PART B: NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Exhibit 16. EXPORTS, IMPORTS AND BALANCE OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS January 2007 to February 2009 (In millions of dollars. Details may not equal totals due to rounding.) Period Balance Exports Imports 2007 Jan.- Dec. -52,649 274,160 326,809 Jan.- Feb. -8,343 40,479 48,823 January -4,430 20,937 25,367 February -3,913 19,542 23,455 March -3,035 24,308 27,343 April -4,569 20,649 25,219 May -2,922 22,437 25,358 June -3,360 24,270 27,631 July -4,950 22,171 27,121 August -4,650 23,247 27,897 September -5,140 22,932 28,072 October -6,578 25,188 31,766 November -6,377 23,647 30,024 December -2,724 24,832 27,556 2008 Jan.- Dec. -55,554 275,818 331,372 Jan.- Feb. -6,819 44,384 51,203 January -3,481 22,130 25,611 February -3,338 22,254 25,592 March -3,271 24,654 27,925 April -5,311 23,423 28,734 May -3,546 24,078 27,624 June -3,876 25,037 28,912 July -7,084 23,311 30,395 August -3,212 25,122 28,334 September -7,753 21,556 29,309 October -7,872 22,065 29,937 November -4,581 20,128 24,709 December -2,230 22,060 24,290 2009 Jan.- Feb. -3,420 37,655 41,075 January -1,967 18,729 20,696 February -1,452 18,927 20,379 March April May June July August September October November December NOTES: *Due to non-disclosure requirements, beginning with the January 2009 statistics, certain 10-digit Schedule B commodity classifications are subject to suppression and require a change in aggregation resulting in a break in series. As a result, Advanced Technology Product exports are overstated by $542 million in February 2009. For additional information see *Data not available on a Balance of Payments basis. For information on data sources, nonsampling errors and definitions, see the information section on page A-1 of this release, or at or SOURCE: Report FT900 (CB-09-54, BEA-09-13), Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division, February 2009. For more information, contact Nick Orsini (301-763-6959) or Maria Iseman (301-763-2311), Foreign Trade Division.