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NAWQA: Contaminant Trends in Lake Sediments
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USGS Fact Sheets

Ging, P.B., Van Metre, P.C., and Callender, E., 1999, Bottom Sediments of Lorence Creek Lake, San Antonio, Texas, Reflect Contaminant Trends in an Urbanizing Watershed: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-149-99, 4 p. (HTML document)

Kalkhoff, S.J., and Van Metre, P.C., 1997, Organochlorine Compounds in a Sediment Core from Coralville Reservoir: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-129-97, 4 p. (HTML document)

Mahler, B.J. and Van Metre, P.C., 2003, A Chronicle of Organochlorine Contamination in Clear Creek, Galveston and Harris Counties, Texas, 1960-2002, as Recorded in Sediment Cores: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 088-03, 4 p.

Mahler, B.J.; Van Metre, P.C., 2002, Llano Grande Lake bottom sediments; a chronicle of water-quality changes in the Arroyo Colorado, South Texas, 1989-2001: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 065-02, 4 p.

Mahler, B.J., Van Metre, P.C., and Miranda, R.M., 2002, Occurrence of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) on Suspended Sediment in the Donna Canal, Hidalgo County, Texas, 1999-2001: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 016-02, 4p.

Mahler, B.J. and Van Metre, P.C., 2001, Effects of Oil and Gas Production on Lake Meredith Sediments, 1964-99  U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 072-01, 6 p. (Introduction)

Naftz, D.L., Stephens, D.W., Callender, E., and Van Metre, P.C., 2000, Reconstructing Historical Changes in the Environmental Health of Watersheds by Using Sediment Cores from Lakes and Reservoirs in Salt Lake Valley, Utah:   U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-164-00, 6 p. (PDF 753Kb)

Van Metre, P.C., Mahler, B.J., and Callender, E., 1997, Water-Quality Trends in the Rio Grande / Rio Bravo Basin Using Sediment Cores from Reservoirs: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-221-96, 8 p. (PDF 739Kb)

Van Metre, P.C., Land, L.F., and Braun, C.L., 1996, Water-Quality Trends Using Sediment Cores from White Rock Lake, Dallas, Texas: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-217-96, 4 p. (PDF 478Kb)

Van Metre, P.C., and Mahler, B.J., 1999, Town Lake Bottom Sediments:  A Chronicle of Water- Quality Changes in Austin, Texas, 1960-98:  U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-183-99, 6 p.

Van Metre, P.C.; Mahler, B.J.; Scoggins, M.; and Hamilton, P.A., 2005, Parking lot sealcoat: a mjor source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in urban and suburban environments: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2005-3147, 4 p.

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