbnail of 1960/62 Orthophoto of the Matanuska River Corridor
Orthophoto 1990 North of Palmer bridge to Mouth
(See Overview Map)
2 ft pixels
True Color Metadata USGS Thumbnail of 1990 Orthophotograph of the area north of Palmer Bridge to Mouth
Orthophoto 2006 Entire Matanuska River Corridor
(See Overview Map)
1 ft pixels
True Color Metadata USGS Thumbnail of 2006 Orthophoto of the Matanuska River Corridor
LIDAR 2006 South of Palmer
(See Overview Map)
N/A N/A Metadata USGS Thumbnail of 2006 LIDAR point cloud graphic representing the area south of Palmer, Alaska


Conaway, J.S., 2008, Bathymetric and hydraulic survey of the Matanuska River near Circle View Estates, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008–1359, 20 p.

U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
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Last modified: December 12 2008 09:21:10.

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