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Whitman Mission National Historic Sitepainting of covered wagons, wagon after wagon seen off into the distance
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Whitman Mission National Historic Site
Books On-line

Whitman Mission National Historic Site by Erwin N. Thompson
National Park Service Historical Handbook Series No. 37, Washington, D.C.: 1964
This booklet describes the Whitmans' trip west, their time at the mission, and their untimely deaths.


Marcus and Narcissa Whitman and the Opening of Old Oregon by Clifford M. Drury
This book provides well documented, detailed information about the Whitmans, their early lives, the trip out, their time at Waiilatpu, their deaths, and the aftermath. Click on the title to get to the table of contents. Each chapter is available as a PDF file.

Map of Sequoia and Kings Canyon.  

Did You Know?
Sequoia & Kings Canyon Parks form the heart of the second-largest contiguous roadless area left in the lower 48 states. The southern Sierra is so rugged that few roads cross it; you must go north to Tioga Pass in Yosemite National Park or south to Walker Pass or Tehachapi Pass.

Last Updated: December 18, 2007 at 17:07 EST