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 Hill Press Event Video

Dr. Dorothy I. Height, one of this nation's greatest champions of social justice, joined U.S. Congressman Edolphus Towns (D-NY) February 27, 2008 in announcing their support for the Dorothy I. Height and Whitney M. Young, Jr. Social Work Reinvestment Act.


U.S. Senator Mikulski Reintroduces Social Work Reinvestment Act to Honor Dr. Dorothy I. Height (03/27/09)

Need for professional social workers critical - Arizona Capital Times (pdf)

Towns Bill Invests In Communities, Supports Social Workers: Rep. Towns to introduce Social Work Reinvestment Act

111th Congress Urged to Support Social Work Reinvestment Press Release (2/3/2009)

The Dorothy I. Height and Whitney M. Young, Jr. Social Work Reinvestment Act would establish a Social Work Reinvestment Commission to provide a comprehensive analysis of current trends within the academic and professional social work communities.

Transition Document to the Obama Administration (12/9/08)
Social Work Reinvestment: A National Agenda for the Profession of Social Work - pdf

110th Congress Archive: Statement of NASW Executive Director Dr. Elizabeth Clark in Support of "The Dorothy I. Height and Whitney M. Young, Jr. Social Work Reinvestment Act"


Social Work Reinvestment Initiative

The social work profession's ANSWER Coalition (Action Network for Social Work Education and Research) is coordinating efforts to recruit, retain and retrain social workers in order to enhance societal well-being. With the assistance of legislators, policymakers, employers and a host of other stakeholders, the initiative seeks to secure federal and state investments in professional social work.
National Association of Social Workers
750 First Street, NE - Suite 700 - Washington, DC 20002-4241
2009 National Association of Social Workers. All Rights Reserved.