
Records of the Employment and Training Administration [ETA]

(Record Group 369)

Overview of Records Locations

Table of Contents
  • 369.1 Administrative History
  • 369.2 Headquarters Records of the Manpower Administration and the Employment and Training Administration 1948-81
    • 369.2.1 General records
    • 369.2.2 Records of the Division of Training and State Personnel Management
    • 369.2.3 Records of the Bureau of Work-Training Programs
    • 369.2.4 Records of the Job Corps
  • 369.3 Regional Records 1955-86
    • 369.3.1 Records of ETA Region I (Boston)
    • 369.3.2 Records of ETA Region III (Washington, DC)
    • 369.3.3 Records of ETA Region V (Chicago)
    • 369.3.4 Records of ETA Region VI (Dallas)
    • 369.3.5 Records of ETA Region VII (Kansas City)
    • 369.3.6 Records of ETA Region VIII (Denver)
    • 369.3.7 Records of ETA Region IX (San Francisco)
    • 369.3.8 Records of ETA Region X (Seattle)
  • 369.4 Records of the Office of Field Direction and Management 1969-74
  • 369.5 Records of the Office of Financial and Management Services 1963-73
  • 369.6 Records of the Office of Manpower Development Programs 1974-74
  • 369.7 Records of the Office of Policy, Evaluation, and Research 1966-67
  • 369.8 Records of the Office of Public Service Employment 1967-74
  • 369.9 Records of the Unemployment Insurance Service 1941-82
  • 369.10 Records of the U.S. Employment Service 1940-81

 369.1 Administrative History

Established: In the Department of Labor (DOL) by Secretary's Order 14-75, November 12, 1975.

Predecessor Agencies:

Manpower Administration, DOL (1963-75)

Functions: Administers DOL programs in areas of employment services, job training, and unemployment insurance. Supervises the activities of the Unemployment Insurance Service; the U.S. Employment Service; and the Office of Work-Based Learning, consisting of the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, the Office of Employment and Training, and the Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance. Conducts, through the Office of Strategic Planning and Program Development, a continuing program of research, development, and evaluation in the areas of employment and job training.

Finding Aids: Preliminary Inventory in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.

Related Records:
General Records of the Department of Labor, RG 174.
Records of the Office of Employment Security, RG 183.
Records of the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, RG 300.
Records of the Neighborhood Youth Corps, RG 390.

 369.2 Headquarters Records of the Manpower Administration and the Employment and Training Administration

History: Manpower Administration established in DOL by Secretary's Order 3-63, February 19, 1963, to provide oversight and direction of DOL manpower programs. Subordinated to the Manpower Administration were the previously independent Bureau of Employment Security (BES) and Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (BAT). (For administrative history of BES, see RG 183.)

BAT inherited National Youth Administration (NYA) responsibility for apprenticeships and youth training programs. NYA, established in the Works Progress Administration by EO 7086, June 26, 1935, supervised these programs through its Division of Apprentice Training (DAT). DAT transferred to Division of Labor Standards, DOL, by Federal Apprenticeship Act (50 Stat. 664), August 16, 1937, and redesignated the Apprenticeship Section. Transferred to Office of the Administrator, Federal Security Agency, by EO 9139, April 18, 1942, and subsequently to War Manpower Commission (WMC) pursuant to EO 9247, September 17, 1942. Assigned, as the Apprentice Training Service (ATS), to the Bureau of Training, WMC. ATS transferred to DOL by EO 9617, September 19, 1945. Redesignated Bureau of Apprenticeship, 1948. Redesignated BAT by General Order 91, Secretary of Labor, December 11, 1956.

Neighborhood Youth Corps (NYC) established as a third programmatic bureau within the Manpower Administration by Secretary's Order 35-64, November 2, 1964, pursuant to the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 508), August 20, 1964, and delegation of authority from Director, Office of Economic Opportunity, October 23, 1964. NYC subordinated to newly created Bureau of Work Programs (BWP), established in the Manpower Administration by Secretary's Order 4-67, March 14, 1967, to administer various training programs, such as Operation Mainstream, Special Impact, and New Careers. BWP redesignated Bureau of Work-Training Programs (BWTP) by Secretary's Order 6- 68, March 22, 1968, with responsibility for additional programs, including Work Incentive (WIN), On-the-Job Training (OJT), and Concentrated Employment (CEP).

In Manpower Administration reorganization under Secretary's Order 14-69, March 14, 1969, BES and BWTP abolished, effective March 17, 1969. Unemployment Insurance Service (UIS) of former BES became one of two Manpower Administration components. The second was the U.S. Training and Employment Service (USTES), which consisted of the U.S. Employment Service (USES), comprised of the Veterans Employment Service and the Farm Labor and Rural Manpower Service; and the Office of National Programs (ONP), which acquired the programmatic functions of the abolished BWTP.

Job Corps transferred from Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) to DOL, effective July 1, 1969, by Presidential directive, February 19, 1969, and OEO delegation of authority, June 24, 1969, and assigned to Manpower Administration as a fourth programmatic bureau by Secretary's Order 30-69, July 1, 1969.

Office of Public Service Employment (OPSE), a fifth programmatic bureau, established in the Manpower Administration pursuant to the Emergency Employment Act of 1971 (85 Stat. 146), July 12, 1971, to administer the Public Employment Program (PEP), drawing personnel from ONP. PEP operations formalized as OPSE by April 1972.

USTES abolished by Manpower Administration order, December 16, 1971, and superseded by new USES; Office of National Program Administration (ONPA), with responsibility for OJT and the Comprehensive Apprenticeship, Journeyman, and Advanced Trainee Outreach Program; and Office of Employment Development Programs (OEDP), which took over most responsibilities of the former ONP, to increase the number of autonomous programmatic units in Manpower Administration to seven (Job Corps, UIS, USES, OEDP, ONPA, OPSE, and BAT).

In Manpower Administration reorganization authorized by DOL (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management [OASAM]) approval memorandum, September 14, 1973, a new Office of Manpower Development Programs (OMDP) was established, consolidating the Job Corps, OEDP, ONPA, and OPSE. OMDP made responsible for administering the grant programs under Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA, 87 Stat. 839), December 28, 1973.

All components of Manpower Administration continued under successor ETA, 1975. OMDP redesignated Office of Comprehensive Employment Development Programs, 1976. Redesignated Office of Comprehensive Employment Development (OCED), with certain of its functions assigned to newly reestablished programmatic offices, Office of Youth Programs (OYP) and Office of National Programs, by DOL (OASAM) approval memorandum, June 21, 1977.

Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance (OTAA) transferred from Bureau of International Labor Affairs to ETA as an autonomous programmatic unit by DOL (OASAM) approval memorandum, July 8, 1981.

ONP, OYP, and OCED consolidated by ETA reorganization under authority of DOL (OASAM) approval memorandum, April 26, 1982, to form Office of Comprehensive Employment and Training (OCET). BAT placed administratively under OCET, reporting, with Office of Job Corps, through the Office of Apprenticeship and Residential Training (OART). UIS, USES, and OTAA consolidated by same authority to form Office of Employment Security (OES). OART abolished and Office of the Associate Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training (OAASET), through which OES and OCET report, established by DOL (OASAM) approval memorandum, June 10, 1982.

CETA Amendment Act of 1978 (92 Stat. 1909), October 27, 1978, funded CETA grant programs through FY 1982. Supplanted by direct grants to states under the Job Training Partnership Act (96 Stat. 1322), October 13, 1982. OCET redesignated Office of Employment and Training Programs (OETP), 1983, with truncation of CETA responsibilities. In ETA reorganization under authority of DOL (OASAM) approval memorandum, April 16, 1984, OAASET abolished and OCET superseded by Office of Job Training Programs (OJTP).

In ETA reorganization under authority of DOL (OASAM) approval memorandum, November 21, 1989, OES and OJTP abolished, with UIS and USES resuming status as autonomous programmatic units, and new Office of Work-Based Learning established, to which OTAA, BAT, and functions of OJTP assigned.

 369.2.1 General records

Textual Records: Records of Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training Ernest G. Green, 1977-81. Congressional correspondence of the Assistant Secretary for Manpower, 1970-73. Correspondence of the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Manpower Administrator, 1970-73. Records relating to the International Association of Personnel in Employment Security, 1964-71.

Related Records: Records of the Assistant Secretary for Manpower, concerning alien labor policy for Guam, ca. 1947-71; records of Assistant Secretary for Manpower Arnold R. Weber, 1969-70; and records of Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training William H. Kolberg, 1973-77, in RG 174, General Records of the Department of Labor.

 369.2.2 Records of the Division of Training and State Personnel

Textual Records: Correspondence and other records, 1948-67 (bulk 1962-67). Background records and supporting documentation for a study of personnel management in the Georgia Employment Security Agency and its relationship with the Georgia State Personnel Board, 1967.

 369.2.3 Records of the Bureau of Work-Training Programs

Textual Records: Central reading files and program records, 1964-69. Directives and notices, 1965-69. Program Review and Analysis Division reading files, 1965-69. Records relating to the Neighborhood Youth Corps (NYC) program, 1965-68. Narrative reports on BWTP sponsored programs including Operation Mainstream, New Careers, and NYC, 1965-69.

Related Records: Project evaluation reports and newspaper clipping files, 1965-67, in RG 390, Records of the Neighborhood Youth Corps [records not currently described in Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States].

 369.2.4 Records of the Job Corps

History: Established under the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), Executive Office of the President, by the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 508), August 20, 1964. Became operational, January 1965. Administration of Job Corps assigned to DOL, effective July 1, 1969, by Presidential directive, February 19, 1969, and OEO delegation of authority, June 24, 1969. Assigned to Manpower Administration by Secretary's Order 30-69, July 1, 1969, and designated as an autonomous programmatic unit. Reauthorized by the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 (87 Stat. 863), December 28, 1973, and placed under OMDP.

Textual Records: Subject files of the Director, 1965-69. Correspondence relating to recruitment and selection of enrollees, May-November 1965, May 1966-December 1970. Records of the Job Corps Health Office, including statistical reports on monthly health services, 1967-73; quarterly reports on the health management information system, 1974-77; and records relating to sickle-cell anemia, 1968-75.

Related Records: Additional records of the Job Corps, 1964-66, among records of the Office of Economic Opportunity, in RG 381, Records of the Community Services Administration.

 369.3 Regional Records

History: Manpower Administration inherited existing regional office structures of BES and BAT, 1963. BAT adopted BES regional office system in 1965. Separate regional structure established for NYC, 1966 (and continued by BWP, 1967). Manpower Administration created a uniform regional structure, 1968-69, and adopted standard federal regions, 1970. ETA continued Manpower Administration regional structure, 1975.

Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, 1963-65:

Region Headquarters Jurisdiction
Region I Boston, MA CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT
Region II New York, NY NJ, NY, PR, VI
Region III-IV Chambersburg, PA DE, DC, MD, NC, PA, VA, WV
Region V Atlanta, GA AL, FL, GA, MS, SC, TN
Region VI Cleveland, OH KY, MI, OH
Region VII Chicago, IL IL, IN, WI
Region VIII Minneapolis, MN MN, MT, ND, SD
Region IX Kansas City, MO IA, KS, MO, NE
Region X Dallas, TX AR, LA, OK, TX
Region XI Denver, CO CO, NM, UT, WY
Region XII San Francisco, CA AZ, CA, GU, HI, NV
Region XIII Seattle, WA AK, ID, OR, WA

Bureau of Employment Security, 1963-67:

Region Headquarters Jurisdiction
Region I Boston, MA CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT
Region II New York, NY NJ, NY, PR, VI
Region III Chambersburg, PA DE, DC, MD, NC, PA, VA, WV
Region IV Atlanta, GA AL, FL, GA, MS, SC, TN
Region V Cleveland, OH KY, MI, OH
Region VI Chicago, IL IL, IN, MN, WI
Region VII Kansas City, MO IA, KS, MO, NE, ND, SD
Region VIII Dallas, TX AR, LA, NM, OK, TX
Region IX Denver, CO CO, MT, UT, WY
Region X San Francisco, CA AZ, CA, GU, HI, NV
Region XI Seattle, WA AK, ID, OR, WA

Neighborhood Youth Corps/Bureau of Work Programs, 1966-67:

Region Headquarters Jurisdiction
Region I New York, NY CT, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PR, RI, VT, VI
Region II Washington, DC DE, DC, KY, MD, NC, PA, VA, WV
Region III Atlanta, GA AL, FL, GA, MS, SC, TN
Region IV Chicago, IL IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI
Region V Dallas, TX AR, LA, NM, OK, TX
Region VI Kansas City, MO CO, ID, IA, KS, MO, MT, NE, ND, SD, UT, WY
Region VII San Francisco, CA AK, AZ, CA, GU, HI, NV, OR, WA

Manpower Administration, 1968:

Region Headquarters Jurisdiction
Region I All: Boston, MA CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT
Region II All: New York, NY NJ, NY, PR, VI
Chambersburg, PA
Washington, DC

Region IV All: Atlanta, GA AL, FL, GA, MS, SC, TN
Region V All: Chicago, IL IL, IN, KY, MI, MN, OH, WI
Region VI All: Kansas City, MO CO, IA, KS, MO, MT, NE, ND, SD, UT, WY
Region VII All: Dallas, TX AR, LA, NM, OK, TX
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco, CA

Region IX BAT/BES: Seattle, WA AK, ID, OR, WA

Manpower Administration, 1969:

Region Headquarters Jurisdiction
Region I Boston, MA CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT
Region II New York, NY NJ, NY, PR, VI
Region III Washington, DC DE, DC, MD, NC, PA, VA, WV
Region IV Atlanta, GA AL, FL, GA, MS, SC, TN
Region V Chicago, IL IL, IN, KY, MI, MN, OH, WI
Region VI Kansas City, MO CO, IA, KS, MO, MT, NE, ND, SD, UT, WY
Region VII Dallas, TX AR, LA, NM, OK, TX
Region VIII San Francisco, CA
Seattle, WA

Manpower Administration/Employment and Training
Administration, 1970- :

Region Headquarters Jurisdiction
Region I Boston, MA CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT
Region II New York, NY NJ, NY, PR, VI
Region III Washington, DC DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV
Region IV Atlanta, GA AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
Region V Chicago, IL IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI
Region VI Dallas, TX AR, LA, NM, OK, TX
Region VII Kansas City, MO IA, KS, MO, NE
Region VIII Denver, CO CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY
Region IX San Francisco, CA AZ, CA, GU, HI, NV
Region X Seattle, WA AK, ID, OR, WA

 369.3.1 Records of ETA Region I (Boston)

Textual Records (in Boston): Correspondence and directives, 1967-75. Correspondence and issuances of the Regional Coordinating Committee, 1973-78. Program files of the Job Service, Southern Division (CT, MA, RI), 1977-79.

 369.3.2 Records of ETA Region III (Washington, DC)

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Regional Job Corps correspondence, 1965-74.

 369.3.3 Records of ETA Region V (Chicago)

Textual Records (in Chicago): Work Incentive (WIN) program files for MI and MN, 1973-81. Coordination and program files, 1968-69. Program correspondence, 1966-74.

 369.3.4 Records of ETA Region VI (Dallas)

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Regional program files of the Unemployment Insurance Service, 1955-71. Regional program correspondence and other records of the Job Corps, 1966-72. Records relating to other training programs, 1968-80.

 369.3.5 Records of ETA Region VII (Kansas City)

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Regional program correspondence of the Unemployment Insurance Service, July 1969-September 1991.

 369.3.6 Records of ETA Region VIII (Denver)

Textual Records (in Denver): State-level Cooperative Area Manpower Planning (CAMP) System plans for CO, ND, SD, UT, and WY, 1968-72. Regional program correspondence of the Unemployment Insurance Service, 1966-78. Regional correspondence of the Job Service, 1966-80.

 369.3.7 Records of ETA Region IX (San Francisco)

Textual Records (in San Francisco): Management coordination and planning correspondence, January 1978-October 1979. Reports relating to the Unemployment Insurance Service Program, 1978-79.

 369.3.8 Records of ETA Region X (Seattle)

Textual Records (in Seattle): State-level Cooperative Area Manpower Planning (CAMP) System plans for AK, ID, OR, and WA, 1968-69. Manpower Administration program files, 1968-74. Regional program correspondence of the Job Corps, 1972-84.

 369.4 Records of the Office of Field Direction and Management 1969-74

Textual Records: Correspondence files of the Associate Manpower Administrator for Field Direction and Management, 1973. Field memorandums and directives case files, 1969-74. Significant activity reports of regional offices, 1973-74.

 369.5 Records of the Office of Financial and Management Services 1963-73

Textual Records: Directives case files, 1963-70. Program and administrative subject files, 1964-73.

 369.6 Records of the Office of Manpower Development Programs 1972-74

Textual Records: Records of the Office of Community Manpower Programs, including correspondence and subject files, 1974; and records relating to the public employment program, 1972-74.

 369.7 Records of the Office of Policy, Evaluation, and Research

History: Office of Automation and Manpower established by Secretary's Order 5-61, October 25, 1961. Superseded by the Office of Manpower, Automation, and Training (OMAT), established by Secretary's Order 17-62, June 15, 1962. OMAT designated by Secretary's Order 3-63, February 19, 1963, as the initial nonprogrammatic component of the Manpower Administration. OMAT abolished by Secretary's Order 35-65, December 14, 1965, and superseded by Office of Manpower Policy, Evaluation, and Research (OMPER). OMPER abolished by Secretary's Order 14-67, October 23, 1967, and functions vested in Office of Associate Manpower Administrator. Functions assigned to Office of Policy, Evaluation, and Research, established, effective March 17, 1969, by Secretary's Order 14-69, March 14, 1969. Redesignated Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Development by DOL Approval Memorandum, April 26, 1982.

Textual Records: Subject files, 1963-65. Records relating to "Project Growth," 1965. Research reports from aviation and military manpower studies, 1964-65; experimental and demonstration projects, 1965-66; and a cooperative evaluation of Manpower Development and Training Act enrollees, 1966-67. Records of field directors, 1963-65. Field project case files, 1963-65. Records of the Field Service Division including subject files and special case files, 1963-65; and experimental and demonstration case files, 1963-65. Records of the Director of the Special Programs Division, 1963-65.

 369.8 Records of the Office of Public Service Employment 1967-74

Textual Records: Records of the Associate Manpower Administrator for Public Service Employment, 1971-74, including program subject files, studies, and reports; conference and meeting files; reading file relating to the Employment Security Act of 1971; communications to Regional Manpower Administrators; government coordination files; investigations and court case files; and publications reference files. Directives clearance case files, 1971-73. Records of the Specifications and Standards Division, Office of Program Policy and Planning, including correspondence and subject files, 1971-73. Records of the Appeals and Special Reports Division, Office of Program Review and Agent Assistance, including correspondence, subject files, and case studies, 1967-74.

 369.9 Records of the Unemployment Insurance Service 1941-82

Textual Records: Records of the Associate Manpower Administrator for Unemployment Insurance, 1962-72. Records of the Federal Advisory Council on Unemployment Insurance, 1941-78. Records relating to the Interstate Conference on Employment Security Agencies, 1969-72. State cost model studies (CM Studies), 1979-82.

Related Records: Records of the Bureau of Employment Security, 1955-68, and Records of the Bureau of Unemployment Compensation and its successors, 1936-42, in RG 183, Records of the Office of Employment Security.

 369.10 Records of the U.S. Employment Service 1940-81

Textual Records: Subject files of the Director of the Office of Technical Support, 1940-1970. Oral trades question books, 1940-53. Records of the Manpower Matching Systems Division, 1967-71. Employment security unfilled opening program records, 1968. Records of the Jobs for Veterans National Committee, 1970-74. Technical assistance project files of the National Council on Aging, 1971-76. Correspondence relating to handicapped and older workers, 1973-78. Records of the Joint Evaluation Team--State of Colorado, 1973-76. State employment security agency program plans, 1978. Studies and reports, 1981.

Related Records: Records of the U.S. Employment Service, 1907-49, in RG 183, Records of the Office of Employment Security.

Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.

Ordering information

This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.

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