Report Title: Hydrologic data: North Canadian River from Lake Overholser to Lake Eufaula, Central Oklahoma

Report Number: OFR 84-808

Author: John S. Havens


The data contained in this report were gathered during the period 1982 to 1984 for use in constructing a digital model of the North Canadian River from Lake Overholser, in the western part of Oklahoma City, to Lake Eufaula, in eastern Oklahoma. Locations of test holes and sampling sites are show in figure 1.

Information on well depths and water levels in table 1 was gathered in the summer of 1982. Some information in the table was reported by well owners.

Field water-quality data for water temperatures, specific conductance, and pH were measured at the time the wells were inventoried in 1982 and appear in table 2.

Forty-nine test holes were augered to provide more comprehensive lithologic and water-level data along the North Canadian River. Lithologic logs of these test holes appear in table 3. Thirty-eight of the test holes were completed as observations wells by placing perforated plastic casing in the holes. Water levels were measured in these observations wells from the time of completion in mid-1982 through mid-1984. Hydrographs of the observation wells are shown in figures 2 through 15. The data are presented graphically for clarity.

Hydrographs of water-level fluctuations in two wells equipped with continuous water-level recorders and hydrographs of stage fluctuations on the North Canadian River at nearby gaging stations are shown in figures 16 and 17.

Two sets of low-flow measurements for the North Canadian River showing gains and losses in flow between measuring sites in the reach from Lake Overholser to Lake Eufaula are given in table 4. Measurements of flow on tributary streams are also given in this table.

Analyses of water-quality samples collected at the time of the low-flow measurements are given in table 5.
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