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A story in the March News about U.S. Supreme Court case Camreta v. Greene incorrectly identified the plaintiff, Oregon Department of Human Services case worker Bob Camreta, as a social worker.


Bylaws Amendment

A proposed amendment to Article XII of the NASW Bylaws (Chapters) has been posted for a 90-day member comment period. The deadline for comments is Friday, May 6.

Visit the NASW Web site to review the amendment and post your comments.

For questions or comments, email or call 202-336-8216.


Sanctions in Force Online

NASW adjudicates certain allegations of violations of its Code of Ethics by members. For the current list of sanctions in force: Sanctions in Force

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Public article

From the President
Keeping Pace With an Aging U.S.
By James J. Kelly, Ph.D., ACSW, LCSW

Public article

Social Work’s African Outreach Yields Results
The ‘New Africa’: ‘There Is a Vision and Sense of Possibility That Is Inspirational’
“You are actually changing futures and I would like to see more social workers from America get involved.”
By Paul R. Pace, News Staff

Members-only article

Social Work Caucus Forms in Congress
Reinvestment Act Also Introduced on World Social Work Day
“This caucus is being created at a time of considerable change for our nation, and of critical importance for the profession.”
By Matthew Malamud, News Staff

Members-only article

Chapter Sways Shelter to Serve Transgender Youth
By Matthew Malamud, News Staff

Members-only article

Aid Sought for Japanese Colleagues

Members-only article

NASW Names National Award Recipients
By Matthew Malamud, News Staff

Members-only article

Health Law Is ‘Appropriate Exercise’ of Power
NASW, Indiana Chapter Warn U.S. Appeals Court of Eroding Title IX Protections
The question of whether Congress can regulate the insurance industry has long been settled.
By Matthew Malamud, News Staff

Members-only article

Workshop Highlights Patient Perspective in Care
‘It Is My Hope ... [NCCS] Can Continue to Give Cancer Survivors Information They Need’
“Far too often, the patient perspective isn’t considered.”
By Paul R. Pace, News Staff

Members-only article

NASW’s Hospice Advocacy Efforts Continue
Occupational Profile, Grief Program, Healthcare Decisions Day Among Agenda Items
NHPCO strongly encourages all Americans to think about their wishes for care at the end of life and engage in advance care planning.
By Paul R. Pace, News Staff

Members-only article

‘Nuts and Bolts’ of BSW Explored at Conference
“As a clinical person, I hope that we social workers can continue to focus on practice and policy.”
By Paul R. Pace, News Staff

Members-only article

Delegation Will Visit Brazil
By Matthew Malamud, News Staff

Members-only article

Briefing Focuses on Health Care Reform
The law creates programs for improving care “in which social work should be playing a key and vital role.”
By Matthew Malamud, News Staff

Members-only article

Site Memorializes Those Killed at Work
“Even if you are not a social worker, you can read the profiles and if you were moved by someone’s story, you can write a comment.”
By Paul R. Pace, News Staff

Members-only article

Video From Child Welfare Symposium Now Online
By Paul R. Pace, News Staff

Members-only article

Social Work in the Public Eye

Members-only article

Letters to the Editor

Members-only article

The Board Takes Action
January 2011


Editorial Board


Managing Editor:
Kristina Campbell

Senior Editor:
Paul R. Pace naswnews@naswdc.org

Writer and Production Assistant:
Matthew Malamud naswnews@naswdc.org

Jim Snyder

(703) 764-5949

NASW President:
James J. Kelly, Ph.D., ACSW, LCSW

Executive Director:
Elizabeth J. Clark, Ph.D., ACSW

Publisher, NASW Press:
Cheryl Bradley

Subscription Information

Member Address Changes: Member Records, (800) 742-4089, membership@naswdc.org

Nonmember Subscriptions/ Address Changes: NASW Press Distribution Center, (800) 227-3590, press@naswdc.org

Subscription Price: members, $17 (included in annual dues); nonmembers, $33 per year; single copy, $8.

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