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The Volunteer Internship Programs are not currently accepting
applications. Please check back in the future.

The FBI Academy is responsible for training current and future members of the law enforcement and intelligence communities. The FBI Academy trains all new FBI Special Agents and all FBI Intelligence Analysts. The Academy also provides advanced training for international, state and local law enforcement officers. In addition, the FBI Academy provides specialized training programs for rising FBI executives and FBI personnel being deployed overseas.

The Academy is located on the Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Virginia, about 35 miles south of Washington, D.C. The FBI Academy is known worldwide for its law enforcement and intelligence training programs. In order to remain on the cutting edge of technology, instruction, and operations, the FBI Academy continually seeks outstanding people to join the FBI Academy team. As part of those efforts, the FBI Academy sponsors numerous Internship Programs for undergraduate and graduate students. All of these programs are VOLUNTEER Internship Programs that brings students to work for 12 weeks at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia.

Although the FBI Academy sponsors 13 volunteer internship programs, candidates are only eligible to apply to one program of their choice. Please do not apply for more than one FBI Academy Volunteer Internship Program, as doing so will disqualify you as a candidate.

Because of the breadth of the FBI Academy Volunteer Internship Program, there are opportunities for students studying all of the following disciplines: Accounting; Adult Education; Behavioral Sciences; Communications; Computer Science; Criminal Justice; English; Hotel Management; International Business; International Relations; Library Science; Media and Television Studio Productions; Physical Education; Sociology; as well as other academic disciplines. Please review the specific details on each program to determine which one FBI Academy Volunteer Internship Program is the best fit for you.

For instructions on how to apply for one of the FBI Academy Volunteer Internship Programs, please review the sections below:

Required Qualifications

Because of the competitiveness of these programs, only individuals possessing strong academic credentials, outstanding character, and a high degree of motivation will be selected. In order to be considered, individuals must meet all of the following qualifications at the time that they apply:

  • Candidates must be attending a college or university that is accredited by one of the regional or national institutional associations recognized by the United States Secretary of Education
  • Undergraduate students must be in their junior or senior year, attending a college or university at least part-time
  • Graduate students must be enrolled in a college or university, attending at least part-time
  • All applicants must be returning to their respective schools for at least one semester immediately following the completion of the internship
  • Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale, and be in good standing with their academic institution
  • Candidates must have strong writing skills and analytical abilities
  • Candidates must be a minimum of 18 years old
  • Candidates must be citizens of the United States
  • Candidates must be willing and able to participate for a term of at least twelve weeks
  • Candidates must meet all FBI Employment Requirements, be able to pass an FBI Background Investigation, and receive a Top Secret Security Clearance

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How to Apply

Candidates interested in applying for one of the FBI Academy Volunteer Internship Programs must submit a complete application package by the dates provided in each specific program’s webpage. The application package must include all of the following:

  • FD-646c Preliminary Application (pdf)
  • Resume, outlining educational background, work experience, and awards/achievements
  • Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended (where you took three or more classes)
  • Two letters of recommendation (at least one from a faculty member)
  • An essay of no more than two pages indicating your background, interests, goals, and reasons for wanting to participate in the particular FBI Academy Internship Program
  • Copy of a college term paper, thesis or other substantial piece written solely by the applicant
  • One current passport-sized photograph (2x2 inches in size) with name and date printed on the back
  • A letter of faculty sponsorship from your college or university. This letter must come from a school official and must indicate their willingness to serve as your “sponsor.” The letter must also include the sponsor’s contact information (phone number, email address, mailing address). The sponsor can vary according to the practices of your school. The appropriate person might be a central internship coordinator, a dean or department head, a professor within the department who coordinates internships, or simply a professor who agrees to sponsor or guide the particular student in this internship. If the sponsor is also writing a letter of recommendation, the letters must be separate documents. The FBI requests that the sponsor inform the FBI of any changes in the status of the student (e.g., no longer a student) and advise the FBI of any paperwork or other requirements unique to the school. The sponsor should also generally be available for telephone conversations or email exchanges regarding questions about the student. For those students eventually selected for the program, an agreement will be signed by the FBI, the student, and the sponsor that sets forth the expectations for the program. This agreement is forwarded to the school as soon as the intern is selected

Instructions for where to mail the completed application package can be found on each specific program’s webpage. Please be aware that the FBI’s mail screening processes can delay the delivery to a specific office. It is strongly recommended that you use Federal Express or a similar express delivery service, particularly if you are sending the application within two weeks of the deadline.

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Selection Process

Candidates must submit their completed application package to the appropriate FBI Academy Internship point-of-contact by the dates indicated on each specific program's webpage. Based on the application packages, the most competitive candidates will be selected directly for the program or invited to interview. A selection committee will base their decisions upon life/work experience, academic achievement, and demonstrated and expressed skills. If you are selected for the program based solely on your application package you will receive a conditional offer letter to serve as a volunteer in the program. If you are invited to interview the meeting will be conducted at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. All travel expenses are to be borne by the student-intern. Interviews will be conducted about four (4) weeks after the application deadline. Every effort is made to give selectees two (2) weeks notice prior to the interview.

The selection committee will make the final determination among those candidates interviewed. Those students who are not selected will be notified by mail. Students who are selected will receive a conditional offer letter to serve as a volunteer in the program. The initial offer is conditional because candidates selected must undergo an extensive FBI Background Investigation and receive an FBI Top Secret Clearance in order to be eligible to participate in the program. The FBI Field Office nearest to the student's school will contact the student within about a month of the selection to arrange a preliminary processing appointment. Final official notification of acceptance into the program is contingent upon the successful completion of the background investigation.

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These are all VOLUNTEER Internship Programs. All expenses, transportation, housing/lodging, meals and incidentals are the sole responsibility of the student.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does the Internship selection process work?

There are four stages of the FBI Academy Internship hiring process:

i. Application Package – A complete application package must be submitted to the appropriate FBI Academy Internship point-of-contact by the deadline date.

ii. Initial Selection and Interviews – Based on the application packages, the most competitive candidates will be selected directly for the program or invited to interview. If you are selected for the program based solely on your application package you will receive a conditional offer letter to serve as a volunteer in the program. If you are invited to interview, the meeting will be conducted at the FBI Academy in Quantico, VA. Interviews will be conducted about four (4) weeks after the application deadline. Every effort is made to give selectees two (2) weeks notice prior to the interview.

iii. Background Investigation – The most competitive candidates will receive conditional job offers. Candidates who accept a conditional job offer will be asked to complete the required background investigation paperwork and will be scheduled for a security interview, pre-employment polygraph examination, urinalysis test, and fingerprinting at the FBI Field Office nearest to their college/university. FBI investigators will also contact former and current employers, references, social acquaintances, and neighbors, and review school, credit, arrest, medical, and military records. The length of your background investigation depends on a number of different variables, including how quickly and thoroughly you complete the background investigation documents; the extent of your foreign travel or time living abroad; and inconsistencies in the application and investigation process. Please see the Background Investigation portion of this site for more information on the FBI Background Investigation process.

iv. Enter on Duty - Upon successful completion of the background investigation, you will be contacted and assigned an enter-on-duty (EOD) date.

2. How long does it take to be hired as an Intern?

The length of the hiring process will depend upon the length of the background investigation. The FBI will commence with the background investigation as soon as selected candidates complete all of the necessary paperwork. In the past, most Internship candidates receive their security clearance within a month to two weeks of the arrival date.

3. May I apply for more than one FBI Internship Program at a time?

Yes. You are eligible to apply to multiple FBI Internship Programs. However, you are only eligible to apply to one of the FBI Academy’s 13 Internship Programs. Please do not apply for more than one FBI Academy Volunteer Internship Program, as doing so will disqualify you as a candidate.

If you are applying to more than one FBI Internship Program you must prepare separate packages and send them to the respective contact people. Include a statement in your applications that you are applying to multiple programs and indicate which program is your first choice, which is your second, etc. Internship Program Managers will coordinate any interviews to minimize travel or time needed. Again, please note: the FBI Academy Internship Program does not allow students to apply to more than one of the FBI Academy’s 13 Internship Programs.

4. I am a citizen of another country. May I apply?

No. All interns must be United States citizens. If you are a U.S. citizen and hold dual citizenship with another country, the FBI Security Division will have to review your file to make a determination if you are eligible for employment with the FBI.

5. I will be graduating soon. May I still apply for an internship?

All interns must still be students at the time of the internship. Your school is a partner in the internship program, so you need to be in the same school when you participate in the internship as when you apply. You do not need to be receiving academic credit for the internship (although some students do), nor do you need to be attending classes during the internship. You simply cannot have graduated and must still be considered a student by the school.

6. One of the required items in the application package is "a letter of faculty sponsorship from your college or university." What exactly do you mean?

The FBI views schools as partners in the Internship Programs. For those students eventually selected for the program, an agreement will be signed by the FBI, the student, and the sponsor that sets forth the expectations for the program. That agreement is sent to the school as soon as the intern is selected. The “sponsor” can vary according to the practices of your school. The appropriate person might be a central internship coordinator, a dean or department head, a professor within the department who coordinates internships, or simply a professor who agrees to sponsor or guide the particular student in this internship. The required "letter" from the sponsor may be a short letter in which the sponsor confirms his or her willingness to take that role and gives contact information (phone number, email, mailing address). If the sponsor is also writing a letter of recommendation, the letters must be separate documents.

The school may have specified duties required of the sponsor. The FBI asks that the sponsor inform the FBI of any changes in the status of the student (e.g., no longer a student) and advise the FBI of any paperwork or other requirements unique to the school. The sponsor should also generally be available for telephone or email contact regarding any questions about the student. Final evaluations of the student will also be sent to the sponsor.

7. Will I have to pass a polygraph?

Yes. Successful completion of a pre-employment polygraph is a necessary condition of employment for every FBI employee. The polygraph will deal with verifying information submitted on your application, drug and alcohol abuse, and national security matters. Please review the Background Investigation portion of this site for more information on the FBI Background Investigation process.

8. If I have taken illegal drugs in the past, can I still work for the FBI?

The FBI's illegal drug policy is both clear and explicit. No exceptions will be made to the policy, and your answers are subject to verification by urinalysis and pre-employment polygraph examination(s). Please review the FBI Employment Disqualifiers and the FBI Employment Drug Policy to ensure you are eligible to apply for employment with the FBI.

9. If I have traveled or lived abroad, will that hinder my receiving a security clearance?

No. Many of the positions at the FBI are internationally oriented, and experience living or traveling abroad is often viewed as a positive experience. However, there are cases where national security concerns may arise. Additionally, extensive foreign experience may delay the background investigation process if there is difficulty verifying information on the application.

10. My background investigation is taking a long time and the program begins soon. Should I assume that I have been disqualified?

No. You will be notified in writing if you have not been accepted. You may contact the FBI Academy Volunteer Internship Coordinator, Stacy Talley, at any time to ascertain your status. Mrs. Talley can be reached directly at 703-632-3086.

11. Does the FBI furnish housing?

No. The FBI does not pay for housing accommodations. However, we will assist the student with identifying affordable housing accommodations.

12. Can I have roommates who are not FBI employees?

Yes. All of your roommates, however, must undergo a security check. Upon your entering on duty, you and your roommates must complete a roommate background data form (FD-773).

13. Will I need a car?

Yes. It is strongly recommended you have a vehicle. The FBI Academy is not accessible through public transportation.

14. May I have a paying job while I participate in the internship?

Yes. Some interns acquire evening or weekend jobs. You will be asked to complete a form for approval of the employment to ensure that there are no conflicts of interest or other legal issues.

15. May I take any time off during the internship?

Interns will have all Federal holidays off. Reasonable accommodation will be afforded for needs such as job interviews or school business. As a guideline, interns may take "leave" similar to a new employee — approximately one day per month.

16. My school calendar does not match the dates of the internship. May I start on a different date?

Reasonable accommodations will be afforded.

17. May my internship supervisor from school make a site visit?

Yes. The FBI staff is eager to meet with school representatives and to provide whatever feedback is requested. Of course, school officials will not be allowed access to files or other sensitive materials.

18. Can I earn academic credit for my internship?

The student is responsible for negotiating with his or her school for any credits to be granted. Some interns in the past have earned academic credits. The FBI Academy staff is available to speak with school representatives about the activities within the internship program in order to assist those school officials in determining an appropriate number of credits to award.

19. How should I dress for work during the Summer Internship?

Appropriate attire for men includes business suits, sport jackets, and slacks, shirts, and ties. Appropriate attire for women includes business dresses, dress suits, pants suits, and professional blouses.

20. Will I be offered a full-time position with the FBI at the conclusion of my Internship?

Students are not guaranteed to receive a job offer for a full-time position. Students who do an outstanding job over the course of their internship, however, may receive a job offer to return to the FBI on a full-time basis once they graduate.

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