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1. Top Man/Top Man Helper (Spider No.1)

1. Top Man/Top Man Helper (Spider No.1)
1.  Start-of-Shift Activities 2.  Mucking 3.  Loading and Hauling Muck 4.  Cable Examination 5.  Preventative Maintenance
1. 1. Start-of-Shift Activities
Sign in at mailbox
Proceed to dry house to change clothes
Check in at lamp house or dry house
Obtain PPE Priority 2
Hard hat with hearing muffs and/or ear plugs
Safety glasses
Metatarsal boots
Leg bands
Metacarpal gloves
Florescent and reflective vest
Rain suits (when needed)
Meet with other topman and discuss work phase
Check to see if bottom tools are ready
Blow pipe
Scraper - two good bolts, nuts, and washers, and two crescent wrenches
Three shovels
1 1/4" air hose - minimum of 15 feet
2. 2. Mucking
Check backhoe
Check motor and hydraulic oil Priority 2
Fill motor oil to overflow plug with 15W 40 motor oil
Fill hydraulic oil tank 2/3 full with ISO 46 hydraulic oil
Check that it has been greased Priority 2
Check tools/materials
Water nozzle
9 wire
Shaft bar
2 crescent wrenches
Ball string
Grease gun and tube of grease
Visually inspect backhoe
Check chain and clevis Priority 2
Secure boom and outrigger Priority 2
Secure all tools
Check hoses and levers
Check for cracks in boom
Send backhoe into hole
Hook backhoe to hoist
Ensure cable is centered over backhoe Priority 2
Signal to hoist operator to pick up
Stand away from backhoe during initial lift Priority 2
Steady backhoe
Do not travel under backhoe
Stay out of pinch points while lift is occurring
Signal to hoist operator to swing to the shaft center
Go to crow's nest
Observe that the backhoe is on center and steady Priority 2
Signal to hoist operator to lower to bottom
Listen for contact with obstructions as it is being lowered
Observe cable for shake or whip
This indicates that backhoe has touched bottom or contacted an obstruction
Signal hoist operator to stop at indication of a problem
Send personnel into hole
Hook up mantrip bucket
Ensure self-rescuers are in the mantrip bucket Priority 2
Signal hoist operator to lift the bucket
Clean bottom of bucket
Signal hoist operator to swing to mantrip center
Travel to the crow's nest Priority 2
Obtain the bell button
Signal hoist operator to lower personnel
Observe personnel being lowered into the shaft Priority 2
Listen for signals from personnel
Observe cable for shake or whip
This indicates that bucket has touched bottom or contacted obstruction
Signal hoist operator to stop at indication of a problem
Listen for signals to turn on air and water
Warn personnel in the hole air is coming on Priority 2
Listen for response
Turn air on slowly Priority 2
Turn water valve on
Listen for major air leaks during the shift Priority 2
If leaks are heard, turn off immediately
Listen for signals to turn off air and water
Close air valve
Use hearing protection Priority 2
Bleed air off slowly
Close water valve
Obtain truck and loader
Grease muck buckets
Prior to mucking shift
When turning the backhoe
Oil ears and bail stop
Send muck bucket into hole
Signal hoist operator to swing to muck bucket
Hook on dump side of bucket
Stand clear of bucket Priority 2
Signal hoist operator to lift bucket
Clean bottom of bucket Priority 2
Signal hoist operator to swing to muck center
Repeat process for second bucket
Dump muck bucket
Turn bucket to dump side Priority 2
Always dump bucket toward you
Ensure both bucket ears are latched Priority 2
Could cause bucket to dump unexpectedly if both ears are not latched
Position yourself so you have an escape route when dumping the bucket Priority 2
Beware of slip, trip, and fall hazards
Flip bucket ears
Ensure only one person is in charge of flipping ears Priority 2
Look for big rocks Priority 2
Big rocks could cause pinching or struck by type of injuries
Rock bucket from center of dump side of bucket from front to back to relieve pressure on ears
Dump the bucket weight on dump side
If bucket is loaded with the weight on the dump side, bucket will dump itself when ears are flipped
Dump an evenly loaded bucket
If bucket is loaded evenly, a slight pull from the center of the dump side is needed to dump bucket
Dump the bucket weight on the back side
Signal to set bucket on the ground
Let the bail down
Flip both ears in front of the bail
Signal the hoist operator to lift the bucket
Flip one ear on bucket to send back in the hole
Keep fingers out of pinch points
If possible, flip the ear on the bail stop side
Steady bucket and clean bottom Priority 2
Monitor the bucket constantly for damage Priority 2
Broken ears
Loose counter weights
Burrs on bucket rim
Cracks in the bail or bucket
Rocks stuck in the counter weights
Clean bucket as needed during the shift
Turn bucket upside down
This is a two person job
Clean the bottom of the bucket Priority 2
Strike bottom of bucket with sledge hammer until material breaks loose Priority 2
Appropriate PPE is required
Listen for tone change when material breaks loose
Clean bottom
Send in bottom tools using the muck bucket when notified
Blow pipe
Scraper - two good bolts, nuts, and washers, and two crescent wrenches
Three shovels
1 1/4" air hose - minimum of 15 feet
Latch both ears Priority 2
When anything is in the bucket
Ensure all three compressors are running
3. 3. Loading and Hauling Muck
Conduct pre-operational check on loader and dump truck Priority 2
Follow company pre-operational check list Priority 2
Notify supervisor if defects are found Priority 2
Fuel equipment
Stay with the nozzle while refueling Priority 2
Grease equipment
Block or chock equipment from movement Priority 3
Take the keys Priority 3
Load truck with muck after the fourth bucket is dumped
Do not overload the truck Priority 2
Four loader bucket of muck per truck
Keep loader bucket as low as possible except when dumping Priority 2
Haul muck to muck pile
Dump load at the toe of the berm and additional loads tight to the previously dumped load Priority 3
Do not drive with the bed up
Do not dump on uneven ground
Travel back to the hole
Position the truck for loading
Disengage transmission
Set park brake Priority 2
Repeat this process until mucking is completed and all muck is cleaned up
Return truck and loader to their parking area
4. 4. Cable Examination
Conducted every 7 days (Usually Sunday day shift) and if hoist has been down for a full operating shift
Cable examinations are recorded in the hoist book (date and time ragged) and initialed by hoist operator
Begin cable exam when boom is over crow's nest
Place chalk mark on cable directly in front of hoist
Go to crow's nest with a piece of burlap and wrap lightly around cable
Hold burlap around cable as cable is lowered into hole and check for burs, broken wires, deformities
Wait until another person has positioned himself in front of the hoist house
Remove the mark when mark reaches you
Instruct hoist operator to lower cable into the hole while second person rags remaining cable with burlap
Discuss any defects found with foreman Priority 3
Refer to Subpart O for guidance on out of service criteria
Attach shaft bucket to make a trial run in the hole
5. 5. Preventative Maintenance
Grease derrick fittings Priority 2
Obtain grease gun
Take extra tube of grease
Obtain two-way radios Priority 2
Get into bucket of 2nd hoist with helper Priority 2
Consider tie-off options
Signal hoist operator for bucket positioning
Grease boom block Priority 2
Instruct hoist operator to reposition boom to grease the second boom block
Instruct hoist operator to reposition boom to grease the fittings on top of derrick
Service drill rig
Use tube grease
Grease all pivot points Priority 2
Grease until you see a show of grease
Grease hammers Priority 2
Apply three pumps of grease Priority 2
Two fittings, one at the top and one at the base
Fill drill reservoir until it starts to come out of the overflow with Rock Drill 100
Reservoir located in center of rig
Perform steel maintenance
Examine the steels, collars, and bits
Check all threads for wear
Check bits for pitch
As they wear the pitch gets straighter
Check steels for obstructions
Blow through steel
Grease all threads with drill steel lubricant Priority 2
Remove striker bar from hammer
Examine seals
Replace striker bar seal as needed
Check materials on drill rig
6 X 6 blocks
1 X 6 pieces of wood
2 X 2 plugs
Pipe wrench
Crescent wrench
Striker bar
Extra steel and collar
Pressure wash drill rig weekly or as needed
Service backhoe
Hook up 1" air hose
Use whip check Priority 2
Remove bolts from scraper
Extend boom and remove scraper
Change motor oil Priority 2
Remove bottom drain plug
Drain oil into a container
Dispose of oil in used oil drum
Replace drain plug
Remove overflow plug
Remove fill cap and clean area Priority 2
Add new 15W 40 motor oil until it comes out of overflow
Approximately 3 quarts
Replace overflow plug
Replace fill cap
Grease backhoe
Grease all hinge points on boom and bucket Priority 2
Grease swinger cylinder Priority 2
Grease outriggers Priority 2
Apply until you have a show of grease
Check hydraulic fluid
Tank located on operator's left side
Clean area around fill cap Priority 2
Remove fill cap
Check oil level
Tank should be 2/3 full with ISO 46
Replace fill cap
Check air oiler level
Oiler is located on right side of operator's seat
Clean area and remove cap Priority 2
Fill to top of reservoir with Rock Drill 100
Replace cap
Pressure wash backhoe weekly
Check tools/materials
Water nozzle
9 wire
Shaft bar
2 crescent wrenches
Ball string
Grease gun and tube of grease