PART B: NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Exhibit 14A. EXPORTS, IMPORTS AND BALANCE OF GOODS BY SELECTED COUNTRIES AND GEOGRAPHIC AREAS (In millions of dollars. Detail may not equal totals due to rounding (-) Represents zero or less than one half unit of measurement shown. (X) Not applicable. (R) Revised. Note: This Exhibit is not additive. See footnotes.) Balance Item(1) February January Cumulative 2008 2008 to-date Total Balance of Payments Basis -61,714 -69,402 -131,117 Net Adjustments -2,564 -1,590 -4,154 Total Census Basis -59,151 -67,812 -126,963 North America -11,957 -10,999 -22,956 Canada -6,460 -5,857 -12,317 Mexico -5,497 -5,141 -10,638 Europe -6,799 -7,354 -14,153 European Union -6,869 -6,053 -12,922 Austria -848 -558 -1,405 Belgium 654 887 1,541 Czech Republic -109 -94 -202 Finland -126 -154 -279 France -1,358 -1,180 -2,539 Germany -3,416 -2,904 -6,320 Hungary -152 -183 -335 Ireland -1,920 -1,381 -3,301 Italy -1,616 -1,715 -3,331 Netherlands 2,057 1,731 3,788 Poland 433 -15 417 Spain 412 106 518 Sweden -690 -622 -1,312 United Kingdom 25 245 271 Other EU -215 -217 -432 Norway -216 -170 -387 Russia -914 -1,148 -2,063 Switzerland 796 125 920 Other Europe 405 -106 298 Euro Area -6,004 -5,119 -11,122 Pacific Rim Countries -25,628 -29,649 -55,278 Australia 1,200 632 1,833 China -18,355 -20,313 -38,667 Japan -6,877 -6,592 -13,469 Malaysia -1,414 -1,701 -3,115 Philippines -13 1 -12 Newly Industrialized Countri 645 -717 -72 Hong Kong 1,238 937 2,175 Korea -1,082 -1,185 -2,267 Singapore 1,140 481 1,621 Taiwan -651 -950 -1,601 Other Pacific Rim -815 -960 -1,775 South/Central America -1,546 -3,212 -4,757 Argentina 129 52 181 Brazil 167 15 183 Chile 70 -12 58 Colombia -61 -194 -255 Other S/C A -1,851 -3,073 -4,924 OPEC -13,232 -15,531 -28,763 Indonesia -708 -834 -1,542 Nigeria -2,884 -3,413 -6,297 Saudi Arabia -3,501 -3,391 -6,891 Venezuela -2,600 -3,420 -6,020 Other OPEC -3,539 -4,473 -8,012 Africa -5,962 -7,904 -13,866 Algeria -1,052 -1,688 -2,740 Egypt 376 262 638 South Africa -384 -169 -554 Other Africa -4,901 -6,310 -11,210 Other Countries -3,671 -4,379 -8,050 India -613 -1,228 -1,841 Thailand -1,156 -1,095 -2,250 Other -1,902 -2,056 -3,958 Unidentified Countries (2) 0 0 0 _________________ Exports Item(1) February January Cumulative 2008 2008 to-date Total Balance of Payments Basis 105,024 98,753 203,777 Net Adjustments -906 -796 -1,702 Total Census Basis 105,930 99,549 205,480 North America 33,413 32,295 65,709 Canada 21,193 20,417 41,610 Mexico 12,220 11,878 24,098 Europe 28,297 24,710 53,008 European Union 23,778 21,278 45,056 Austria 270 213 483 Belgium 2,388 2,229 4,617 Czech Republic 93 110 202 Finland 260 218 477 France 2,243 2,145 4,388 Germany 4,610 4,062 8,672 Hungary 117 98 215 Ireland 1,003 740 1,743 Italy 1,295 1,212 2,507 Netherlands 3,576 3,199 6,775 Poland 613 173 787 Spain 1,158 904 2,062 Sweden 389 348 737 United Kingdom 4,797 4,734 9,530 Other EU 966 895 1,862 Norway 235 373 608 Russia 748 558 1,306 Switzerland 2,170 1,385 3,555 Other Europe 1,366 1,116 2,482 Euro Area 17,316 15,389 32,705 Pacific Rim Countries 24,902 23,802 48,703 Australia 1,880 1,528 3,408 China 5,774 5,855 11,629 Japan 5,665 5,161 10,826 Malaysia 1,034 1,060 2,094 Philippines 674 747 1,421 Newly Industrialized Countri 9,202 8,711 17,913 Hong Kong 1,798 1,551 3,349 Korea 2,741 2,740 5,481 Singapore 2,526 2,154 4,680 Taiwan 2,137 2,266 4,404 Other Pacific Rim 674 739 1,412 South/Central America 10,294 9,872 20,165 Argentina 542 533 1,075 Brazil 2,219 2,304 4,522 Chile 940 747 1,687 Colombia 945 854 1,799 Other S/C A 5,647 5,434 11,081 OPEC 4,596 4,575 9,171 Indonesia 443 463 906 Nigeria 333 235 569 Saudi Arabia 815 829 1,644 Venezuela 875 768 1,642 Other OPEC 2,129 2,281 4,410 Africa 2,354 1,955 4,309 Algeria 141 75 216 Egypt 497 449 946 South Africa 495 526 1,022 Other Africa 1,220 904 2,125 Other Countries 4,321 4,091 8,412 India 1,505 1,078 2,584 Thailand 708 739 1,447 Other 2,108 2,274 4,381 Unidentified Countries (2) 0 0 0 _________________ Imports Item(1) February January Cumulative 2008 2008 to-date Total Balance of Payments Basis 166,739 168,155 334,894 Net Adjustments 1,657 794 2,451 Total Census Basis 165,081 167,362 332,443 North America 45,370 43,294 88,664 Canada 27,653 26,274 53,927 Mexico 17,717 17,020 34,737 Europe 35,097 32,064 67,161 European Union 30,647 27,332 57,979 Austria 1,117 771 1,888 Belgium 1,735 1,342 3,077 Czech Republic 201 203 405 Finland 385 372 757 France 3,601 3,326 6,927 Germany 8,026 6,966 14,992 Hungary 269 281 550 Ireland 2,923 2,121 5,044 Italy 2,911 2,927 5,838 Netherlands 1,519 1,468 2,987 Poland 181 188 369 Spain 746 798 1,544 Sweden 1,079 970 2,049 United Kingdom 4,771 4,488 9,260 Other EU 1,181 1,112 2,294 Norway 452 543 995 Russia 1,662 1,706 3,368 Switzerland 1,375 1,260 2,635 Other Europe 961 1,223 2,184 Euro Area 23,319 20,508 43,827 Pacific Rim Countries 50,530 53,451 103,981 Australia 679 896 1,575 China 24,129 26,168 50,296 Japan 12,542 11,753 24,295 Malaysia 2,448 2,761 5,209 Philippines 687 746 1,433 Newly Industrialized Countri 8,557 9,428 17,985 Hong Kong 560 614 1,174 Korea 3,823 3,925 7,748 Singapore 1,385 1,673 3,058 Taiwan 2,789 3,216 6,005 Other Pacific Rim 1,488 1,699 3,187 South/Central America 11,839 13,083 24,923 Argentina 413 481 894 Brazil 2,051 2,289 4,340 Chile 870 759 1,629 Colombia 1,007 1,048 2,054 Other S/C A 7,498 8,507 16,005 OPEC 17,828 20,106 37,934 Indonesia 1,151 1,297 2,449 Nigeria 3,217 3,648 6,865 Saudi Arabia 4,316 4,219 8,535 Venezuela 3,475 4,187 7,662 Other OPEC 5,668 6,754 12,422 Africa 8,316 9,859 18,175 Algeria 1,193 1,763 2,956 Egypt 121 187 308 South Africa 880 696 1,576 Other Africa 6,121 7,214 13,335 Other Countries 7,992 8,470 16,462 India 2,118 2,307 4,425 Thailand 1,864 1,833 3,697 Other 4,010 4,330 8,339 Unidentified Countries (2) 0 0 0 (1) Detailed data are presented on a Census basis. The information needed to convert to a BOP basis is not available. (2) The export totals reflect shipments of certain grains, oilseeds, and satellites that are not included in the country/area totals. NOTES: This exhibit is not additive; countries may be included in more than one area grouping. See page A-2 for a list of countries. Country grouping data reflect the groups as they were at the time of reporting. For information on data sources, nonsampling errors and definitions, see the information section on page A-1 of this release, or at or SOURCE: Report FT900 (CB-09-54, BEA-09-13), Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division, February 2009. For more information, contact Nick Orsini (301-763-6959) or Maria Iseman (301-763-2311), Foreign Trade Division.