U.S. Government Funds Obligated in Fiscal Year 2008 for Anti-Trafficking in Persons Projects

Bureau of Trafficking in Persons
April 3, 2009


In FY 2008, the U.S. Government obligated approximately $76 million to 140 international anti-trafficking in persons (TIP) projects benefiting over 70 countries and approximately $23 million to 82 domestic anti-TIP projects. These projects work to ensure the survivors are protected, the traffickers are put in jail and human trafficking is prevented.

     (mark "x" when applies)      
FUNDING (i.e., who? USAID, DOS/GTIP, DOS/PRM, DOS/EUR, etc.)REGION (AF, WHA, EAP, NEA, SCA, EUR)COUNTRYRECIPIENTSUB-GRANTEE or CONTRACTEEPrevention - AwarenessProtection - ServicesProsecution - Law EnforcementResearch & Data CollectionEvaluationBRIEF PROJECT DESCRIPTIONAMOUNTYEAR(S) (expected length of project)FUNDING SOURCE (INCLE, ESF, DA, MRA, etc.)FISCAL YEAR of FUNDS FY XXXX
DOS/PRMAFAfrican UnionIOM XX   This new project was developed by the IOM/HQ/CT Unit in response to the needs and requests of African countries. The African Union (AU) has sought to lay a foundation for building sustainable migration capacity within the Regional Economic Communities (RECs). The Migration Policy Framework adopted in July 2006 states that comprehensive and balanced approaches to migration must be formulated. The AU also emphasized the need for greater capacity building in the area of migration management including trafficking in persons. This project responds to this request through a technical workshop that will address the key elements towards effectively combating trafficking in persons in the continent and will culminate in the AU-led launch of the “Stop Trafficking” campaign in collaboration with all the Communities. The outcome of the workshop led by the AU will be a set of concrete recommendations that will be incorporated into future plans at the level of the RECs. This project also complements the on-going efforts the Migration Dialogue for West Africa (MIDWA), the Migration Dialogue for Southern Africa (MIDSA), the Inter Governmental Authority on Development-Regional Consultative Process (IGAD), and the EU-Africa Dialogue on migration.$79,9311MRA - Supplemental2008
DOS/GTIPAFAngolaInternational Organization for Migration (IOM)  XX  IOM will train Angola’s police, immigration officials and prosecutors to better identify and support victims and prosecute traffickers through a series of introductory Counter-Trafficking workshops that have proven successful in encouraging national law enforcement responses in four other SADC countries.$290,0001.5ESF2007
USAIDAFDRC       Not yet obligated, it is likely to be used to partially fund a new RFA for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.$200,0002ESF2008
DOS/GTIPAFEthiopiaProject Concern Inernational XXX  Through this program, PCI will decrease trafficking in persons and improve protection and assistance of victims. To achieve this, it will 1) improve the delivery of victim protection and assistance services for both children and adults, and 2) increase prosecution of human trafficking perpetrators.$324,0002ESF2007
DOS/PRMAFGhanaIOM  X XXContinue on-going activities for assisted voluntary return and reintegration of trafficked Ghanaian children. IOM, in partnership with relevant Ghanaian Ministries, UNICEF, and NGOs will continue to identify and provide documentation to children who have been trafficked to Ghana to work in fisheries. This project assists the children, provides counseling, transportation, family reunification, as well activities to facilitate the reintegration of the returned children. Activities include also alternative support and income generation to fishermen and families, to help stop trafficking of children.$50,0001MRA2008
DOL/ILABAFGuineaWorld Education in association with Plan International (USA), Christian Children’s Fund, International Evaluation and Training Corporation. XX XXThe objective of the SELECT program is to prevent or withdraw children at-risk of being trafficked and/or children who have been trafficked, through providing direct services, including education or training opportunities. The project aims to provide innovative approaches to ensure that victims of child labor and trafficking gain access to vocational skills training opportunities. In addition, the project will implement other trafficking-related activities such as strengthening country capacity to combat child trafficking and exploitative child labor and promote education; strengthening the capacity of key stakeholders to undertake actions in support of the National Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons; developing a coordinated and integrated information sharing child trafficking monitoring system, raising awareness of child trafficking and exploitative child labor; and supporting research and data collection.$3,500,0003DOL FY08 Appropriations2008
DOS/GTIPAFGuineaWorld Education XX   World Education and its local partners will pilot education, awareness raising, and capacity strengthening approaches to promote application of existing laws to prevent human trafficking and protect and recover victims in two source, transit and/or destination prefectures: Forécariah and Kindia.$345,0001ESF2007
DOS/GTIPAFKenyaAmerican Center for International Labor Solidarity XX   ACILS will bring together key stakeholders in the agriculture sector, including unions, community organizations, employers, and government officials, to develop joint solutions to the problem of child trafficking in the sector.$301,1501ESF2007
DOL/ILABAFMadagascarPact XX XXThis project aims to prevent and withdraw 9,000 children from exploitive child labor, focusing on commercial sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, mining, quarrying, farming, and heavy load-carrying work in both urban and rural areas in 7 regions in Madagascar. The organization’s strategy focuses primarily on income generation support to parents and caregivers along with the provision of direct educational services to children. Services to direct beneficiaries include enrollment in formal and vocational education programs, and the provision of transportation, health care, counseling, nutrition and tutoring assistance. The project intends to prioritize providing services to children who were trafficked and provide such children with shelter and relocation assistance as necessary.$4,500,0004DOL FY08 Appropriations2008
DOS/GTIPAFMozambiqueRede CAME  X   Rede Came will increase the level of collaboration between government and civil society with regard to improving the legal environment for combating human trafficking, and disseminate information regarding the forthcoming anti-TIP law. Rede Came will train NGOs, judges, and magistrates on key issues of relevance to the specific audiences, and will also provide comprehensive services to victims through its established referral system.$300,0002ESF2007
USAIDAFNigeriaAmerican Bar Association XXXX Functional TIP Database, training of Judges and law enforcement personnel, simplified TIP law, support for shelter and business mentoring support for TIP victims$730,0002DA2007
DOS/GTIPAFRegionalHuman Rights Trust of Southern Africa XX   SAHRIT will conduct a situational analysis that will determine the extent of human trafficking in three countries in the sub-region (Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Mozambique) and the link between corruption and human trafficking, highlighting the extent to which corruption contributes to the process of human trafficking.$300,0002INCLE2007
DOS/PRMAFSADC RegionIOM XX XXContinuation of a regional program of prevention, capacity-building, and victims' assistance in the SADC region. This project also supports related activities of the Migration Dialogue for Southern Africa (MIDSA).$205,0001MRA - Supplemental2008
DOS/GTIPAFSierra LeoneWorld Hope International (FAAST)  XX  World Hope International, working as a partner in the Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAAST), proposes to utilize lessons learned and build on the foundation of existing work in Sierra Leone to: activate and solidify community anti-trafficking groups in all regions of Sierra Leone; network and train community anti-trafficking groups, service providers and local law enforcement to form practical and lasting referral mechanisms for cases and victims of TIP.$324,0002ESF2007
DOS/GTIPAFSouth AfricaMolo Songololo  XX  Molo Songololo will provide five training workshops to mid-level law enforcement officers in the Southern Cape, Eastern Cape, Cape Town, and the Western Cape. The purpose of the educational workshops is to enable officers to detect and effectively investigate a trafficking complaint, and inform them of relevant legislation that could be used to bring charges against alleged offenders.$36,00010 monthsINCLE2007
DOL/ILABAFSouthern Africa (Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa)ILO-IPEC XX XXA total of 8,400 children will be withdrawn/prevented from the worst forms of child labor, including commercial sexual exploitation, and will be provided with a mix of formal education, non-formal education, and skills training interventions. In South Africa, the project will monitor, and provide technical assistance for, the implementation of the Child Labor Program of Action adopted under the first phase of this project. Efforts will focus on strengthening the legislative framework and law enforcement, building on the efforts under TECL I to further mainstream national action, and enhancing the capacity of the education sector. Both Botswana and Namibia recently endorsed National Action Plans (NAPs) for the elimination of child labor. In both countries, the project will work with the governments to put the NAPs into action and will also seek to help mainstream policy and legislative action on child labor. The project will also facilitate the sharing of experience and best practices on a regional level.$4,750,0003.5DOL FY08 Appropriations2008
DOS/GTIPAFTanzaniaInternational Organization for Migration (IOM) XX   This project will enhance the ongoing prevention and protection efforts conducted by IOM in cooperation with the Government of Tanzania by offering an alternative to trafficking for vulnerable children in Arusha and Kilimanjaro provinces and offering a safe haven for victims identified in the region.$87,2251ESF2007
DOS/PRMAFTanzaniaIOM XX XXContinuation of a project initiated as part of the President's anti-trafficking initiative. The project combines assistance to victims of trafficking, awareness-raising in affected communities, and technical cooperation with concerned governmental entities and NGOs. Included in this project are activities to build the capacity of the communities of origin of the returned victims to combat trafficking and to assist returned victims, including those who may be affected by transmittable diseases. The project will assist victims of trafficking to rehabilitate and reintegrate, as well as find sustainable income to help avoid re-trafficking.$110,0001MRA2008
DOL/ILABAFUgandaILO-IPEC XX XXThe project will support the development of the Government of Uganda’s (GOU) National Plan of Action for the Elimination of Child Labor. The project proposes to provide a mix of formal education, non-formal education, and skills training interventions to child beneficiaries engaged in or at-risk of exploitive child labor. In addition to the provision of education services for children, the application proposes to provide income-generating activities to 1,200 families; strengthen the capacity of key stakeholders; conduct child labor research, and implement awareness-raising campaigns. The project will also strengthen institutional and policy framework on child labor in Uganda, including supporting the GOU in developing its list of hazardous work activities for children and developing an anti-trafficking law which will include provisions on child trafficking. ILO-IPEC proposes to withdraw 2,370 children and prevent 5,780 children from exploitive labor in agriculture, commercial sexual exploitation, fishing, domestic labor, construction, mining and quarrying, and the urban informal sector. In identifying child beneficiaries, the project will include children who are victims of trafficking as a target group. Of the project’s 8,150 child beneficiaries, approximately 200 of them will be victims of trafficking, and another 480 of them will be at-risk of trafficking.$4,791,0003.5DOL FY08 Appropriations2008
USAIDAFUgandaIRC, UNICEF XX   Funds used to help develop anti-trafficking legislation, develop awareness on domestic trafficking and support return of LRA excombatants through a grant to IOM.$500,0002DA2007
DOS/PRMAFUganda/DRCIOM XX XXContinuation of a project to assist and support the safe return to the DRC from Uganda, and the sustainable reintegration of Congolese victims of trafficking, while building opportunities for longer-term cross-border cooperation between DRC and Uganda. Congolese trafficking victims are informed of their options, including assisted return to the DRC, applying for refugee status and protection with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), or seeking redress for gross human rights violations where the perpetrators would be prosecuted. Since September 2007, IOM assisted 47 women and 62 children under this program, including travel documentation and birth certificates for children born in Uganda to allow travel back to the DRC. The project also works with the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Uganda to establish a more coordinated and uniform approach to addressing the trafficking in persons phenomena in Uganda.$159,6311MRA - Supplemental2008
DOS/PRMAFWest AfricaIOM XX  XContinuation of a program to support the governments of Burkina Faso, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, and Senegal in their efforts to combat trafficking in children in West Africa, to protect victims, and to offer return and reintegration assistance to trafficked children. Since October 2007, the project assisted 116 trafficking victims mostly boys trafficked for begging by Islamic leaders. The project includes strengthening of a referral system and shelter protection through NGOs and civil society, family tracing and return assistance to the country/community of origin, as well as tailored reintegration assistance for returned victims to help prevent re-trafficking (such as support to attend school, or apprenticeship).$310,0001MRA2008
DOS/GTIPAFZimbabweGirl Child Network XX   GCN will implement programs that include: capacity building of girls’ club presidents and their coordinators; training of media personnel on sensitive reporting of trafficking issues; awareness raising campaigns with traditional leaders; rehabilitation and support for girls removed from human trafficking situations, and the production and distribution of material on human trafficking for the general public.$152,0001ESF2007
DOS/GTIPEAPBurmaSave the Children XX   Develop and promote child protection systems which prevent the trafficking and exploitation of migrant and vulnerable children. The second and third years of funding will expand these programs from the Mon, Karen, and Northern Shan States into three townships in the Mandalay Division. This will be years two and three of this project—G/TIP funded year one with FY06 money.$248,4002ESF2007
DOL/ILABEAPCambodiaILO-IPEC XX  XThe project proposes to provide a mix of formal education, non-formal education, and skills training interventions to 11,000 child beneficiaries in or at-risk of exploitive child labor. In addition to the provision of education services, the project will build awareness of child labor issues among all stakeholders, support the development of the relevant institutional and policy framework, strengthen the capacity of key stakeholders, and conduct child labor research. ILO-IPEC proposes to withdraw 7,200 children and prevent 4,800 children from exploitive labor in the sectors of brick-making, pottering, salt production, fishing, and urban child labor. Within its overall target of direct beneficiaries, the project proposes to target 100 children under the prevention of trafficking.$4,310,0004DOL FY08 Appropriations2008
DOS/GTIPEAPCambodiaM'Lop Tapang  X   Strengthen and expand M’Lop’s child protection program, aimed at protecting children from sexual abuse and trafficking, through the creation of a Child Safe environment in Sihanoukville and through education for children, families, and communities.$70,0002ESF2007
DOS/GTIPEAPCambodiaThe Asia Foundation (TAF)  XX  Increase transparency and awareness of trafficking and efforts to combat it, especially with labor TIP. The project will provide legal assistance and protection to victims. It will work to enhance the capacity of law enforcement to combat TIP and protect victims by training police for coordination among law enforcement groups.$200,0001.5ESF2007
USAIDEAPCambodiaThe Asia Foundation XXXX Support to the RGC for the National Task Force, High Level Working Group and select Provincial Task Forces on TIP, of which coordination among all TIP actors is a key component (including data collection), and targeted interventions in the areas of Prevention, Protection and Prosecution$1,172,9683 (FY 2007 thru FY 2009)FY 2008 DA = $140,000 and ESF $ 1,032,9682008
DOS/GTIPEAPIndonesiaInternational Organization for Migration (IOM)  XX  IOM will work with criminal justice personnel on implementation of the anti-trafficking law and will strengthen Indonesia’s efforts to fight TIP by increasing the capacity of the criminal justice system to both protect victims and to increase the number of convictions of human traffickers.$300,0001INCLE2007
DOS/GTIPEAPIndonesiaMTV XX   MTV Europe Foundation intends to disseminate information to at-risk populations on how to protect themselves, prevent TIP, raise awareness of the impact of TIP in rural communities, and discuss responsibilities of citizens to support protection of victims and prosecution of TIP offenders. MTV Europe proposes to achieve this by developing multimedia for a series of events that will be personalized to each community.$210,0002ESF2007
DOS/PRMEAPIndonesiaIOM XX XXContinued support for activities initiated under POTUS initiative to provide protection, international and internal return transportation, medical and psycho-social care and reintegration assistance to TIP victims; capacity-building for Indonesian service-providers, including government services. IOM developed an extensive network of assistance for TIP victims in Indonesia through partnerships with government. It successfully partnered with police hospitals to provide special wings for trafficking victims in need of medical assistance. Since the beginning of the project in March 2005, IOM assisted over 2,000 victims, far exceeding its target number of beneficiaries for this project. In addition, IOM identified several hundred victims deported by Malaysia at the land border with Indonesia.$165,0001MRA2008
USAIDEAPIndonesiaACILS/ICMC XX   Assistance to the GOI at national and selected local levels to develop and implement policies and procedures to fight trafficking.$455,0003ESF2007
DOS/GTIPEAPLaosUnited Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC)   X  Strengthen the capacity of criminal justice institutions, including judiciary and law enforcement bodies; enhance Lao criminal justice mechanisms and law enforcement. The project will propose amendments to Lao criminal law provisions and will train criminal justice practitioners and law enforcement officials. This is an extension of current funding from Canada, Norway, Sweden; the project started in October 2006.$187,5001ESF2007
DOS/PRMEAPMekong Region (may include:Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, China/Sunnan Province)IOM  X XXContinuation of a project to facilitate return and reintegration assistance for victims trafficked between countries of the Mekong region (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Burma, and the Yunnan province in China.) With this program, children identified in detention centers are taken to Thai government-run orphanages while awaiting repatriation. This project supports return and reintegration activities, and IOM’s work with countries in the region to institutionalize procedures on returns of TIP victims.$300,0001MRA - Supplemental2008
DOS/PRMEAPMongoliaIOM XX XXThis project continues to support capacity-building activities for government and civil society to provide protection, return, and reintegration assistance for Mongolian and international TIP victims. Activities include meetings with government representatives, training sessions for key government and NGO players in victims’ identification and assistance, as well as information dissemination through Consulates (including one-day sessions in Macau and Erlin). IOM activities are carried out in cooperation with The Asia Foundation. In the span of 13 months, IOM and its partners have already identified and assisted an additional 153 male and female victims of trafficking. Government and nongovernmental stakeholders have worked together to identify, repatriate and assist the victims identified thus far. A reintegration package of assistance has been designed for the long term reintegration of the victims in Mongolia in order to help them achieve an independent and self-directed future without the risk of being re-trafficked. This project has benefited from strong support and engagement on the part of the Mongolian government.$150,0001MRA - Supplemental2008
DOS/ECAEAPPhilippinesMs. Amy AvellanoIIE-Humphrey ProgramXXX  Development of a manual on conducting forensic video interviews of trafficked victims to preserve their testimony and facilitate prosecution of cases.$69,0001ECA Base2008
DOS/GTIPEAPPhilippinesInternational Justice Mission  XX  Build capacity of local law enforcement by working on case development and prosecutions of TIP cases in Metro Manila. The project will work to utilize evidentiary materials gathered to assist local authorities in initiating arrests and prosecutions of traffickers while closing establishments engaged in trafficking.$540,0002ESF2007
DOS/GTIPEAPPhilippinesVisayan Forum Foundation, Inc XX   This project will build on the foundation of its established advocacy program and shelters. The project will support the operation of the shelters built by the Philippine Ports Authority in the ports of Manila, Davao, and Batangas which provide services to 1,500 victims and potential victims of trafficking. The project will strengthen anti-trafficking task forces composed of law enforcement, shipping companies, and other stakeholders through capacity building, and monitoring entry and exit points.$300,0002ESF2007
USAIDEAPPhilippinesVisayan Forum XX   Assistance to support the operations of halfway houses for TIP victims in ports located in Mindanao, build capacity of anti-Tip taskforces at the ports, and conduct expanded advocacy campaign against trafficking.$300,0003DA2008
DOS/GTIPEAPRegionalHarvard University School of Public Health    X This research project will build on research that was completed in India this year. It will collect and analyze health-related data from major source and destination areas within Cambodia and Thailand to build the base of empirical public health knowledge concerning sex trafficking health outcomes and primary prevention in Southeast Asia. This information will be used to improve service provision and direct assistance of trafficking victims and promote the importance of early intervention by law enforcement officials.$165,0002ESF2007
DOS/GTIPEAPRegionalInternational Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC),  X   Protection of and assistance to Indonesian women and girls trafficked to Sabah in Eastern Malaysia for commercial sexual exploitation. Provide survivors with recovery, return, and reintegration services—temporary shelter, counseling, and life skills. Facilitate and strengthen cross-border cooperation between Malaysians and Indonesians.$205,0001ESF2007
DOS/GTIPEAPRegionalInternational Organization for Migration (IOM)   X  Strengthen policy development against trafficking through research on TIP among men in the fishing industry and other high-risk employment sectors. The project will also develop the capacity of government officials to address trafficking of men and strengthen interagency cooperation in these countries.$200,0002ESF2007
DOS/GTIPEAPRegionalUnited Nations Inter-Agency Project - UNIAP   X  This funding will contribute to a larger UN project of which this is Phase III. The key objective is the direct and measurable impact of governments, UN agencies, and NGOs to utilize the coordinated mechanisms of the Coordinated Mekong Ministerial Initiative Against Trafficking (COMMIT) MOU. Phase III will focus on the development of a data collection and distribution system to encourage prosecutions of traffickers in the Mekong sub-region. With G/TIP’s share of the funding, UNIAP will financially and technically support 3-4 NGOs who provide services to underserved populations in the Mekong sub-region.$245,0002ESF2007
DOS/PRMEAPS.KoreaIOM  X XXUnder this project IOM/Seoul will continue to compile information on the nature and scope of trafficking amongst North Koreans before they were resettled to safety. The results will help us better understand the vulnerabilities of North Koreans on their journey to South Korea and other safe havens. Results may also prove helpful to service providers to identify trafficking victims amongst the defectors and to help provide targeted interventions to address the specific needs of survivors of trafficking, thus helping them integrate into society most effectively.$200,0001MRA - Supplemental2008
DOS/GTIPEAPThailandAFESIP Thailand  X   Develop mechanisms to protect women and girls from sexual exploitation and trafficking in previously neglected areas of Thailand. The project will map trafficking routes, develop anti-trafficking networks in cross-border region, initiate awareness campaigns, protect victims, and work to develop job opportunities for the survivors.$227,5002ESF2007
DOS/GTIPEAPThailandLabor Rights Protection Network XXX  Build anti-trafficking networks, raise TIP awareness, and provide legal assistance to migrant workers in the seafood and shrimp processing sectors of Samut Sakhon region. Promote criminal prosecution of suspected labor traffickers through a network of watchdog volunteers and case referrals to protect the victims, typically Burmese.$200,0001ESF2007
DOS/GTIPEAPTimor-LesteIOM - Alola Foundation  XX  The second, and final, grant to IOM/Alola Foundation to increase capacity of law enforcement—training of police, legal sector, and government agencies to recognize trafficking and respect the rights of the victims. The project will train federal government’s fledgling consular services to recognize potential trafficking victims and to understand the instruments available for recourse in both the framework of national legislation and international law.$215,0000.5INCLE2007
DOS/PRMEAPVietnamIOM XX XXThis funding supports ongoing activities, including awareness-raising through the Vietnamese Women's Unions, and on-the-job training for women at high risk of being trafficked, and returning victims. Victims of trafficking are interspersed with other participants to avoiding stigmatization. The project also includes the translation and delivery of all four new PRM-funded anti-trafficking training modules, to build capacity of government and NGOs. In the coming year, IOM will also undertake activities to address the problem of the trafficking of Vietnamese brides, and raise awareness on the TIP issue along the Northern border.$90,0001MRA2008
USAIDEURAlbaniaTerre des Hommes XX X The project works to reduce child trafficking through prevention (including income generation opportunities for families at risk), protection, assisted voluntary return, reintegration, coordination and ongoing monitoring of cases.$396,9896SEED2008
USAIDEURAlbaniaCreative Associates XX X Awards and manages sub grants to local actors to carry out prevention and reintegration activities. Funds all four NGO shelters for returned victims. Facilitates capacity-building/coordination of NGO and government actors.$765,9876SEED$580,000 FY07, $16,408 FY08, $169,579 recoveries
DOS/GTIPEURAzerbaijanAzerbaijan Lawyers Forum X X  ALF will provide legal assistance to victims and will provide training for investigators, judges, and lawyers. The project will also train employees of the Ministry of Transportation, airlines, railways, ports, bus terminals, and taxi parks in victim identification. Experienced NGOs will be involved as trainers.$83,0001INCLE2007
USAIDEURBelarusIOMRed Cross and local NGOsXX   Direct support to victim assistance and prevention work of NGOs, faith based organizations and other local groups; local NGO capacity development to provide protection and prevention services; public information campaigns on the risks of trafficking.$406,2913FSA2008
DOS/INLEURBosniaDOJ/ICITAP XXX  The BiH Border Police Advisor will serve as the ongoing advisor to the Border Police (BP) on immigration and cross-border enforcement issues and emphasize changes to cross-border investigations training and the development of international task force strategies. The Border Police Advisor will assist with capacity building within the Foreigner Affairs Service (FAS), which is responsible for reviewing the status of immigrants, many of whom were freedom fighters illegally issued citizenship at the end of the war, as well as tracking and processing deportation papers for illegal immigrants. The Border Police will have written policies and procedures; operational internal control units; and will be able to conduct investigations of cross-border crimes on trafficking in people. The Anti-Trafficking Strike Force will be capable of conducting covert surveillance of establishments suspected of trafficking in persons.$198,5331SEED (from EUR/ACE)2008
USAIDEURBosnia and HerzegovinaCRS XX   Expanding of trafficking education to secondary school system, improving reintegration programs to national victims by training social workers, improving of implementation of the Bosnian Action Plan for anti-trafficking.$850,0003SEED2007
DOS/INLEURKosovoDOJ/ICITAP XXX  Work with the KPS’s Trafficking and Prostitution Investigations Unit (TPIU) to increase its capacity to investigate Trafficking in Persons cases, and assist and protect victims. Identify officers to work with prosecutors on specialized TIP task force. Work with the Kosovo Police Service to establish procedures for investigating TIP cases. Work with NGOs to assist and protect TIP victims. Train relevant law enforcement and judicial officials on TIP. Work with KPS to strengthen its relationship with international and regional law enforcement bodies.$229,5051SEED (from EUR/ACE)2008
DOS/PPDEURKosovoCenter to Protect Victims and Prevent Trafficking in Human Beings (PVPT) X    Based on research in the municipality of Mitrovica the NGO found out that it is very important to raise awareness through trainings for the economically vulnerable population in this municipality as they have a poorer understanding of the trafficking problem, while the trafficking and prostitution industry is very high. Therefore for a six month project, PVPT plans to target 600 youth/school students and accomplish two objectives: raise awareness of up to 600 youth participating in the project on human trafficking and human rights and facilitate cooperation between youth and police participating in the project on combating trafficking.$23,5390.5SEED (from EUR/ACE)2008
USAIDEURKosovoCatholic Relief Service(Local NGOs) Protect Victims Prevent Trafficking (PVPT), Kosovo Law Center (KLC), KOPFXX X Research and public information to better enable partners to reach out to communities; monitoring and advocating for implementation of Kosovo Plan of Action to fight trafficking, assist core NGOs in providing improved victim assistance services.$188,8042SEED2007
DOS/PPDEURMacedoniaCenter for Democratic Development X    The Center for Democratic Development together with the Human Rights Center intends to hold a conference called "Legal Aspects of Trafficking in Human Beings." Having in mind the successful publication of the anthology of new research articles on the same topic by the Faculty of Law - SEEU, both Centers would like to bring together a number of international and regional experts to discuss and debate this topic and promote awareness of it. This conference will encompass all the relevant legal aspects of the issue of trafficking in human beings and will propose strategies to fight this phenomenon more successfully.$6,7322SEED (from EUR/ACE)2008
USAIDEURMoldovaWinrock International, UNDP XX   A comprehensives set of activities focused on the economic roots of trafficking and improving access for women and young girls to employment within Moldova. Better Opportunities for Youth and Women in Moldova Project.$645,240N/AFSA2007
USAIDEURRegionalICMPD  XX  Support establishment of comprehensive, effective and institutionalized transnational victim referral network in South East Europe.$715,0002SEED/FSASEED ($655,000 FY08, $30,000 FY07), FSA ($30,000 2001 recoveries)
DOS/ECAEURRussiaMr. Arthur ShakirovIIE-Humphrey Program XX  Working as a commissioner of human rights, he will research effective law enforcement and prosecution of perpetrators of human trafficking, as well as support services.$69,0001ECA Base2008
DOS/GTIPEURRussiaFatima  XX  Develop victim identification and advocacy procedures in the Tartarstan region. Educate police, migration service officers, prosecutors, and private attorneys; train medical and social service personnel and student volunteers how to work with and assist TIP victims. Develop an assistance center, including a hotline, and a shelter for victims.$225,0002ESF2007
DOS/GTIPEURRussiaWinrock International XX   Implement a regional plan for prevention and protection in the Russia Far East. Work with local governments to develop regional plans of action; train law enforcement, government officials, and service providers on the use of referral systems and effective victim-sensitive responses.$324,0002ESF2007
DOS/INLEURRussiaFunds will be obligated through an Interagency Agreement (IAA) with DOJ, which in turn will execute a grant to ABA.ABA/Rule of Law Initiative (ROLI) Criminal Law ProgramXXXX FY 2008 funds will be used to continue the ABA Criminal Law Reform Program in close coordination with related programs implemented by INL Moscow through its Resident Legal Advisory program, the Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Centers, and the International Organization for Migration. FY 2008 funds will be used for the following activities: 1) Continue to provide comprehensive TIP training to the regional bureaus of the MVD to complement assistance form other organizations involved in anti-trafficking activities in Russia, and to ensure that training is disseminated as widely as possible. A significant portion of the ABA program is designed to assist the police in identifying and screening human trafficking victims and encouraging close cooperation with NGOs; and (2) Expand and update the ABA’s practical manual on investigation of TIP-related cases. ABA will assemble an international, multi-disciplinary working group (police, Embassy, USAID, IOM, and ABA) to edit and revise the present human trafficking manual for use by the police in Russia, expanding the sections dealing with identifying and screening trafficking victims, interviewing trafficking victims, and protecting and sheltering human trafficking victims. Working closely with the MVD, ABA will develop a DVD for inclusion at the end of the book that will include filmed lectures and demonstrations, including samples of interviews with trafficking victims.$280,0001FSA (from EUR/ACE)2008
DOS/PPDEURRussiaTraining Center "Effective Management and Development" X X  The project will conduct trainings on trafficking prevention for students of law departments and lawyers of law companies. Those trainings will allow invitation of 20 volunteers willing to continue working against trafficking. Training seminars for the volunteers will provide basic trafficking prevention information and another seminar will teach about grant writing, communication skills, project management, and personal goals development. Trained volunteers will run another session of trainings for students and lawyers with the supervision of project experts. The volunteers will have 2 meetings on best practices exchange together with project experts. In addition, the project will organize 2 round table discussions with representatives of passport-visa services, law enforcement bodies, city administration, educational institutions, law companies, NGO and mass media to discuss issues of trafficking prevention in the region. The project will publish a lot of informational materials and will disseminate it at passport-visa bureaus and other public places. It will organize information stands at passport-visa bureaus and will publish booklets on trafficking prevention for lawyers and students of law departments.$22,7241FSA (from EUR/ACE)2008
DOS/GTIPEURUkraineWomen's Perspectives XX   This project will improve the ability of local government and law enforcement to identify victims in rural areas of Lviv Oblast. The Grantee will develop and distribute materials and publications to local police and village mayors. The Grantee will also conduct training programs in three to five villages for local government with law enforcement representation.$250,0002INCLE2007
DOS/INLEURUkraineIOM-ABA   XXXBy building upon and complementing past and present activities in Ukraine to counteract trafficking in human beings, this comprehensive project intends primarily to address the steps needed to strengthen Ukraine’s ability to effectively prosecute cases of trafficking in human beings. Through the activities below, ABA Rule of Law Initiative - Ukraine (hereinafter ABA-Ukraine) and the International Organization for Migration (hereinafter IOM) will jointly work to strengthen the capacity of the criminal justice chain to effectively identify current gaps in the prosecution of human trafficking cases in Ukrainian courts. The project aims to assess the whole range of factors affecting the prosecution of human trafficking-related cases, preparing and supporting evidence for prosecution of those cases in the court, and monitoring court practices in regards to such cases to identify the shortcomings in the process and what remedial steps must be taken to address them. The scope of the analysis will cover issues from the institutional framework; internal regulations and practices of the General Prosecutors Office; witness protection mechanisms; and court practices by prosecutors in human trafficking cases. As a result, the project aims to develop an overall assessment of the situation by identifying gaps, impediments and weak links, which will be supported by recommendations on necessary changes.$309,5161INCLE (from G/TIP)2008
DOS/INLEURUkraineIOM   X  Strengthening the Capacity of the SBGS to Combat Trafficking in Persons - The project will strengthen transparent screening procedures as the piloted border crossings, it develop a standard training system for identifying potential VoTs, and it help streamline mechanisms for information exchange between the SBGS and MOI on the interdiction and ensuing investigations.$200,0001FSA (from EUR/ACE)2008
DOS/INLEURUkraineIOM  X   Enhancing Victim/Witness Protection in Criminal Cases Related to TIP - This project foresees the installation of the requisite facilities in the selected oblasts to ensure the protection of TIP victims, and to facilitate the cooperation of witnesses, including accused who agree to turn state evidence. The installations will include interviewing rooms within CT Units for the pre-trail phases of the investigation, as well as video-link testimony networks for the courtrooms. The facilities will installations will be modeled on the structure developed in the successful courtroom pilot in Ivano-Frankivsk.$200,0002FSA (from EUR/ACE)2008
DOS/PPDEURUkraineNGO "Suchasnyk" Chernivtsi XX   The organization proposes to improve the system of identification and rehabilitation of victims by realizing a training program for personnel of state structures that may encounter in their work the victims of trafficking. Suchasnyk will organize 12 seminars in Chernivtsi region for the border guards, local district militia inspectors, hospital personnel, and staff of the state passport agencies, employment centers, and social services providers. About 480 training participants will learn how to identify a victim of trafficking and to provide him/her assistance with rehabilitation and reintegration.$41,6001FSA (from EUR/ACE)2008
DOS/PPDEURUkrainePodilskiy Center "Gender Council" XXX  The "Gender Council" proposes to raise the professional level of militia officers, prosecutors, judges and students of the Academy of Internal Affairs on identification and protection of victims of human trafficking in Khmelnitsky oblast. The NGO will conduct a series of multi-disciplinary seminars in 17 towns and districts of Khmelnitsky oblast for the officers of law enforcement agencies who work in the area of trafficking prevention. The organization will publish a manual with information on victim identification, rehabilitation and reintegration and at the end of the project, the NGO will conduct a roundtable to discuss project results and to work out a strategy of cooperation of NGOs, law enforcement and media with a goal of combating trafficking in the region.$13,8703FSA (from EUR/ACE)2008
DOS/PPDEURUkraineInternational NGO "Zhinocha Hromada" Kharkiv X X  The project's goal is to decrease the risks of trafficking of the vulnerable categories of population in the border areas of the Kharkiv region. The NGO proposes to establish the foundation for effective cooperation of NGO activists/community leaders with the representatives of law enforcement agencies, uniting efforts in trafficking prevention, and identification and reintegration of victims. The project will impact 100 district militia and local militia inspectors, 10 border guard officers, 20 judges and prosecutors, 30 experts from district centers of social services for families, children and youth, and 30 representatives of employment agencies, educational departments and journalists. Six border districts of the Kharkiv region will be covered during the project, including Bogodukhiv, Zolochiv, Degrachi, Kharkiv, Vovchansk, and Velykoburluk districts.$13,6861FSA (from EUR/ACE)2008
USAIDEURUkraineIOM XXXX Direct support to victim assistance and prevention work of NGOs, faith based organizations and other local groups; development of public/private NGO networks at local, national and transnational levels; improved information on scope of trafficking.$1,000,0005FSA2007
DOS/ECAGLOBALGlobalInternational VisitorsInternational Visitor Leadership ProgramXXXXX75 government officials, human rights activists, law enforcement officials, and NGO representatives explore U.S. efforts to combat trafficking in persons at the local, state and national levels.$1,650,0001ECA Base2008
DOS/PRMGLOBALGlobalIOM XXX XPRM worked closely with IOM over the past three years to develop seven training modules with a ‘how to’ approach to train government officials and NGOs on major anti-trafficking issues, such as information campaigns; return and reintegration of victims, institutional capacity building; NGO networking, child-specific assistance, and interview techniques. These off-the-shelf modules have been developed with input from IOM Missions from various regions of the world to assemble IOM’s institutional expertise and to produce modules adaptable to different contexts. All seven modules are available in English and Spanish (four are available in French). This continuation project also includes translation and delivey of one of the modules in Chinese. PRM also funded the development of a Handbook on Performance Indicators for Counter-Trafficking Projects, to help assess the impact of anti-trafficking programming. This Handbook which includes indictors for activities covering the 3P's (protection, Prosecution, and Prevention) is meant as a reference tool for practitioners, and will widely disseminated in hard copies and CDs, as well as posted on IOM's and PRM's websites. This funding will mainly help to disseminate the Handbook.$95,0001MRA2008
DOS/PRMGLOBALGlobalIOM X   XThis program established with PRM support in FY2000 provides a global referral and rapid assistance mechanism for stranded victims of trafficking, where there are no existing on-going programs. Stranded individuals in need of protection and voluntary return assistance can apply directly with IOM, or through a governmental or non-governmental organization (NGO). Victims can be referred by local police or NGOs when rescued, or when placed in custody as a result of police actions. To date, the GAF has helped 653 victims return home. The GAF has also provided some key information to help identify sometimes-unexpected international trafficking routes.$60,0001MRA - Supplemental2008
DOS/PRMGLOBALGlobalIOM X   XThis project builds on the pilot phases of a PRM-funded program ( in FY03 and FY04) to develop and test a counter-trafficking training module for religious personnel (particularly women) with social functions in countries of origin and destination of trafficking victims. Several training activities have been carried out in various regions of the world. This project is now finalizing a training module for male religious leaders of Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Catholicism.$100,0001MRA2008
USAIDGLOBALGlobalChemonics InternationalCreative Associates, Partners of the Americas, IREX, Charney ResearchXXXX Incremental funding of contract providing technical assistance (including project design and assessment) to USAID field missions and other USAID operating units.$500,0001DA2008
DOL/ILABGLOBALGlobal (Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, China, Dominican Republic, Liberia, Indonesia, Philippines)Verite    XXTo expand the body of research on forced labor in the supply chains of selected goods in eight countries leading to viable policy recommendations and improvements in the capacity of USDOL and other stakeholders to monitor and combat forced labor. The research will address trafficking to the extent that it leads to forced labor in the country or goods selected.$1,249,7153DOL FY08 Appropriations2008
DOS/GTIPGLOBAL ACILS - Solidarity Center XXX  ACILS aims to strengthen the cooperation and coordination between key stakeholders, including governments, NGOs and trade unions, in South Asian countries of origin (India and Sri Lanka) and Gulf countries of destination (Bahrain and Qatar) to combat human trafficking. ACILS will build the capacity of trade unions, NGOs, community organizations, and government officials to: increase awareness of the danger signs of trafficking and ways to reduce the vulnerability of high-risk groups; provide protection services to trafficking victims, and increase coordination among service providers, diplomatic missions, and law enforcement officials.$433,2251ESF2007
DOS/GTIPGLOBAL Harvard University School of Public Health    X The Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) will undertake a study across five global regions (South Asia, Southeast Asia, Southeastern Europe, Latin America, and Africa) to determine 1) the youngest and average ages at which children across these regions become sexually exploited for commercial purposes; and 2) mechanisms and vulnerabilities by which children across these regions are victimized in this form of human trafficking. The findings from this project will serve to inform law enforcement policies and procedures regarding the identification, investigation, and prosecution of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) as well as how to prevent this crime.$200,0002INCLE2007
DOS/GTIPGLOBAL IOM - Global Victim Database X    These funds will continue G/TIP support for IOM to conduct in-depth analysis of the Counter-Trafficking database, which is a unique victims of human trafficking global database. With this new funding IOM will produce a minimum of 10 additional country-specific and thematic reports that can be used as case studies in the 2008 US Department of State TIP Report. IOM will also work to expand the use of the database to additional IOM Missions and others.$250,0001.0INCLE2007
DOS/GTIPGLOBAL UNODC - Global Prosecution   X  : In an effort to increase the number of prosecutions and convictions for human trafficking globally, UNODC will collect and disseminate qualitative information regarding the prosecution of human trafficking activities and the effective implementation of the Trafficking Protocol. The International Reporting System will be developed as a practitioner’s tool for prosecutors and judges; a monitoring tool for government policy-makers; an awareness raising tool for the public and media; as well as an information tool for researchers and all other stakeholders involved in anti-trafficking efforts.$214,7001INCLE2007
DOS/GTIPNEAIraqThe Protection Project - Iraq Project X X  The Protection Project (TPP) will provide legislative legal assistance to the government of Iraq in the drafting and enactment of comprehensive anti-trafficking legislation. TPP will also work with representatives of the Iraqi civil society to sensitize them to the problem of trafficking in persons and building their capacity to spread awareness of trafficking in Iraq.$200,0001ESF2007
DOS/PRMNEAIraq region (includes Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq)IOM XX XXFY2007 funding, this project proposes to help identify, protect, and assist Iraqi victims of trafficking in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Egypt to help build-up implementing partners’ capacity to assist victims. Activities include rapid assessments on patterns and trends (with emphasis on Iraqi cases); protection assistance for trafficking victims and those at high risk, including shelter and assistance in Syria; regional assistance through referral in Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq, including a return fund for victims who want to return to their home communities; capacity-building training on victims’ assistance; and awareness raising campaigns at border points and places of high concentration of Iraqi populations in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon.$750,0001MRA - Supplemental2008
DOS/GTIPNEALebanonCaritas Lebanon Migrant Center  X   Caritas Lebanon Migrant Center will ensure protection and assistance to victims of trafficking in the soon-to-be opened government Retention Center. This project will serve victims of trafficking by improving the conditions and experience in the Retention Center through upgraded facilities; enhanced service provisions; and victim-centered models of care.$378,0002ESF2007
DOS/GTIPNEALibyaInternational Organization for Migration (IOM)   X  This project will aim to improve the knowledge of human trafficking among Libyan judicial authorities. Through training seminars targeting judges and prosecutors, an exchange of experiences to identify best practices to be possibly replicated through a study tour and a national workshop involving different stakeholders.$150,0001INCLE2007
DOS/GTIPNEASyriaInternational Organization for Migration (IOM) XXX  This project aims to increase the capacity of the Syrian authorities to identify and assess human trafficking, as well as identify and provide protection to victims of trafficking. IOM will develop training courses specifically designed for law enforcement and border officials; develop anti-trafficking curriculum for the Syrian police academy; and operate a targeted information campaign for key decision-makers and law enforcement officials.$250,0001INCLE2007
DOL/ILABNEAYemenCooperative Housing Foundation (CHF) International in association with the Charitable Society for Social Welfare - Yemen (CSSW) XX  XThe ACCESS-Plus program will withdraw 4,100 children from the worst forms of child labor (WFCL) and prevent an additional 3,000 from becoming engaged in similar activities through the provision of direct educational services, institutional capacity building at the national and local levels, and awareness raising activities. The project intends to combat the commercial sexual exploitation of children and to target children working in agriculture and fisheries in the governorates of Al Hudaydah, Taiz and Aden. In the governorate of Hajjah, the project will focus on the prevention of child trafficking to neighboring countries for the purpose of smuggling, begging, and domestic servitude.$3,500,0003.5DOL FY08 Appropriations2008
DOS/GTIPSCAAfghanistanInternational Organization for Migration (IOM) X X  This project will contribute to the prevention and prosecution of trafficking in persons in Afghanistan by increasing the capacity of law enforcement officials to investigate, document, prosecute and analyze trends in trafficking in persons in Afghanistan through a series of trainings for prosecutors, judges, government officials and police academy staff.$540,0002INCLE2007
DOS/GTIPSCABangladeshDOJ-OPDAT   X  This project aims to expand and strengthen the enforcement of Bangladesh’s anti-trafficking laws by improving the capacity of Bangladesh’s prosecutors and judges to develop, handle and resolve trafficking cases. DOJ/OPDAT will conduct TIP training for judges on both the District Court and Special Tribunals and follow-up training for prosecutors, with emphasis on developing indigenous, self-sustaining training capacity.$250,0001INCLE2007
USAIDSCABangladeshIOM XXX  Activities strengthen counter-trafficking interventions in prevention, protection, rescue, voluntary repatriation, and prosecution.$858,2873DA2007
USAIDSCABangladeshWinrock International (WI)The Daywalka Foundation (TDF), The Maize Association of Bangladesh (MAB), Banglasdesh National Women Lawyers Association (BNWLA), Association for Community Development (ACD), Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM), and Thengamara Mohila Shobuj Shangha (TMSS)XXX XActions for Combating Trafficking-in-Persons (ACT) is a four-year project that will work with the Government of Bangladesh (GOB), local non-government organizations, and the media to reduce the instances of human trafficking and labor migration abuses within and from Bangladesh. Through the project activities in at least 32 districts (half of total 64 districts of the country), USAID will enhance and standardize victim care including livelihood options, strengthen local capacity to prosecute traffickers and trafficking related crimes, and heighten mass awareness among students, religious leaders and migrants. USAID will further provide assistance for legislative reform to protect migrants' rights through strengthening both oversight and advocacy capacity of GOB and the civil society.$869,7134DA2007 and 2008 funds obligated in 2008
DOL/ILABSCAIndiaILO-IPEC XX  XThe project will work with community and district-level institutions to provide services such as transitional education, counseling and support to younger children withdrawn or prevented from child labor, and vocational training and workplace protection training for older children withdrawn/prevented. A total of 17,000 children will be withdrawn/prevented from the worst forms of child labor and provided these services, of which approximately 385 will be children withdrawn/prevented from trafficking into hazardous work. The project will also carry out a number of other activities including providing skills training and income-generation activities to families of child beneficiaries; building institutional capacities in the area of child labor eradication; and strengthening coordination structures at the district, state, and national levels.$6,850,0004DOL FY08 Appropriations2008
DOS/ECASCAIndiaMr. Pronab MohantyIIE-Humphrey ProgramX X  Focus on trafficking, cyber crimes, issues related to women and children equity and police-public partnerships.$69,0001ECA Base2008
DOS/GTIPSCAIndiaBachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA)  X   This project will address labor trafficking through: victim assistance (identification, rescue, rehabilitation and repatriation) for victims of trafficking for forced labor; campaigning and advocacy in trafficking-prone areas; facilitation of the formation of Peoples’ Vigilance Committees; and capacity building and training of grassroots organizations in litigation, rescue, and rehabilitation of forced labor trafficking cases.$200,0001INCLE2007
DOS/GTIPSCAIndiaUSAID  X   USAID will work with UNODC and the Government of India to build upon an existing USAID-supported project to initiate systemic change to India’s shelter care standards.$200,0001ESF2007
DOS/PRMSCAIndiaIOM  X  XContinued support for activities initiated under the POTUS Initiative. Working in the high source and destination states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Delhi, the project provides protection, return, and reintegration assistance to victims. Through unique partnerships, the project supports the economic rehabilitation of TIP victims and those at high-risk of being trafficked, by creating opportunities through training, micro-credit, business support, employment opportunity creation and small franchises. This project has successfully identified business partners, such as the Amoul parlors (dairy franchise), fast food stands for petroleum companies, bookbinders, internet cafes, beauty parlors, and several clothing manufacturers. In some instances, businesses waive the required fees or make space available, free of charge. Comprehensive psychosocial support is extended to beneficiaries wherever required.$120,4381MRA2008
DOS/INLSCAKazakhstanPost Astana X XX Assistance to establish an anti-TIP Training Center in the MVD Legal Institute in Karaganda; sponsoring a law enforcement-focused awareness program aimed at developing the public outreach capacity of law enforcement agencies and establishing contacts and cooperation between law enforcement and civil society; sponsoring reviews of Kazakhstani anti-TIP legislation with the goal of providing recommendations for improvement; sponsoring training of judges, prosecutors, and police on how to recognize and investigate TIP crimes; and sponsoring small seminars between Kazakhstani officials and NGOs and government representatives and NGO's from destination or transit countries, to create liaisons necessary to investigate trans-border trafficking for sexual or labor purposes.$350,0003FSA (from EUR/ACE)2007
DOS/PPDSCAKazakhstanIOMAktobe Women Support Center     The goal of the project is to prevent trafficking in persons among the younger generation by building awareness through theatrical performances.$10,4861FSA (from EUR/ACE)2008
DOS/PPDSCAKyrgyz RepublicNurJolBer, Naryn Public Association XX   A ten-month project aims at training young men and women on human rights and thus prevent future bride-kidnapping cases. The project plans to show documentary of bride kidnapping and forced marriage and to improve protecting mechanisms.$14,11010 monthsFSA (from EUR/ACE)2008
DOS/GTIPSCANepalPourakhi  X   Pourakhi will provide support for migrant workers that have been victims of trafficking for labor and/or sexual exploitation with a focus on women through the provision of emergency shelter care services, counseling, legal aid, and re-integration assistance.$100,0002ESF2007
DOS/GTIPSCANepalThe Asia Foundation (TAF)   X  This project aims to strengthen prosecutions and increase convictions of traffickers in Nepal through improved and better-integrated protection measures for victims and witnesses. TAF will draft a Victim and Witness Protection Bill that will provide greater protections for trafficking victims and witnesses.$235,0002ESF2007
DOS/GTIPSCARegionalHarvard University School of Public Health    X This project will build upon the current activities of the Harvard School of Public Health which focus on research and data analysis related to the prevalence and predictors of HIV/AIDS among Nepalese sex trafficking victims in India. Harvard will produce a report on the prevalence and predictors of HIV among girls trafficked in Kolkata (analogous to the JAMA article published in August 2007) and a report on the mechanisms by which these girls are trafficked into prostitution.$59,0001INCLE2007
DOS/GTIPSCASri LankaLawyers for Human Rights and Development X X  LHRD will strengthen the capacity of the police to investigate and prosecute trafficking cases; assist trafficking victims in preparation of their trafficking cases; and mobilize community involvement related to anti-trafficking efforts. LHRD will conduct police trainings; monitor the progress of trafficking cases; provide legal assistance to trafficking victims; and conduct community awareness programs in order to strengthen community participation for the prevention of trafficking.$65,0002INCLE2007
DOS/ECASCATajikistanMr. Firuz SattorovIIE-Humphrey ProgramXXX  Focus on development of effective practices for prevention, protection and prosecution of human trafficking$69,0001ECA Base2008
DOS/INLSCATajikistanIOM XXXX This project will continue to support a shelter and develop a rehabilitation program for TIP victims in Dushanbe that will ensure their physical protection, safe return to Tajikistan, and reintegration into society by providing psychosocial and medical care, legal counseling, safe housing, and job-skills training. IOM will help develop and enhance the capacity of relevant governmental and non-governmental organizations to provide assistance and protection to trafficking victims. IOM will continue to work with GOTI officials from the Committee for Women and Family Affairs; the Ministry of Interior's Department for Combating Racketeering, Kidnapping, and Trafficking in Persons; and the Ministry of Health, among others for a comprehensive approach to the protection of TIP victims. The project will train migration police and other law enforcement personnel to detect and investigate trafficking, develop sensitivities to trafficked victims, and begin to cooperate and coordinate with non-governmental organizations that support trafficking victims.$210,0002FSA (from EUR/ACE)2007
DOS/PPDSCATajikistanSpitamen Info X    Organization intends to raise awareness about human trafficking, particularly among graduating high school students entering the workforce. To achieve its goal, the organization will hold informational seminars in three schools in the district (four seminars in each school). Students attending the seminars will compete to write the best radio announcement about trafficking, and the winner's announcement will be aired on the regional radio station for one week. Information sheets will also be distributed in hospitals, clinics, bus and train stations, and the central market.$2,47212 seminarsFSA (from EUR/ACE)2008
DOS/PPDSCATajikistanNGO Muhjirat X    NGO aims at improving migrants' knowledge of their rights, prevention of human trafficking and other issues pertaining to migration in selected districts. Since the majority of able-working bodied population from Khatlon oblast is migrating to Russia to earn remittances to sustain their families, it is envisaged that the project will make significant contribution to empowering migrants to cope well with the new challenges in a different context and different realities in Russia.$5,5991FSA (from EUR/ACE)2008
DOS/PPDSCATajikistanDurakhshi Zindagi Public Association X    Project to prevent trafficking in persons in three mountainous districts of Mastchoh, Asht and Kuhistoni Mastchoh by conducting a series of 36 one-day seminars for 900 community leaders, religious leaders, and youth leaders of the area; publishing 940 copies of an 80-page brochure containing local and international legislation protecting victims of TIP, and 1,200 copies of three types of color booklets to warn people about the threat of falling victim to trafficking schemes.$11,66336 daysFSA (from EUR/ACE)2008
USAIDSCATajikistanIOM XX   Building and improving local and administrative capacity to prevent and combat trafficking in persons and to protect victims trafficked from, to, through, and within the region. The project focuses on continued support and capacity building of crisis center.$300,0002FSA2007
DOS/PPDSCATurkmenistanPerspectiva Vista Initiative Group X    The objective of the project is to raise public awareness of the problems and threats posed by trafficking in persons. The group is going to explain to potential victims of trafficking in persons how to avoid getting in trouble and how to behave if they get in trouble through conducting seminars and a roundtable and publishing informational bulletins.$4,7931FSA (from EUR/ACE)2008
DOS/PPDSCAUzbekistanQiyofa Newspaper X    This project aims to prevent human trafficking and eliminate domestic violence. Qiyofa newspaper would like to start publishing a series of articles on human trafficking and domestic violence.$7,6701FSA (from EUR/ACE)2008
USAIDSCAUzbekistanIOM XX   Building and improving local and administrative capacity to prevent and combat trafficking in persons and to protect victims trafficked from, to, through, and within the region. The project focuses on continued support and capacity building of crisis center.$300,0002FSA2007
DOS/GTIPWHABelizeDOJ-OPDAT (Not G/TIP $, Might be reported by WHA regional)   X  Through this project DOJ/OPDAT will work to improve the capacity of the criminal justice system in Belize. Using attorneys with expertise in human trafficking investigation, prosecution and victim protection this project will strengthen the institutional capacity of the governments in the target countries to investigate, prosecute, and adjudicate TIP cases.$61,0002ESF2007
DOS/GTIPWHABoliviaMadres Adoratrices  X   Through this project, Madres Adoratrices will rescue trafficking victims from bars and brothels and provide them and their children with shelter, medical and psychological assistance as well as educational and technical training. In addition, Madres Adoratrices will convert a small house near the shelter into a transitional home for victims who are ready to leave the shelter, who have completed their education and training, but do not yet have employment.$125,0002ESF2007
DOL/ILABWHABrazilILO-IPEC X  XXThe project is in support of the Government of the State of Bahia’s efforts to move towards a child labour free state. A total of 14,000 girls and boys will be targeted for withdrawal and prevention from exploitative and/or hazardous work in child domestic labour, informal urban labour and agriculture through the provision of educational services. Other Worst Forms of Child labour such as commercial sexual exploitation of children and drug trafficking will be the object of rapid assessments, qualitative studies, communication and awareness raising campaigns.$4,900,0004DOL FY08 Appropriations2008
DOS/ECAWHABrazilMs. Elizabeth SussekindIIE-Humphrey ProgramX XX Focus on NGOs and their treatment of organized crime: prevention, investigative methods, technology, use of the law and dealing with public opinion$69,0001ECA Base2008
DOS/PRMWHACaribbean RegionIOM XX XXContinuation of a project, IOM aims to raise awareness on the issue of trafficking at the regional and national levels. Material developed for a preventive information campaign with the active input of the Caribbean countries will continue to be disseminated. Countries where trafficking is a higher issue of concern, have the opportunity to apply for small grants to support customization and dissemination of the prevention materials (The Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Lucia, and Suriname). Countries with a significant number of victims are offered grants to support a victim assistance network and outreach (Guyana, Jamaica, and Suriname). One of the stipulations of such grants is the provision of support either in-kind/and or financial on the part of the participating country. This project also covers the Dutch Antilles, where activities are funded by a contribution from the Netherlands.$135,0001MRA2008
DOS/PRMWHACosta RicaIOM  X  XThis new project proposes to help the development and strengthening of a national referral mechanism for the protection of trafficking victims in Costa Rica. IOM proposes to facilitate a series of working meetings to draft a tool to guide institutional interventions, and to hold a two-day workshop, to help validate the newly developed tool with the active participation of concerned stakeholders. This project support the Costa Rica's efforts related to the efforts of the eleven member country Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) to combat trafficking (North and Central American countries).$90,0001MRA - Supplemental2008
DOS/GTIPWHADominican RepublicFoundation for Institutionalism and Justice (FINJUS) X    FINJUS will coordinate and strengthen the capacity of civil society groups to monitor and provide feedback on the efficiency of government policies and practices related to trafficking. The groups will work together to evaluate the manner in which trafficking cases are handled in the Dominican judicial system and the treatment and protection of victims by government institutions.$150,0001INCLE2007
DOS/PRMWHADominican RepublicIOM XX XXFor continued activities in support of victims' identification and assistance. IOM will continue to help strengthen and support networks of government and NGO services for TIP victims upon their return, including psychosocial and medical assistance, counseling, and reintegration assistance. An example of this is the partnership with the Adoratrices sisters, a Spanish order of Catholic nuns, which has successfully carried out the rehabilitation and reintegration of TIP victims through job skills training and education. This contribution supports the ongoing successful reintegration components of this program.$320,0001MRA2008
DOS/GTIPWHAEcuadorEcuadorian National Police - Anti-Smuggling Center X    This project will equip the designated lead TIP agency, DINAPEN, to perform its duties more effectively and will integrate intelligence and information activities with those of the USG vetted intelligence unit (COAC), as appropriate. The majority of the project costs are for equipment and field travel, to enable more effective investigations and enforcement.$60,0001INCLE2007
DOS/GTIPWHAGuatemalaECPAT - Guatemala XX   Through this project, ECPAT will conduct public awareness activities through radio spots and workshops in high risk communities, support groups providing integral victims services on the Guatemala/Mexico border, train justice operators on the detection and rescue of victims and provide technical support for the Guatemalan Inter-Institutional Group to Combat Trafficking in Persons.$324,0002ESF2007
USAIDWHAHaitiPan American Development Foundation11 local NGOs provide shelter, women's support, training, youth reinsertion, protection, prevention and other servicesXXXX Assessment of victim population, improved victim services including increased quality and access, support for the Government of Haiti in legislation and law enforcement associated with trafficking, increased advocacy and public awareness campaigns.$490,0003ESF2008
DOS/GTIPWHAMexicoCasa del Migrante  X   Through this project, Casa del Migrante will continue to expand its existing services for migrants passing through Tapachula, Chiapas on the Mexico/Guatemala border to trafficking victims. Casa del Migrante will designate a separate area in its existing shelter for trafficking victims, create a victims’ hotline, provide safe lodging, medical and psychological assistance and repatriation/reunification services or work with the victim to regularize their status in Mexico.$130,0002ESF2007
DOS/GTIPWHAMexicoCenter for Studies and Research in Social Development and Assistance (CEIDAS) X    CEIDAS will continue efforts to raise awareness on human trafficking in Mexico within the federal and state governments, media, academia, and civil society. Through this project CEIDAS will promote their trafficking awareness materials through the national media, work with journalists to publish in depth articles on the topic, publish a trafficking prevention guide for families and communities and publish a National Report on trafficking that evaluates the anti-trafficking efforts of Mexico’s 32 states.$250,0001INCLE2007
DOS/PRMWHAMexicoIOM X   XSupports continued activities initiated under the President's anti-trafficking initiative. One of the important and complex tasks involved in the effective application of the Prevention and Sanction of Trafficking in Persons Law in Mexico is the adequate protection of and assistance to victims of this criminal offence. As such, this project proposes the discussion and development -within the framework of the Inter-ministerial Committee foreseen in the Law- of a service model for TIP victims, which outlines an identification and referral mechanism based on the responsibilities of each of the institutions that participate in the Committee. The model will include a comprehensive critical path for assistance, starting with how to identify victims of trafficking followed by medical and psychological interventions towards an adequate reintegration process. Based on the model a series of training workshops on working with victims, including psycho-social intervention, will be carried out for public service providers who are likely to come into contact with trafficking victims. Mexican governmental institutions have indicated to IOM that these needs are presently a priority and the proposal responds directly to them.$100,0001MRA - Supplemental2008
DOL/ILABWHANicaraguaAmerican Institutes for Research (AIR), in association with Asociación de Educación y Comunicación La Cuculmeca (La Cuculmeca), and Instituto de Promoción Humana de Somoto (INPRHU-Somoto) XX XXThe project targets the withdrawal or prevention of a total of 10,045 children from exploitive child labor. In addition to targeting children who work in Managua and in the rural areas and urban markets of Madriz and Jinotega, the project also proposes to target children at risk of sexual exploitation and trafficking who are working in Madriz close to the border crossings selling goods, working at night, and/or smuggling goods to Nicaragua. The strategy includes a trafficking research component along the Pan-American Highway and in the border region with Honduras. The project proposes to work with CNEPTI on a national awareness campaign that will supply border officials and police with information to raise their awareness and improve their knowledge about child trafficking and other forms of exploitive child labor.$5,000,0003.25DOL FY08 Appropriations2008
DOS/GTIPWHANicaraguaCasa Alianza  XX  Casa Alianza will provide shelter, medical and psychological assistance to children and teen victims of trafficking. Casa Alianza will additionally provide legal assistance to the victims; working with the District Attorney’s Offices to follow cases through the judicial system. The project will also include the development of workshops and seminars to sensitize families to the risks of trafficking.$280,0002ESF2007
DOS/PRMWHANicaraguaIOM XX XXFor continued activities in support of return and reintegration assistance for victims trafficked in Central America and in Nicaragua. This project includes simultaneous victim assistance and capacity building activities in communities of origin, carried out by a mobile team in close cooperation with local partners.$75,0001MRA2008
DOS/GTIPWHAPeruCapital Humano y Social Alternativo   X  CHS will raise awareness on TIP among the Peruvian National Police top officers, will provide TIP training to police officers throughout Peru on victim identification, investigations and use of the RETA system (System for Registration and Statistics of Trafficking in Persons and Related Crimes). CHS will monitor and follow up on the use of the RETA system by the Peruvian National Police and Ministry of Internal Security.$100,0001ESF2007
DOS/PRMWHARCM Region (Central America and DR)IOM X   XThis continued IOM project will bring together officials from RCM member states (from North and Central America) at two regional trainings on victim protection. These trainings would be held six months apart, between which IOM would foster virtual communication and additional training to increase the capacity of individual RCM member states and strengthen regional networks to combat trafficking in persons. The proposal also includes strengthening the capacity of consular officials to prevent and respond to human trafficking. Many victims are not being identified as such when they approached their consular offices. This activity offers great potential to link the liaison officer's networks in the RCM (consular protection and CT) with consular representatives and officials in the home country for improved identification of potential trafficking victims. IOM will also conduct a preventive information campaign, using material developed in the region. This project further advances USG's chosen RCM theme in 2007, “Effective Cooperation in Combating Trafficking in Persons,” contributing to our successful RCM presidency.$171,4382MRA - Supplemental2008
DOS/GTIPWHARegionalCoalition Against Trafficking in Women X    CATW will coordinate a regional training conference for their Latin American and Caribbean national directors and partner organizations. The conference will focus on the use and interpretation of international instruments related to trafficking and the development of best practices. CATW-International will then work to provide follow-on technical assistance to the national directors and their partners working on TIP in the region.$324,0003ESF2007
DOS/GTIPWHARegionalIOM - ILEA   X  IOM will provide four training sessions for front-line law enforcement and prosecutorial officials from WHA countries to improve their response to human trafficking.$138,5001INCLE2007
DOS/PRMWHARegional - South AmericaIOM  X  XThis continuation project proposes to expand on-going activities proposed and agreed to by member states of the South American Conference on Migration (SACM), including prevention of trafficking and protection of victims. These funds would supplement funding received from SACM member countries for activities related to cooperation for the prevention, protection and assistance to victims of trafficking in the region. Funds would allow IOM, in coordination with relevant ministries, to provide direct assistance to victims in the region, as well as, if appropriate, assisted voluntary return.$327,4861MRA2008
DOS/GTIPWHASurinameU.S. Embassy Paramaribo  X   Through this project the U.S. Embassy in Paramaribo will work to improve victim protection in Suriname. Victim protection is sorely lacking in Suriname, and has been identified by past TIP Reports as an area requiring improvement. Working with the Government of Suriname’s TIP Working Group and local NGOs, the Embassy support the development of a safe place for TIP victims in one or more existing social service facilities.$61,0002ESF2007
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSANortheastern    X Under this award, Northeastern University will continue and improve data collection and reporting into the Human Trafficking Reporting System (HTRS), and provide technical assistance to federally funded human trafficking task forces to ensure compliance and quality reporting into the HTRS and improve task force performance.$299,9992DOJ/BJA2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSASan Jose, CA X Victim Centered Human Trafficking Task Force - Continuation Funding$250,0002DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSAWashington, DC X Victim Centered Human Trafficking Task Force - Continuation Funding$249,5992DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSALee County, FL X Victim Centered Human Trafficking Task Force - Continuation Funding$250,0002DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSAHawaii X Victim Centered Human Trafficking Task Force - Continuation Funding$101,8202DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSABoston, MA X Victim Centered Human Trafficking Task Force - Continuation Funding$250,0002DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSASaint Paul, MN X Victim Centered Human Trafficking Task Force - Continuation Funding$250,0002DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSANew Jersey X Victim Centered Human Trafficking Task Force - Continuation Funding$250,0002DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSACounty of Suffolk, NY   X  Victim Centered Human Trafficking Task Force - Continuation Funding$250,0002DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSANassau County, NY   X  Victim Centered Human Trafficking Task Force - Continuation Funding$249,8862DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSAMultnomah County, OR   X  Victim Centered Human Trafficking Task Force - Continuation Funding$250,0002DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSAMilwaukee, WI   X  Victim Centered Human Trafficking Task Force - Continuation Funding$136,8382DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSAWestminster, CA   X  New Victim Centered Human Trafficking Task Force$650,0003DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSAHomestead, FL   X  New Victim Centered Human Trafficking Task Force$648,0003DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSAPitt County, NC   X  New Victim Centered Human Trafficking Task Force$488,1813DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSAClearwater, FL   X  Human Trafficking Leadership Site for Immersion Training$99,7301DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSAHarris County, TX   X  Human Trafficking Leadership Site for Immersion Training$99,9811DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJAUSAUSASeattle, WA   X  Human Trafficking Leadership Site for Immersion Training$100,0001DOJ/OVC2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/BJSUSAUSAPublic    X Publication, Federal Prosecution of Child Sex Exploitation Offenders, 2006, which presents Federal criminal case processing statistics on child sex offenses, including sex transportation, sexual abuse, and child pornography. The report includes data on case processing, such as the number of cases referred, prosecuted, and convicted. Defendant characteristics at initial hearing for the three types of offenses are provided. Data are also presented on changes in the number of defendants charged from 1994 to 2006.$1,3341DOJ/BJS2008
DOJ/OJP/NIJUSAUSAAbt Associates Inc.    XXTo inform those operating, planning, or considering implementing sex trafficking demand reduction initiatives, the grantee will provide a systematic description and conduct a process/formative evaluation of programs and strategies employed throughout the U.S. From a sampling frame of over 435 sites that are known to have engaged in some form of sex trafficking demand reduction.$358,2851.5DOJ/NIJ2008
DOJ/OJP/NIJUSAUSASan Diego State University    X This project will review and make available findings from Latin American reports to the English-speaking research and practice communities. Tasks include compiling, translating, analyzing, and providing summaries of existing literature on sex trafficking produced by researchers in Mexico and Latin American countries, group the literature according to the basic research orientation (i.e., empirical versus non-empirical) and developing a bibliography that will allow easier access to this body of literature.$59,5592DOJ/NIJ2008
DOJ/OJP/NIJUSA/WHAUSANational Opinion Research Center  XXXXResearch that addresses: (1) the estimated number and demographic characteristics of persons engaged in acts of severe forms of TIP; (2) the number of investigations, arrests, prosecutions, and incarcerations of persons engaged in acts of severe forms of TIP and commercial sex acts, by States and their political subdivisions; (3) the estimated value in dollars of the commercial sex economy and (4) a description of the differences in the enforcement of laws related to unlawful commercial sex acts.$293,19810 monthsIAA - Office of Victims of Crime2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/NIJUSA/WHAUSASan Diego State University  XXXXGoals: 1) Examine factors underlying the movement of women from the interior of Mexico and other Latin American countries into Tijuana for prostitution; 2) Explore organizational boundaries and business characteristics of sex trafficking in Tijuana; 3) Investigate the methods of recruiting, transporting, and managing women during trafficking and prostitution; 4) Explore the connection between human trafficking and other criminal acts in Tijuana; 5) Assess the challenges of combating sex trafficking and explore effective strategies applicable to bilateral criminal justice, public health, human rights, and governmental efforts.$297,2642National Institute of Justice Base Funds2007-2008
DOJ/OJP/NIJUSA/ InternationalUSA/ InternationalGeorgetown XXXXXComprehensive literature review of published articles, on domestic and international TIP that will include categoration by use of TVPA definition, type of trafficking, type of study (justice, health, labor, etc) methods, and use of peer review. For use by field.$86,8021IAA - Office of Victims of Crime2007-2009
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAAsian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach XX   The Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach will continue to provide comprehensive services to pre-certified trafficking victims in the San Francisco Bay area; build effective community service networks to respond to victims’ needs; and provide training to increase awareness among criminal justice entities, social service providers, and the public of the rights and needs of trafficking victims.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSABilateral Safety Corridor Coalition XX   Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition will continue to provide comprehensive services to trafficking victims; build effective community service networks to respond to victims’ needs; and provide training to increase the awareness among criminal justice entities, social service providers, and the public of the rights and needs of trafficking victims in San Diego County.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSABreaking Free XX   Breaking Free will expand victim service programs for persons who have been identified by federal law enforcement as victims of a severe form of trafficking during the pre-certification period. Breaking Free will provide comprehensive services to trafficking victims in the State of Minnesota; build effective community service networks to respond to victims' needs; and provide training to increase awareness among criminal justice entities, social service providers, and the public of the rights and needs of trafficking victims.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSACatholic Charities Archdiocese of Philadelphia XX   Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Philadelphia will provide comprehensive services to trafficking victims; build effective community service networks to respond to victims’ needs; and provide training to increase the awareness among criminal justice entities, social service providers, and the public of the rights and needs of trafficking victims in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSACatholic Charities Diocese of Venice XX   Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice will provide comprehensive services to pre-certified victims of human trafficking identified in Lee County Florida. The grantee will also conduct outreach and public awareness activities regarding the rights and services available to victims of trafficking within Lee County Florida.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSACatholic Charities - Oregon XX   Catholic Charities in Oregon will provide comprehensive services to pre-certified trafficking victims in the State of Oregon; build effective community service networks to respond to victims’ needs; and provide training to increase awareness among criminal justice entities, social service providers, and the public of the rights and needs of trafficking victims.$229,9991.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSACoalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking XX   The Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST) will continue to provide comprehensive services to pre-certified trafficking victims in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area; build effective community service networks to respond to victims’ needs; and provide training to increase awareness among criminal justice entities, social service providers, and the public of the rights and needs of trafficking victims.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAColorado Organization for Victim Assistance XX   Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance will expand victim service programs for persons who have been identified by federal law enforcement as victims of a severe form of trafficking during the pre-certification period. The Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance will provide comprehensive services to trafficking victims in Colorado; build effective community service networks to respond to victims' needs; and provide training to increase awareness among criminal justice entities, social service providers, and the public of the rights and needs of trafficking victims.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAHeartland Alliance for Human Needs and Human Rights XX   Heartland Alliance will provide comprehensive services to trafficking victims located within the 150 mile radius of Chicago, Illinois, including parts of Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois; build effective community service networks to respond to victims’ needs; and provide training to increase awareness among criminal justice entities, social service providers, and the public of the rights and needs of trafficking victims within the identified geographic area.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAInternational Institute of Metropolitan St. Louis XX   The International Institute of Metropolitan St. Louis will continue to serve persons who have been identified by federal law enforcement as victims of a severe form of human trafficking. The Institute will provide comprehensive services to victims in the St. Louis area; build effective community service networks to respond to victims’ needs; and provide training to increase awareness among criminal justice entities, social service providers, and the public of the rights and needs of trafficking victims in the St. Louis and surrounding area.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAInternational Rescue Committee (Arizona) XX   The International Rescue Committee in Arizona, in partnership with Medical Professional Associates of Arizona, the Salvation Army, and contracted immigration attorneys, will provide legal services, comprehensive health and social services, and outreach services to trafficking victims. Other services include public awareness activities, law enforcement education, and training provision to social service providers on topics related to trafficking.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAInternational Rescue Committee (Miami) XX   The Florida Freedom Partnership is a Miami-based partnership of non-governmental agencies working in collaboration with Anti-Trafficking Law Enforcement Task Forces in the Miami-Dade, Homestead, and Collier County Florida areas. IRC Miami/ Florida Freedom Partnership will provide case management, food, shelter, legal, and mental health services to victims in the pre-certification period. The partners will also conduct outreach and education activities in local communities as well as provide topical training related to trafficking to legal and social service providers in the area.$460,0003DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAJustice Resource Institute XX   The Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute will continue to expand victim service programs for persons who have been identified by federal law enforcement as victims of a severe form of trafficking during the pre-certification period. The Justice Resource Institute will provide brief specialized mental health and crisis intervention services for victims of human trafficking and training and technical support on trauma and mental health issues to service providers, law enforcement agencies and other responders throughout the United States.$200,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSANorth Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault XX   North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault will expand victim service programs for persons who have been identified by federal law enforcement as victims of a severe form of trafficking during the pre-certification period. North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault will provide comprehensive services to trafficking victims in North Carolina; build effective community service networks to respond to victims' needs; and provide training to increase awareness among criminal justice entities, social service providers, and the public of the rights and needs of trafficking victims.$460,0003DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSARefugee Services of Texas XX   Refugee Services of Texas will provide comprehensive services to pre-certified trafficking victims in the central Texas area; build community service networks to respond to victims’ needs; and provide training to increase awareness among criminal justice entities, social service providers, and the public of the rights and needs of trafficking victims.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSASafe Horizon XX   Safe Horizon will provide comprehensive services to trafficking victims; build effective community service networks to respond to victims’ needs; and provide training to increase the awareness among criminal justice entities, social service providers, and the public of the rights and needs of trafficking victims in New York City and Nassau County, Long Island.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSASalvation Army, Alaska XX   Salvation Army Alaska will develop, expand, or strengthen victim service programs for persons who have been identified as victims of severe forms of human trafficking of persons during the pre-certification phase in Alaska. The grantee will work collaboratively with the BJA funded anti-trafficking law enforcement task force in Alaska.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSASalvation Army Hawaiian and Pacific Island Division XX   The Salvation Army, Western Territory, Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division (TSA HI) will continue to provide comprehensive services to pre-certified trafficking victims in the State of Hawaii and the Territory of American Samoa. TSA HI will also: build effective community service networks to respond to victims’ needs; and provide training to increase awareness among criminal justice entities, social service providers, and the public of the rights and needs of trafficking victims. TSA HI will work collaboratively with the local law enforcement task forces already working in Hawaii and American Samoa.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSASalvation Army, Orange Country XX   Salvation Army Orange County will develop, expand, or strengthen victim service programs for persons who have been identified as victims of severe forms of human trafficking of persons during the pre-certification phase in Orange County, CA. The grantee will work collaboratively with the BJA funded anti-trafficking law enforcement task force in Orange County.$460,0003DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSATapestri XX   Tapestri will continue to expand, or strengthen victim service programs for persons who have been identified by federal law enforcement as victims of severe forms of human trafficking of persons during the pre-certification phase in the state of Georgia.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAYMCA of the Greater Houston Area XX   The YMCA will continue to provide comprehensive services to victims of trafficking in Southeast Texas; build effective community service networks to respond to victim’s needs; and provide training to increase awareness among criminal justice entities, social service providers, and the public regarding the rights and needs of trafficking victims.$230,0001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAFederal Employees      Funding to support travel and training related expenses of federal employees other than EOUSA and FBI personnel to attend the U.S. Department of Justice's Fourth Annual Conference on Human Trafficking, September 9-10, 2008 in Atlanta, Georgia.$15,9383 days (conference related)DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAOffice for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVCTTAC)    XXFunding to support training and technical assistance through education and outreach to OVC Services for Human Trafficking Victims grantees. In addition, funding to support the Tracking Information Management System (TIMS) database.$60,0001DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAOffice for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVCTTAC)    XXFunding to provide training and technical assistance to the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Human Trafficking Task Forces. In addition, to support research and evaluation of the Services for Human Trafficking Victims grant program.$1,040,5001.5DOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAN/ACircle SolutionsXXX  Circle Solutions, Inc. provided logistical support to the OJP Office of the Assistant Attorney General (OAAG) for the Human Trafficking Conference on September 8-10, 2008, in Atlanta, Georgia. The task order was awarded under GSA Schedule, Contract Number GS-23F-0288F and OJP BPA Number 2008BF08007.$464,2774 monthsDOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAN/AExecutive Office for the United States Attorneys (EOUSA)     Reimbursable Agreement between DOJ/OJP/OVC and EOUSA to support travel and training related expenses of personnel from the U.S. Attorneys' Offices to the U.S. Department of Justice's Fourth Annual Conference on Human Trafficking, September 9-10, 2008 in Atlanta, Georgia.$75,0001 monthDOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAN/AFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)     Reimbursable Agreement between DOJ/OJP/OVC and FBI to support travel expenses of up to 25 personnel from the FBI to the U.S. Department of Justice's Fourth Annual Conference on Human Trafficking, September 9-10, 2008 in Atlanta, Georgia.$40,0001 monthDOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAN/AExecutive Office for the United States Attorneys (EOUSA)     Reimbursable Agreement to provide funding to the Executive Office for United States Attorneys to provide victim of human trafficking with federal crime victim assistance using FY08 Services for Trafficking Victims.$100,0002 years and 2 monthsDOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAN/AFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)     Reimbursable Agreement to provide funding to victims of human trafficking with federal crime victim assistance using FY08 Services for Trafficking Victims.$100,0002 years and 2 monthsDOJ/OVC2008
DOJ/OJP/OVCUSAUSAN/ADepartment of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)     Modification of Reimbursable Agreement to provide ICE with additional funding in trafficking appropriation to be used for direct services for victims of human trafficking.$150,0002 years and 2 monthsDOJ/OVC2008
DOS/PRMUSAUnited States -- global returns and transportation of family members.IOM  X XXReturn, Reintegration, and Family Reunification for TIP Victims in the US: This project supports TVPA provisions for eligible family members abroad to be reunited with TIP victims in the US, and also provides return & reintegration for victims in the U.S. who want to return to their country of origin. The US Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, and its Reauthorizations of 2003 and 2005 include provisions for family reunification for T-Visa beneficiaries, yet many victims and NGOs do not have the necessary resources for this process. The program provides a safe and coordinated mechanism to bring eligible family members of trafficking victims from abroad to the United States. It is also available to victims of trafficking in the U.S. who elect not to apply for the T-Visa and who are in need of assistance to return to their country of origin. Assistance is provided on a case-by- case basis, and includes financial and logistical support for travel, pre-departure assistance and documentation, transportation and coordinated reception with NGO partners, as well as escorts for unaccompanied children. Since it started the program supported the reunification of 229 family members with survivors of trafficking in the U.S., and provide return and reintegration assistance to 13 trafficking victims of trafficking identified in the U.S. who elected to return to their country of origin.$180,0001MRA2008
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSAUS Conference of Catholic Bishops84 sub-contractors (97 locations)XX   Per-capita services and case management to victims of human trafficking$3,091,852Year 2 of 4 option yearsHHS Appropriations2008
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSAPolaris Project XX   National Human Trafficking Resource Center Cooperative Agreement$394,452Year 1, with 2 of 2 continuation years remainingHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSAKetchumMaterials fulfillment contract (1): American Institutes for Research (AIR). Coalitions contracts (17): Houston Rescue and Restore, Empire State Coalition of Youth and Family Services, Opening Doors, Inc.; International Center of Atlanta, Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia; World Relief-Nashville, The Salvation Army of Greater Columbus, OH; YWCA of Greater Cincinnati-Alliance for Immigrant Women; SAGE Project, Inc.; International Institute of St. Louis, Catholic Charities of Portland, OR; RIPPLE; Network of Emergency Trafficking Services (NETS) of Las Vegas, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newark, International Rescue Committee (Phoenix, AZ), The Salvation Army Family and Community Services STOP-IT Program, Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic ViolenceX    National Human Trafficking Public Awareness campaign; coalition development$1,415,500Year 1 of 2 option yearsHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/ Louisville, KYCatholic Charities of LouisvilleBluegrass Rape Crisis Center, Women's Crisis Center, Kentucky Association of Sexual AssaultXX   Catholic Charities of Louisville will partner with its sub-awardees and other grassroots partners for building, public awareness, victim identification and victim service referrals.$240,000Year 1 of 3 year awardHHS Appropriations2008
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/ MinnesotaCivil SocietyVietnamese Minnesotan’s Association Waite House Vietnamese Social Services SEWA Somali Education and Social Advocacy Center Korean Service CenterXX  XCivil Society will spearhead overall educational and outreach efforts related to human trafficking throughout its region. It will also assess the human trafficking situation in its geographic area and make sub-awards of 60 percent of its contracts to other local organizations to raise awareness about human trafficking and assist in identifying and rescuing victims.$348,219Year 1 of 2 option years (I base year)HHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Birmingham, ALSoutheastern Network of Youth Services - FloridaFamily ConnectionXX   Southeastern Network of Youth and Family Services will partner other NGOs to expand their outreach services to runaway and homeless youths vulnerable to trafficking. Contacts will be made to community organization that may come in contact with victims of human trafficking.$90,000Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Chicago, ILSalvation Army - Chicago Social Services XX  XThe Salvation Army will implement an intervention model based on substance abuse literature to identify victims, engage them in the project, and assist victims to leave trafficking.$108,599Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/ColoradoColorado Legal ServicesPolaris Project-Colorado, PRAX(US), RMIANXX   Colorado Legal Services will partner with its sub-awardees and other grassroots partners for coalition building, public awareness, victim identification and victim service referrals.$281,000Year 1 of 3 year awardHHS Appropriations2008
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Dallas, TXMosaic Family Services XX   Mosaic Family Services will utilize a multidisciplinary task force to identify victims of trafficking and provide them with services such as case management, referrals to legal services, medical care, immigration assistance, counseling, and employment assistance.$123,585Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Detroit, MIAlternatives for Girls XX   Alternatives For Girls will conduct outreach to high-risk female teens and young women, including individuals in prostitution and unaccompanied runaway or homeless youth, especially along the Canadian/US border. They will establish or strengthen partnerships with the local law enforcement divisions, social service groups, and community agencies .$25,000Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/El Cajon, CACenter for Social Advocacy XX   Center for Social Advocacy, a civil rights organization, will educate Spanish-speaking and Mizteco immigrant laborers about their human rights and distribute relevant resources. Service providers will also be educated. This project aims to identify victims of trafficking and to prosecute at least 1 trafficker or labor boss.$27,502Year 3 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/FloridaImmigrants Rights Advocacy CenterKlass Kids Eden Fellowship Center for the Advancement of Human Rights Clay Behavioral Center World Relief of Jacksonville Families First Women’s Center of Jacksonville Catholic Charities of Central FL Harbor House YWCA – Tampa Human Rights Group, Inc. Justice at the Gates Amigo’s Center Our Mother’s Home Project Help St. Matthew’s House One Way Out Ministries Unitarian Church of Fort Myers Miami Movement Against Human Trafficking World Relief Miami South Brevard Women’s Center FSU Center for Advancement of Human Rights Catholic Charities of St Petersburg Crisis Center of Tampa Bay Catholic Charities of Lee County Project Help YWCA St PetersburgXX  XIRAC will spearhead overall educational and outreach efforts related to human trafficking throughout its region. It will also assess the human trafficking situation in its geographic area and make sub-awards of 60 percent of its contracts to other local organizations to raise awareness about human trafficking and assist in identifying and rescuing victims.$666,666Year 1 of 2 option years (1 base year)HHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Houston, TXHouston Rescue and Restore CoalitionBoat People SOS, Concerned Women for America (CWA), Children at Risk, Houston International Worker Justice Center, YMCA InternationalXX   Houston Rescue and Restore Coalition will partner with its sub-awardees and other grassroots partners for coalition building, public awareness, victim identification and victim service referrals.$282,000Year 1 of 3 year awardHHS Appropriations2008
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Los AngelesCoalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking XX   A coalition of community and ethnic organizations will implement Sex Trafficking Outreach Project to target Russian, Korean and other victims of sex trafficking. Direct outreach will be made to potential victims in venue where their presence is likely. Efforts will be made to raise public awareness of trafficking.$75,000Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Milwaukee, WIPractical StrategiesUnited Migrant Opportunity Services International Institute of Wisconsin The Way and the Truth Ministries Burleigh Street Community Development CorporationXX   Practical Strategies will spearhead overall educational and outreach efforts related to human trafficking throughout its region. It will also assess the human trafficking situation in its geographic area and make sub-awards of 60 percent of its contracts to other local organizations to raise awareness about human trafficking and assist in identifying and rescuing victims.$174,284Year 1 of 2 option years (1 base year)HHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/New York, NYGirls Educational and Mentoring Services (GEMS) XX   Girls Educational and Mentoring Services is the only agency in New York City targeting young women ages 12-21, predominantly of color and from low-income backgrounds, who may be involved in or at risk for sexual exploitation and trafficking. GEMS will increase person-to-person outreach and victim identification at prostitution locations, shelters, group homes, and detention facilities.$109,472Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Newark, NJPolaris Project XX   Polaris Project's New Jersey Victim Outreach Project will coordinate direct outreach efforts with the New Jersey Statewide Human Trafficking Taskforce. The team will target Asian, Eastern European, Latin American, and foreign national women and children in the commercial sex industry, as well as Latin American migrant farmers in low-wage industries. A multi-lingual 24-hour hotline service will also be available for self-reporting.$114,000Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/NJ countiesCatholic Charities of Camden, Ocean, and Cape May, NJ Local grassroots organizationsRural Opportunities, Inc.XX   Catholic Charities of Diocese of Camden will partner with Rural Opportunities and USCCB/MRS to conduct direct person-to-person outreach and to offer services to migrant farm workers involved in trafficking. Educational outreach will be made through focus groups, informal meetings, and already-existing structures.$70,000Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/North CarolinaLegal Aid of North Carolina XX   Legal Aid of North Carolina will partner with its sub-awardees and other grassroots partners for coalition building, public awareness, victim identification and victim service referrals.$281,000Year 1 of 3 year awardHHS Appropriations2008
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Orlando, FLSoutheastern Network of Youth Services - FloridaCovenant HouseXX   Southeastern Network of Youth and Family Services will partner other NGOs to expand their outreach services to runaway and homeless youths vulnerable to trafficking. Contacts will be made to community organization that may come in contact with victims of human trafficking.$46,700Year 2 of 3 year awardHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Philadelphia, PACatholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of PhiladelphiaCovenant House of Pennsylvania, Dawn's Place, Pennsylvania Regional Community Policing Initiative, Project to End Human Trafficking, York Victim Assistance Center     Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will partner with its sub-grantees and other grassroots partners for coalition building, public awareness, victim identification and victim service referrals.$220,000Year 1 of 3 year awardHHS Appropriations2008
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Phoenix, AZInternational Rescue Committee XX   International Rescue Committee Phoenix will work with community partners to implement a media outreach campaign, as well as person-to-person outreach activities to victims of forced labor within the Latino Community. They will utilize linguistically and culturally appropriate mediums in venues frequently visited by their target population.$103,779Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Phoenix, AZCatholic Social Services of Maricopa County, AZ XX   Catholic Charities Community Services will identify and educate sex trafficking victims, offer them basic supplies, provide interpreter services, case management, and coordinate transportation to safe houses. Outreach activities will take place in areas where known prostitution and trafficking occur such as truck stops, Home Depots, gas stations, etc. Outreach workers will also participate in police sting operations to identify victims.$101,462Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Rochester, NYFarmworker Legal Services of New York XX   Farmworker Legal Services of New York, in partnership with the Institutional Institute of Buffalo, will concentrate its migrant labor outreach education program on 25 camps notorious for trafficking.$72,734Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/San Francisco, CASage Project XX   Sage will conduct street outreach and offer comprehensive service provision to trafficking victims. They will also spearhead community networking and offer training necessary to create a sustainable, diverse anti-trafficking infrastructure.$121,979Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Southern CABilateral Safety Corridor Coalition Local grassroots organizationsJahi Turner Foundation 211 – San Diego University of California at San Diego Women’s Center Salvation Army, San Diego Trinity House St. Mark’s Episcopal Center for Social Advocacy Community Service Programs, Inc. Captive Daughters Downtown Women’s Center People’s CORE National Council of Jewish Women Nightlight USA Oasis USA Salvation Army, Los Angeles Public Law Center Vanguard University Center for Women’s Studies Vietnamese Alliance to Combat TraffickingXX   BSCC will spearhead overall educational and outreach efforts related to human trafficking throughout its region. It will also assess the human trafficking situation in its geographic area and make sub-awards of 60 percent of its contracts to other local organizations to raise awareness about human trafficking and assist in identifying and rescuing victims.$601,159Year 1 of 2 option years (1 base year)HHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Springfield, ILPositive Options, Referrals & Alternatives XX   Positive Options, Referrals and Alternatives, Inc. will expand its trafficking outreach services to include street and fixed site outreach activities; collaboration with local social services agencies, churches, and businesses; and media outreach through billboards and internet announcements.$115,000Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/St. Paul, MNBreaking FreeCivil SocietyXX   The proposed project combines and enhances the current outreach strengths of Breaking Free, an organization that serves prostituted women and girls and battered women, and the legal service expertise of Civil Society, an agency with extensive experience in serving immigrants and refugees.$110,000Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Tucker, GATapestri XX   Tapestri will facilitate focus groups in Latino, Brazilian, and Korean communities to create "best practices" approaches to anti-trafficking outreach. In addition, educational trainings will be offered to health-care providers, faith-based organization, and other organizations within the three target communities.$75,310Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007
HHS/ORR/ACFUSAUSA/Weslaco, TXTexas Rio Grande Legal Aid XX   Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid's anti-trafficking project, End Trafficking Today, will conduct person-to-person outreach to inform potential victims of their rights and available resources. Additional activities will be implemented to educate identified communities about human trafficking.$71,871Year 2 of 3 year grantHHS Appropriations2007