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Clean Technology Conference & Expo 2009 

May 3 - 7, 2009
Houston, TX

Solar Energy Conference 

May 6 - 7, 2009
State College, PA

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TroughNet - Parabolic Trough Solar Power Network

Solar technologies use the sun's energy to provide heat, light, hot water, electricity, and even cooling, for homes, businesses, and industry. Learn more about solar energy technologies such as photovoltaic (solar cell) systems, concentrating solar systems, passive solar heating and daylighting, solar hot water, and solar process heat and space cooling.

NREL's Solar Energy Technologies Program performs research in two major solar energy technologies.

Photovoltaic Research

NREL's photovoltaic research work encompasses fundamental research in PV-related materials; the development of PV cells in several material systems; the characterization of PV cells, modules, and systems to improve performance and reliability; assisting industry with standardized tests and performance models for PV devices; and helping the PV industry accelerate manufacturing capacity and commercialization of various PV technologies.

Solar Thermal Research

Concentrating Solar Power — NREL plays a leadership role in analyzing cost and performance of solar systems, developing parabolic trough technology for solar electricity generation, and developing advanced technologies such as concentrating photovoltaics. Researchers support the development of new designs and manufacturing processes for solar components and systems with an emphasis on improved performance, reliability and service life.

Solar Heating — NREL is working with the solar industry to lower the cost of solar water heating systems. Laboratory researchers provide assistance with prototype development of new polymer (plastic) systems through modeling and optimization, characterization of the systems' performance, and accelerated materials durability testing.

Solar thermal research is performed in NREL's Electricity, Resources, and Building Systems Integration Center.

Solar Radiation Research

Optimal siting of renewable energy systems requires knowledge of the resource characteristics at any given location. NREL's solar radiation research and data collection is performed at the Solar Radiation Research Laboratory. This unique research facility continually measures solar radiation and other meteorological data and disseminates the information to government, industry, academia, and international laboratories and agencies. These data are used for climate change studies, atmospheric research, renewable energy conversion system testing, and more.

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NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC