Report Title: Ground-water-quality assessment of the Central Oklahoma aquifer, Oklahoma: Hydrologic, water-quality, and quality-assurance data 1987-90

Report Number: OFR 92-641

Author: Dale M. Ferree, Scott Christenson, Alan H. Rea, and Benard A. Mesander


This report presents data collected from 202 wells between June 1987 and September 1990 as part of the Central Oklahoma aquifer pilot study of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program. The report describes the sampling networks, the sampling procedures, and the results of the ground-water quality and quality-assurance sample analyses. The data tables consist of information about the wells sampled and the results of the chemical analyses of ground water and quality-assurance sampling.

Chemical analyses of ground-water samples in four sampling networks are presented: A geochemical network, a low-density survey bedrock network, a low-density survey alluvium and terrace deposits network, and a targeted urban network. The analyses generally included physical properties, major ions, nutrients, trace substances, radionuclides, and organic constituents.

The chemical analyses of the ground-water samples are presented in five tables: (1) Physical properties and concentrations of major ions, nutrients, and trace substances; (2) concentrations of radionuclides and radioactivities; (3) carbon isotope ratios and delta values (d-values) of selected isotopes; (4) concentrations of organic constituents; and (5) organic constituents not reported in ground-water samples.

The quality of the ground water sampled varied substantially. The sum of constituents (dissolved solids) concentrations ranged from 71 to 5,610 milligrams per liter, with 38 percent of the wells sampled exceeding the Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level of 500 milligrams per liter established under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Values of pH ranged from 5.7 to 9.2 units with 20 percent of the wells outside the Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level of 6.5 to 8.5 units. Nitrite plus nitrate concentrations ranged from less than 0.1 to 85 milligrams per liter with 8 percent of the wells exceeding the proposed Maximum Contaminant Level of 10 milligrams per liter. Concentrations of trace substances were highly variable, ranging from below the reporting level to concentrations over the Maximum Contaminant Levels for several constituents (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, and selenium). Radionuclide activities also were highly variable. Gross alpha radioactivity ranged from 0.1 to 210 picocuries per liter as 230thorium. Of the wells sampled, 20 percent exceeded the proposed Maximum Contaminant Level of 15 picocuries per liter for gross alpha radioactivity. Organic constituents were detected in 39 percent of the 170 wells sampled for organic constituents; in most cases concentrations were at or near the laboratory minimum reporting levels. Ten of the wells sampled for organic constituents had one or more constituents (chlordane, dieldrin, heptachlor epoxide, trichloroethylene, 1,1-dichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane) at concentrations equal to or greater than the Maximum Contaminant Level or acceptable concentrations as suggested in the Environmental Protection Agency's Health Advisory Summaries.

Quality-assurance sampling included duplicate samples, repeated samples, blanks, spikes, and blind samples. These samples proved to be essential in evaluating the accuracy of the data, particularly in the case of volatile organic constituents.
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