May 6, 2009
  Welcome to NASW's Social Work Blog. On this site, you'll find a variety of topics and information related to the social work profession... and most importantly, users will be able to add comments from time to time related to those different issues. Any and all feedback is welcome, whether you're social worker, social work student, social work supporter, or your life has just been affected by social work.
from the helpstartshere blog

About Domestic Homicide and Murder-Suicide

Intimate partner violence is all too common throughout the world and takes many forms. The most serious of these is homicide by an intimate partner. The fear of being killed, in fact, is a major dynamic in male-on-female violence and sometimes in motivating women to kill the perpetrator of abuse out of fear or desperation.

In the U.S., estimates from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) are that more than three women a day are killed by their intimate partners. Women are killed by intimate partners more often than by another acquaintance of stranger...

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