Latest From Biotech Now

BIO Housing Inventory Going Fast


With roughly 80,000 bioscience jobs in more than 3,500 businesses across all bioscience sectors, it is no wonder the 2013 BIO International Convention is returning to Chicago, April 22- 25, 2013. With a large presence in all biotech sectors – agricultural feedstock and chemicals, drugs and pharma, medical devices and equipment, research, testing and medical laboratories and bioscience-related distribution, attendees will have the opportunity to meet with and visit premier R&D facilities, from national laboratories Read More >

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Data Exclusivity Protects Innovators and Assures Investors


Biotechnology companies must have some certainty that they can protect their investment in the development of new breakthrough therapies for a substantial period of time. This protection helps companies secure much-needed venture capital funding, which is the lifeblood of the industry. A failure to include substantial data exclusivity would undermine incentives to invest in biomedical innovation and thus would slow progress in the development of breakthrough therapies to improve the health and lives of patients Read More >

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Tips for Building Your Brand at the 2013 BIO International Convention


Anxious to get a head start on your Convention planning but don’t know where to begin? Join the BIO Convention team’s monthly webinar series. Open to all attendees, pavilion organizers, delegations and prospective attendees, the webinar gives direct access to the drivers of the event, BIO staff. Last week’s webinar, Branding at BIO, focused on what to expect for exhibitor booth partnering, cost and time saving tips when dealing with Chicago union labor and how to Read More >

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Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources: India Misses the Mark


India recently asked the global community for comments on its “Draft Guidelines for Processing of Patent Applications Relating to Traditional Knowledge and Biological Material.”  BIO was very active in their support of the goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity and “believes that a practical and workable Access and Benefit Sharing regime will benefit both the owner and the user of genetic resources and help countries to utilize their resources to develop their economies.”  BIO Read More >

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Research: Working Together Toward Cures

Jim 044

Modern biomedical innovation and the discovery of new cures and therapies for devastating diseases require robust collaboration and coordination among industry, research institutions and physicians. By bringing together the brightest minds in medical research, our nation’s research enterprise has successfully brought hundreds of new drugs, biologics, and vaccines to market in recent years and developed a wealth of clinical prescribing information. Ongoing research is advancing the fight against some of humanity’s worst scourges, such as Read More >

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