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Longwall Move - (Tear Down) Spider No.1
1: Start-of-Shift Activities 2: Enter Mine 3:  Face Preparation 4:  Supporting the Roof for Shield Removal 5: Remove Tailgate Drive 6:  Installing Pan Line Pinner with Duck Bill 7:  Installing Pan Line Pinner with Bucket Scoop
1. 1: Start-of-Shift Activities
Change clothes
Get W-65 Priority 2
Conduct visual examination Priority 2
Seal and dents
Obtain PPE Priority 2
Safety glasses
Hearing protection
Steel toe shoes
Hard hat
Cap lamp
Obtain gas detector Priority 3
Check charge Priority 3
Conduct visual examination Priority 3
Check calibration Priority 3
Check in/Tag in
Put on safety glasses
Company policy
Enter the mine by elevator
Get on mantrip
Ensure mantrip has been pre-op'd (follow JSA)
Travel to main track
Check signal lights
Follow mine plan
2. 2: Enter Mine
Conduct travelway examination - Self Preformed Safety Assessment Priority 3
Observe for mobile equipment
Maintain 300' clearance between trips
Check roof conditions Priority 2
Check for cracks, loose rock, taking on weight, water
Check for loose ribs Priority 2
Check for overhang
Check for ledges
Check for sloughing
Look for uneven bottom
Rough spots and bumps in the road
Soft spots/low spots
Look for track damage
Bent or broken rails
Switch damage
Loose fish plates
Observe the high voltage cable
Look for damage
Look for downed high voltage cable
Look for guarding and shielding
Look for clearance
Minimum of 12"
Look for roadway debris
Look for crib blocks, rock, banding material, cable, bolts and knocked out timbers
Check for damaged bolts
Correct and/or report any unsafe conditions Priority 2
Exit mantrip
Maintain a 3-point contact Priority 2
Observe walkway Priority 2
Look for slip hazards Priority 2
Look for trip hazards Priority 2
Look for fall hazards Priority 2
Meet with foreman Priority 3
Discuss longwall move activities Priority 3
Condition of longwall
Condition of scoops
Condition of mule
Maintenance needed on scoops and mule
Attend safety talk Priority 2
Required company policy
Discuss close calls Priority 2
Discuss information passed on from previous shift
Discuss any stop work authority Priority 2
Discuss roof control plan/condition Priority 3
Required company policy
Discuss longwall move plan and activities for the day Priority 2
Multiple tasks may be conducted at the same time
Find out what your task assignment is
Find out what other task are being performed and their status
Obtain and examine tools Priority 2
Conduct Self Preformed Safety Assessment Priority 3
channel locks
lady slipper bar
solenoid wrench
flat tip screw driver
6 or 8 inch adjustable wrench
Other hand tools as needed
3. 3: Face Preparation
Start with 9 passes from end of panel
Get all shields straight faced
Adjust overall face height
Follow longwall move plan
Lower overall height 2 - 3" per pass
Increase height for mule clearance on last 4 passes Priority 3
Place gopher drills on last pass
Load gopher drills on shearer
Steel bits
Safety jacks
Unload gopher drills
Place two at mid face on pontoon at the toe of shield
Place one at tailgate at toe of shield
Return shearer to headgate cleaning bottom as you go
Look for loose roof and rib Priority 2
Scale with shearer where necessary Priority 2
Load bolting supplies onto shearer
Obtain 1 1/2" air hose
Hang reel of hose from shields
This is done at the same time bolts are being distributed
Attach end of hose to shearer
Travel to tailgate
Place hose behind base jacks as advanced
Pull end of hose to end of tailgate
Place roof bolt supplies on pass back to the head
This may take several passes to get roof bolt materials distributed
Place two roof bolts at toe of each shield
Place two plates at toe of each shield
Place two T-board at toe of each shield
Place one box of resin at every 10 shield intervals
Spot a couple sets of extra bolts supplies at 10 shield intervals
Clean bottom on each return pass and check for loose roof and rib Priority 2
Normally takes 3 passes to supply the bolts
Set shearer for tear down at headgate
Spot face chain for removal
Stop chain so connection link is on headgate sprocket
Move shields so that the tips are within 5' of rib Priority 3
Mark a 12' joint of PVC pipe at 5' from one end. Use this 5' mark from the rib/face to the tip of the shield as a guide.
4. 4: Supporting the Roof for Shield Removal
Conduct exam Priority 3
Obtain and examine tools and materials to attach air line Priority 2
Flat tip screw driver
6 penny nails
6 - 1-1/2" menders
Hacksaw or knife and extra blades
Extra drill oil
Staple locks ( 1/2" and 3/8")
Gas detector
Hookup air line to main source to the existing tee and cut-off valve
Put bands on hose
Slide hose on connector
May be necessary to lubricate
Band in place
Tag air line out Priority 2
Hookup gopher drill
Cut 1 1/2" air line
Install cut-off valve on each end of hose
Call headgate/tailgate to have air turned on
Flush air line
Hook up to oiler
Band in place
Fill oiler with air tool oil
Hook shield water to drill
With 50' hose, tap on each shield, move as needed
Grease drill head as needed
Installing roof support Priority 3
Conduct exam Priority 3
Set temporary jacks Priority 3
Set jacks on unsupported side of shield Priority 3
Keep your body under supported roof Priority 3
Conduct gas test Priority 3
Gas test must be made every 20 minutes
Set gopher drill between temporary support Priority 3
Test the roof, sight, sound and vibration prior to drilling Priority 3
Keep your body under supported roof Priority 3
Set drill on the face side of pan line on skid plate
This gives the drill solid footing to push from
Place bits on steel
1 1/2" starter bit
1 3/8" finishing bit
Place steel in gopher drill head
Drill bolt hole and install roof bolt, resin and T-board
Turn air on at cut-off valve
Position drill
Extend drill foot (trigger on left hand side)
Start head rotation slowly
Turn water on once bit is in hole with right lever Priority 2
Drill 2'
Lower drill
Turn water off
Remove starter steel
Install 4' driver with finishing bit
Raise drill head putting steel in hole
Turn water on Priority 2
Drill hole
Lower the drill
Turn water off
Remove 4' driver steel
Put 4' pusher attached with 2' driver
Raise drill and put steel in hole
Turn water on Priority 2
Proceed to drill 6'
Lower drill
Turn water off
Remove steel
Assemble 6' pin with plate and T-board and resin rod
Take resin and place in hole
Take plate, board and pin and put in hole
Put bolt wrench in drill
Take pin and put in wrench
Raise drill and push pin to top with board parallel with shield and face
Spin the bolt until tightened Priority 2
Lower drill
Reposition jacks Priority 3
Repeat cycle
5. 5: Remove Tailgate Drive
Conduct Exam Priority 3
Obtain and examine tools Priority 2
Lady slipper bar
3/8" punch
Water hose
Fire Extinguisher
Rock dust
Methane detector
Welding gloves
Lock out/Tag out tail drive motor Priority 3
Follow lock out/tag out procedures
Unplug at 8 bay box Priority 3
Cut cable at junction box
Use bow saw/hack saw
Remove dog bone face side
Clean dog bone socket
Take out keepers
Remove dog bone
Place dog bone in pan line
Remove dog bone shield side
Same procedures as above
Cut face chain at tailgate
Make continuous gas test Priority 3
Cut chain on the headgate side where the dog bones are being removed
Make sure you have 240 pound of rock dust and/or 10 pound fire extinguisher
Wet area down Priority 2
Rock dust 10' in all directions Priority 2
Male sure you have 240 pound of rock dust and/or 10 pound fire extinguisher
Cut chain on connection link
Shut torches down Priority 2
Remove tail drive
Obtain 6' chain Grade 8 or higher Priority 2
Hook to gob plate pin
Lower shield and hook chain to shield
Raise shield and pull pin out
Pull drive back to shield
Use rams on shield
Push drive back in face
Unhook relay bars
Remove keeper
Slide out relay pin
Pull relay bar back using the ram on shield
Slide relay pin back in
Replace keeper
Obtain duck bill scoop
Move unnecessary people out of the area Priority 2
Remove drive with scoop
Bind the drive to scoop using the winch cable Priority 3
Store drive in designated area
See longwall move plan
6. 6: Installing Pan Line Pinner with Duck Bill
Conduct Exam Priority 3
Place pan line bolter on scoop Priority 3
Drill head must point away from the scoop operator
Place bolter trapping shoe 12" to left of center hole on duck bill
Bind the bolter with winch cable Priority 3
Tram the scoop to pan line at the tail gate
Lower pinner to bottom
Back out from under bolter until trapping shoe drops off of duck bill
Move scoop forward
Place duck bill on top of trapping shoe
Move scoop forward until duck bill comes in contact with trapping shoe pin
Lift the bolter up until the trapping shoe is even with the accu-trac
Push bolter on pan line with scoop
Take scoop binding cable off
Remove scoop
Lock out/Tag out #6 cable from the distribution box at the headgate Priority 3
Follow Lock Out/Tag Out Procedures
Splice the pinner cable
Must be done by qualified electrician
Turn the power on to #6 cable
Check rotation
7. 7: Installing Pan Line Pinner with Bucket Scoop
Conduct Exam Priority 3
Place pan line bolter on scoop
Place bolter on the left side of scoop bucket drill head pointing away from the scoop operator
Hand rail of he pan line would be in the way
Pan line can be slewed with the ram
Bind the bolter to the scoop bucket with the winch cable
With the scoop bucket there is virtually no chance of the pinner falling off or sliding
Tram to the pan line
Drop the bucket
Loosen the winch cable
Back out from under the bolter until the trapping shoe drops below bucket
Tighten cable back up until bucket comes on top of trapping shoe
Raise bolter up to align with pan line
May have to slew pan line
Push the bolter on the pan line with the scoop ram
Remove scoop binding cable
Remove scoop
Lock out/Tag Out #6 cable from the distribution box at the headgate Priority 3
Follow Lock Out/Tag Out Procedures
Splice the pinner cable
Must be done by qualified electrician
Turn the power on to #6 cable
Check rotation

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