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Joy 14CM RC Continuous Mining Machine with attached mobile bridge haulage
Duty 1:  Start-of-Shift Activities Duty 2:  Hot Seating (1st to 2nd shift) Duty 3:  Starting Fresh (Day shift) Duty 4:  Conducting Dust Parameter Exam Duty 5:  Pre-op Continuous Miner Duty 6:  Tramming/Moving Miner Duty 7:  Cutting coal Duty 8:  Turn crosscut to the right (Belt to R1 and L2) Duty 9:  Turn crosscut to the left  (Belt to L1 and R2) Duty 10:  Belt-up Duty 11:  Normal End-of-Shift Activities (Hot-seating) Duty 12:  End-of-Shift (Saturday) Duty 13:  Remote Box Functions Duty 14:  Using the Gizmo Duty 15:  Installing sight lines Duty 16:  Non-Routine Tasks/Unusual Activities
1. Duty 1: Start-of-Shift Activities
Change clothes
Get CSE SR-100 Priority 3
Check indicators Priority 3
Check seal and dents Priority 3
Remove from pouch monthly Priority 3
Check in/Tag in
Obtain PPE Priority 2
Safety glasses
Hearing protection
Safety boots
Reflective material on clothing
Hard hat
Get detector Priority 2
Check battery Priority 2
Zero out Priority 2
Get cap lamp with accessory receptacle Priority 2
Check charger
On fully charged lamp, gauge will be off
Get streamers
Meet with foreman
Obtain work assignments
Discuss bolted/unbolted areas
Discuss planned belt-ups
Enter the mine
Conduct pre-op on mantrip Priority 3
The miner operator normally operates the mantrip
Check lights
Ensure horn works
Check foot pedal brake Priority 3
Check parking/emergency brake Priority 3
Check fire extinguisher
Get rock bar, pump jack, and handle
Check tires
Check travel way conditions
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
Get on mantrip
Put on safety glasses before mantrip moves Priority 2
Tram mantrip to face
Use dynamic brake when going downgrade
Travel at speed consistent with roadway conditions
Park out of the way
Set emergency brake
Turn power switch off
2. Duty 2: Hot Seating (1st to 2nd shift)
Check travelway conditions
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
Talk to other continuous miner operator
Discuss condition of machine
Discuss problems with remote, shutdown switch, etc.
Discuss time frame for gas tests, if necessary
Discuss roof conditions
Discuss changes in bottom
soft, wet, broken up
Examine roof and rib Priority 2
Look for check curtains
Put red streamers up
Place on 2nd row back, place on each side of miner, no one may go past streamers when miner is in cutting cycle
Check for unsupported roof signs Priority 2
One should be placed behind the curtain
Placed at all approaches to unsupported areas
3. Duty 3: Starting Fresh (Day shift)
Check work area conditions
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
Talk to mechanic on section
Discuss water pressure
25 psi minimum
Discuss sprays
17 sprays minimum per plan
Discuss bits
Discuss scrubber ductwork and screen cleanliness
Discuss whether or not sump has been flushed
This is part of the required dust parameters examination
The mechanic will do these for you when possible
Talk with foreman
Discuss mining sequence
Discuss any problems observed
Discuss air readings and cut depths
2 cut sequence
4 cut sequence
Obtain clearance to tram into the face
Confirm methane exam has been made
This is part of the required dust parameter examination
Tram miner to face
Allow for foreman to take scrubber reading
Inform bridge crew where you are going and that you are starting up
Position yourself behind the miner in crosscut if at all possible Priority 3
Stay out of miner red zones
Discuss Red Zones for CM and haulage
Position yourself in a crosscut ahead of the miner until it passes Priority 3
Stay out of miner red zones
Discuss Red Zones for CM and haulage
Start mining
4. Duty 4: Conducting Dust Parameter Exam
Check work area conditions
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
De-energize miner Priority 3
Put water pressure gage on right side of miner near bull wheels
Energize machine
Activate water sprays with remote
Count how many sprays are in operating condition
17 operating sprays minimum
No more than one blocked spray in each spray bar
Check scrubber sprays
Not part of the 17 - a minimum of two must be in operating condition at all times
Check blocker sprays
Check water pressure with scrubber running
25 psi minimum
De-energize miner Priority 3
Remove the pressure gage
Clean out scrubber ductwork and screen
Replace filter screen daily
Remove demister cell and flush with water weekly
Hose off top of miner
Energize miner
Check fire suppression
Report results to foreman
Foreman will initial box on side of miner
Foreman will verbally communicate results to other miners
Foreman will require mechanic to pitot the scrubber each shift
5. Duty 5: Pre-op Continuous Miner
Check work area conditions
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
De-energize and tag out machine at the load center Priority 3
Examine trailing cable Priority 2
Wear glove when handling cables
Look for cuts Priority 2
Look for nicks Priority 2
Look for splices Priority 2
Splices must be more than 50' from the miner
Count number of splices
No more than four splices at beginning of shift
No more than five splices at end of shift
Walk around machine
Look for oil leaks
Look for missing parts/pieces
Check work area conditions
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
Check to ensure all lights are in place
Energize machine
Check to make sure all lights are working
Check all remote functions to ensure they are working properly Priority 3
6. Duty 6: Tramming/Moving Miner
Check travel way conditions
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
Notify front mobile man that you are moving machine to the right side
Energize machine
Tramming machine Priority 3
CAUTION: There are times when there is a slight delay when you activate the tram levers until the machine moves. Continuous miners can continue to move (drift) after control levers are returned to the neutral position
Position yourself at the tail of the RFM (low-belt) when moving around tail piece Priority 3
See schematic
Make sure belt is off (bridge crew will handle)
Shut miner down to move past miner Priority 3
Move to the front of the miner when clear of belt tail
Position yourself in R1 outby crosscut Priority 3
Can see in front of you and see bridge runner
Move slowly and allow bridges to catch up Priority 2
Caution around tailpiece and corners (high risk areas for pinch points)
Move miner to R1
Check with foreman to make sure workplace exam, gas test, and ventilation parameters exam have been done Priority 2
If the foreman has not made these exams, you are required to make the exam - if in doubt, make exam
Bridge operators will watch the antennas
Antennas are slide markers
Bridge operators will move in coordination with the continuous miner
When slide markers are close to 4' apart, the bridge operator needs to close the gap
Reposition yourself in R2 when mining R2 Priority 3
Method 1 of tramming to the left
Notify front mobile man that you are moving machine to the left side
Miner operator needs to continuously communicate with the bridge crew
Position yourself beside tail of the RFM (low-belt) inby the bits of the miner Priority 3
See schematic
Back continuous miner along the RFM until you can turn into the backhole
Flag front mobile man and jog coal chain once before tramming towards L2
Jogging coal chain informs bridge operator the miner operator is going to stop and go in the other direction.
Swing miner into crosscut between belt and L1
Shut miner down to move past miner Priority 3
Crawl past miner into L1
Position yourself in L1 outby Priority 3
Move into L2 inby bits as miner approaches L1 Priority 3
Be aware of blind spots
You must stay inby the continuous miner to do this
Check with foreman to make sure workplace exam, gas test, and ventilation parameters exam have been done Priority 2
Method 2 of tramming to the left
Notify front mobile man that you are moving machine to the left side of section
Miner operator needs to continuously communicate with the bridge crew
Position yourself beside tail of the RFM (low-belt) inby the bits of the miner Priority 3
See schematic
Back continuous miner along the RFM until you can turn into the backhole
Flag front mobile man and jog coal chain once before tramming towards L2
Swing miner into crosscut between belt and L1
Shut miner down to move past miner Priority 3
Crawl past miner into L1 inby
Tram past L1 up to L2
Shut miner down Priority 3
Crawl past miner into L2 outby
Check with foreman to make sure workplace exam, gas test, and ventilation parameters exam have been done Priority 2
Method 3 of tramming to the left
Notify front mobile man that you are moving machine to the left side
Miner operator needs to continuously communicate with the bridge crew
Position yourself beside tail of the RFM (low-belt) inby the bits of the miner Priority 3
See schematic
Back continuous miner along the RFM until you can turn into the backhole
Flag front mobile man and jog coal chain once before tramming towards L2
Swing miner into crosscut between belt and L1
Continue tramming until you reach crosscut between L1 and L2
Shut miner down to move past miner Priority 3
Crawl past miner into L2 outby
Check with foreman to make sure workplace exam, gas test, and ventilation parameters exam have been done Priority 2
Use Method 1 when going to L1
7. Duty 7: Cutting coal
Check work area conditions
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
Position yourself to cut coal Priority 3
Take right side cut Priority 3
Standing on the right side of the machine Priority 3
You need to conform to the red zone outline
Standing on the left side of the mine Priority 3
Noise and dust exposure may be much greater standing on the scrubber side of the machine
You need to conform to the red zone outline
You need to conform to the red zone outline
Caution - do not stand directly behind the conveyor of the miner - the conveyor chain can propel rock and coal at great speed and pressure
Take left side cut Priority 3
Position yourself outby the streamers on right side of the miner Priority 3
You need to conform to the red zone outline
Maintain as much distance from miner as possible to avoid pinch points and still be able to maintain width Priority 3
You need to conform to the red zone outline
You need to conform to the red zone outline
Caution - do not stand directly behind the conveyor of the miner - the conveyor chain can propel rock and coal at great speed and pressure
Red zone pattern changes while cutting coal and depending on the entry you are in
See diagram on mining sequences
Discuss red zones for the CM and haulage
Stay out of miner red zones
Never allow anyone to be inby your physical position while cutting coal
Turn sprays on Priority 2
Activate scrubber
Start cutter heads
Be back away from the face
Put in high tram
Start coal chains
Pull heads up
Nick roof
Look for white smoke
Listen for change in sound
Sump in for 2 1/2 feet
Drop heads
Let them mill around for approximately 5-6 seconds
Tram miner back until you see the heads fall on the bottom
Tram straight back in until you hit the face
Pull heads to the roof, sump in, begin mining
Advance curtain to within 25' of machine
Operator must always be outby the end of the curtain
Curtain may only be advanced to the streamers while cutting
Repeat cycle until you reach 40' mark
Flag front mobile man that you are coming back
Shut down the following machine functions
coal chain
Sprays need to remain on for at least 10 seconds after cutter heads are shut down
Back out of cut
Take curtain down enough to back miner out
Back miner outby streamers
Be aware of pinch points
tip of bits
rear corner of machine
Hang unsupported roof signs Priority 2
Clean scrubber screen
Pull the screen
Tap it clean
Replace screen and close door
Conduct gas check every 20 minutes Priority 2
Use gizmo
May be able to take complete cut within the 20 minute interval
Hang curtain to the last row of bolts Priority 2
Signal bridge crew with cap lamp that you are going to move to the left side
Discuss signals for "come ahead", "come back", etc.
Never cross over or under a bridge until bridges are on the bottom and shut down
Position miner to left side
Repeat cut cycle until left side has been removed
Cleanup cut
Make two to three passes
Signal bridge crew each time you move
Make gas check for bolters Priority 2
Use gizmo
Pull streamers on the way back out
Notify bolters of time gas check was taken Priority 2
Thoroughly wash out scrubber screen before repeating cycle
8. Duty 8: Turn crosscut to the right (Belt to R1 and L2)
Check work area conditions
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
Ensure workplace exam, gas tests, and dust parameter exam have been conducted Priority 2
Ensure ventilation controls, signage and streamers are in place Priority 3
Position yourself on left side of miner Priority 3
Follow cut sequence diagram
Easier to stay on sites
See schematic
Caution - do not stand directly behind the conveyor of the miner - the conveyor chain can propel rock and coal at great speed and pressure
Hook the right bull wheel into the start mark
Foreman will measure back 16' from center to get start mark
Slew the rear of miner around as much as possible toward the left rib
Mine the corner approximately 16'
60 degree crosscut
Follow coal cutting procedures
After reaching the 16' mark, back it up out of the corner
Mine left corner in about 10'
Back up and reposition the miner to finish the right side cut
Cut coal until you hit the 40' mark
Move to left side and repeat cut cycle
Clean up cut
Make two to three passes
Conduct gas test on left side with Gizmo Priority 2
20 minute intervals and at end of cleanup
Clean scrubber according to plan
9. Duty 9: Turn crosscut to the left (Belt to L1 and R2)
Check work area conditions
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
Ensure Workplace Exam, gas tests, and dust parameter exam have been conducted Priority 2
Ensure ventilation controls, signage and streamers are in place Priority 3
Position yourself on right side of miner (inby) on the site line Priority 3
Follow cut sequence diagram
Do not stand directly in line with the cm conveyor chain - the chain can propel rock or coal with great velocity and force
Hook the left bull wheel into the start mark
Foreman will measure back 16' from center to get start mark
Slew the rear of miner around as much as possible toward the right rib
Mine the corner approximately 16'
60 degree crosscut
Follow coal cutting procedures
After reach 16' mark, back it up out of the corner
Mine right corner in about 10'
Slew miner around while taking corner and take right side in 40'
Cut coal until you hit the 40' mark
Move to left side and repeat cut cycle
Clean up
Make two to three passes
Conduct gas test with Gizmo Priority 2
20 minute intervals and at end of clean up
Ensure scrubber has been cleaned according to plan
10. Duty 10: Belt-up
Check travel way and work area conditions
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
Position miner outby RFM tail
About four feet outby
A roll of belt will be spotted
Spot a splice at the tail
Use vice-grips to hook roll of belt onto RFM belt
Outby splice
RFM belt will un-spool new belt
Turn on RFM belt
Run 100' back
Shut belt off and lock-out Priority 3
Tram miner up past the tail
Place the frame of the miner against the RFM tail
Push the RFM back to obtain slack belt
Pull the spindle and hook the belt up
Attach pull chain to draw bar on miner
Pull RFM to next location with miner
Keep RFM on sites
Hook other end of the belt up
Install structure
Pull belt tight with miner
Energize the RFM belt
Start the RFM belt Priority 2
Communicate intention to start belt to other crew members
Check for tracking
Follow signaling procedures when moving continuous miner or starting RFM belt
Clean belt line
Reinstall belt back check
Advance CO monitor
Advance pull cord Priority 2
Advance water line
Vent belt air to return
Patch old return hole
11. Duty 11: Normal End-of-Shift Activities (Hot-seating)
Talk to oncoming operator Priority 2
Discuss problems with remote, shutdown switch, etc. Priority 2
Discuss time frame for gas tests, if necessary
Discuss roof conditions Priority 2
Discuss changes in bottom Priority 2
Soft, Wet, Broken up
Check travel way conditions on the way out
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
Drive mantrip out
Put on safety glasses before mantrip moves
Check out
Put methane detector back on charge
Put light on charge
12. Duty 12: End-of-Shift (Saturday)
Take only 20-foot cuts during the 2nd half of shift Priority 2
Check travel way and work area conditions
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
Back miner up along RFM
Shut belt off Priority 3
Check ventilation Priority 2
Make sure proper danger signs are posted Priority 2
Shut water off at christmas tree
De-energize all equipment at power center Priority 2
Contact outside that you are done loading
Drive mantrip out
Put on safety glasses before mantrip moves
Check out
Put methane detector on charge
Put light on charge
13. Duty 13: Remote Box Functions
Stay in sight of machine at all times while testing or using the box Priority 3
Give trainee adequate time to learn and practice these controls
Have control diagram/drawing or practice box available for use in training
Demonstrate Panic bar Priority 3
Push or Pull will shut the machine down
Demonstrate Emergency Stop (E-Stop Priority 3
Kicks power to the load center
Demonstrate installation of battery to remote box
Start the pump motor
Leave it in the pump cycle mode
Demonstrate head function
Up and down
Demonstrate pan function
Up and down
Demonstrate tail function
Up and down
Demonstrate stab jack function
Up and down
Demonstrate fire suppression
Turn on with remote
Demonstrate how to shut off fire suppression manually after being activated
Turn off at the miner
Demonstrate function of water sprays
Demonstrate how to turn head lights off and on
Demonstrate override of on-board panic buttons
Panic buttons located on each side of machine
Explain reasons for use
Demonstrate tram speed switch
Low and high tram
Demonstrate tram levers function
Forward, backward, left and right
Demonstrate coal chain activation
Demonstrate activating scrubber
Demonstrate cutter head start procedure
Trainee should be give a period to practice
Power off practice initially
14. Duty 14: Using the Gizmo
Shut machine down using panic switch on remote Priority 2
Accidental activation of remote box has caused serious injuries - always shut machine down when working in close proximity
Check work area conditions
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
Place Gizmo no further than 30" outby the tip of the bits on the right side gear case Priority 2
Activate methane detector Priority 2
Signal bridge crew
Tram miner to face Priority 2
Deepest penetration
Observe Gizmo as you are tramming to ensure that it stays in place
Touch bits to face Priority 2
Observe reading Priority 2
Take a time check Priority 2
Flag the bridge man and back out
Tell roof bolter operators time of gas test Priority 2
15. Duty 15: Installing sight lines
Check travel way and work area conditions
Always examine work area and work place for hazards
Find laser
You can use other instruments to take sites
Find spads
Hang laser
Paint center line from face 20' outby following laser beam Priority 2
Do not look into laser beam
16. Duty 16: Non-Routine Tasks/Unusual Activities
Explain Fire-fighting duties Priority 3
Assist foreman with ventilation
Show location of manual fire valves Priority 3
One each on left and right sides of miner and one back 40' on bridge
Show escapeways Priority 3
Explain/Demonstrate Methane Monitor Signals (MMS) and Display Priority 2
Explain Display
Display shows methane in tenths of a percent
Flashes at 1.0 %
Shuts machine off at 2.0 %
Explain Signals Priority 2
Red signals on each side
Shines solid with power on
Flashes at 1.0 %
Kicks power at miner at 2.0 %
Explain procedures to follow when Methane approaches 1.0 % Priority 2
Slow cutting down
Back away from face
Resume normal cutting when percentage lowers
Explain procedures to follow when 1.0% Methane is Detected Priority 2
Stop cutting
Back machine away from face
Make adjustments to ventilation
De-energize miner
If methane reading remains 1.0 % or greater, test for gas with handheld detector
Explain procedures to follow when 2.0% Methane is Detected Priority 3
Machine will shut off automatically
Make official methane examination Priority 3
Use probe and handheld detector
If 2.0 % or over is detected Priority 3
Report to foreman
All personnel except those needed to ventilate the methane should be removed from the area
Foreman is required to re-examine all faces for gas
Remove power from all equipment Priority 3
At load center
Explain procedures to follow when machine breaks down inby permanent support Priority 3
Review applicable portion of the roof control plan
Explain mining procedures to follow when bad roof is encountered Priority 3
No deep cuts
Narrow the lift up
Cut down loose rock
Make roof bolters aware of roof conditions
Using Probes
Obtain probe
Usually on bolter or by phone
20' and 40' probes available
Stay under supported roof Priority 3
Put legs on end of probe
40' probe only
Extend probe and slide to face
To deepest penetration
You may need to maneuver over the miner
Take methane reading
Retract probe
Replace probe
Procedures for crossing over/under bridges Priority 3
Never cross over or under a bridge until the bridges are on the bottom and shut down

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