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Section Foreman3
Monitor Cutting and Welding Training Responsibilities Emergency or Unusual Situations Personal Safety
1. Monitor Cutting and Welding
See SWI for Cutting/Welding
Obtain supplies/equipment
Rock dust (5 bags)
Fire extinguisher
Flowable water
Welding/cutting gloves
Long sleeves (preferrably)
Welding shield
Methane detector
Torches, hoses, gages
Cresent wrench
Ground clamps
Welding rods
Wire brush
Prepare Area
Clean up combustible material
Surrounding area
Enter Sub-topic
Wet/Dust area
Position equipment
Vent to return - 15' outby last open crosscut (if possible)
Lock and tag-out
Secure equipment against movement
Unplug computer on miner (if applicable)
Thoroughly examine roof and ribs
Locate gound clamp as close as possible to area where you plan to weld
Notify dispatcher prior to cutting/welding
Notify inby personnel prior to cutting/welding
Cutting and Welding
Conduct methane examination
Make "legal" test
Test immediate area (extent of sparks)
Test other areas where methane is likely to accumulate
High spots, cavities, under equipment, pan line
Qualified person - 15' outby last open crosscut
On advancing section
Certified person - continuous check inby last open crosscut and 15' outby last open crosscut
On advancing section
Install shield (if applicable)
Completion of Cutting/Welding
Account for material
Wet/cool down area
Re-examine area for hot spots
Notify dispatcher of completion
Notify oncoming shift to check the area
Complete cutting/welding log
2. Training Responsibilities
Escape and evacuation
90-day fire drills
90-day escapeway
6-week escapeway
Fire-fighting training
Total mine evacuation
Record date, what you did, who participated
In book
Other company record provided
Task training
For person who has not performed task within previous 12 months
For person who has never done the task before
Changes to equipment, i.e. controls
Conducted by
Person experienced in task
Monitor task training in progress
Issue task training record
Hazard training
Conduct or check records
Train non-qualified persons in Methane Detection/Oxygen Deficency
3. Emergency or Unusual Situations
Assess situation
Don't minimize possible seriousness of situation
Remove all personnel outby affected areas
Account for all people
Direct workforce at site
Secure site
Notify dispatcher
Provide accurate information
Request Assistance (if needed)
Notify appropriate personnel
Provide communications (phone) at site, if possible
Maintain constant communications
Refer to written fire-fighting plan
Prepare to evacuate if necessary
"First few minutes are the most critical"
Innundations (water, gas)
Withdraw to safe location
Pull power
Account for all persons
Refer to escapeway and evacuation plan
Ventilate area
Serious Injury
Arrange for immediate transportation
Provide First Aid
Request ambulance
Request EMT/backup
Roof Falls
Account for all people
Pull power
Prepare to support area
Danger off all approaches
Table-top exercises
Safety talks
Mock scenarios
Escape, fire-fighting and emergency evacuation plan
Donning SCSR's
4. Personal Safety
Plan for Safety
Set "good" example
Attitude toward safety
Don't perform task you would not assign another to do
Refer to SWI's for jobs on section
Keep visible
Use proper tools
Be aware of all company policies
Don't be afraid to ask questions
Demand that persons around you perform in a safe manner

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Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)
1100 Wilson Boulevard, 21st Floor
Arlington, VA 22209-3939
Phone:    (202) 693-9400
Fax-on-demand: (202) 693-9401
Technical (web) questions: Webmaster
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