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This is a Geopak three port criteria file that draws clearing limit lines into a cross-section dgn file and also creates a clearing limits staking file. The distance left and right of centerline for the clearing limit lines is based on the information in a standard Geopak clearing report. The clearing limit lines include all the additional distances beyond the cut/fill catches (such as cut slope rounding, additional clearing in cut and fill, etc.) that are a part of the clearing report.


  1. If you want to draw the clearing limits onto the plan view dgn file then use the three port criteria clearing_limits_plan.3pc.
  2. This criteria file expects the clearing report to have a very specific format, so don't make any modifications to the report Geopak creates.
  3. The old adage "garbage in, garbage out" applies here. If the clearing report has incorrect information in it, the clearing limit lines drawn by this criteria will also be incorrect.
  4. The clearing limit lines are drawn in the dgn file as a graphic group.
  5. The clearing limits staking report is an ASCII file with NEZ-Station data points in CSV format.
  • Roadway centerline chain stored in a gpk file.
  • Proposed design cross-sections.
  • Geopak Clearing Report for the proposed cross-sections.
  1. Create the Geopak Clearing Report for the proposed cross-sections.
  2. This criteria is run using an input file (rather than from D&C Manager as with most three port criteria files). An example input file is shown below. Notice that there are three variables ("text size", "text level", "witness line length") at the top of the input file that may be used to control the annotation that the criteria file draws into the cross-section file.
        define "text size" 0.30
        define "text level" 31
        define "witness line length" 5
        proposed xs
          xs dgn = METXS.DGN
             existing ground line
                lv = 56   co = 2
          pattern dgn = METPLAN.DGN
              pattern set
                 job number = MET
                 baseline = CL
                 horiz scale = 10
                 vert scale  = 10
                 type = line, line_string
                 lv = 50   co = 0
          criteria for shape cluster
             shape cluster baseline = CL
             shape cluster profile  = CL
             shape cluster tie      = 0
          side slope lt
             include l:\criteria\3_port_criteria\clearing_limits_xs.3pc
          plot parameters
             text      lv=61   co=6   th=0.1   tw=0.1   just=lb   ft=23
          write xs into dgn = METXS.DGN
  3. Start the clearing limits criteria file by from the Process Cross Sections dialog as shown below.

    When you click on the Apply button the Select Clearing Report File dialog box shown below will pop up.


  4. In the Select Clearing Report File dialog box (shown above) select the clearing report file that you created in step #1, and then click on the OK button. The Clearing Limits Options dialog shown below will pop up.


  5. In the Clearing Limits Options dialog box (shown above) check the desired options. If "Draw Clearing Limits in Cross-Sections" is checked then the location of the clearing limits will be marked on each cross-section as shown in the example at the bottom of this page. If "Create NEZ Clearing Limits Report" is checked then a comma delimited file ASCII file  with NEZ-Station data for each of the clearing limit points will be created. An example of the format of this file is shown at the bottom of this page.
  6. Click on the OK button at the bottom of the Clearing Limits Options dialog to continue.  (Or click on the Cancel button to quit.) If "Create NEZ Clearing Limits Report" was checked then the Clearing Report Options dialog shown below will pop up. (If "Create NEZ Clearing Limits Report" was not checked then the clearing limit annotation will be drawn into the cross-section file immediately.)

  7. In the Clearing Report Options dialog (shown above) the user supplies information used to create the optional clearing limits staking report.
    1. The value in the "First Point Number LT" is used as the initial point number for the clearing limit point on the left side of the first cross-section. The value is incremented by one to calculate the point number for each of the clearing limit points on the left side for subsequent cross-sections. The value in the "First Point Number RT" field is used in a similar manner. Notice that if the two values are too close together the report could conceivably have duplicate point numbers. To avoid this possibility the criteria will only accept initial point numbers that are at least 1000 apart. Also, alphanumeric point numbers (e.g., A100) are not accepted; only numbers.
    2. The clearing limits staking file is named to match whatever is keyed into the "Report Name" field.

  8. Depending upon which options were selected, the output from this criteria file can take two forms:
    1. An ASCII NEZ-Station clearing limits staking file in CSV format. An example of a portion of this report format is shown below.
    2. Graphic annotation in the cross-section file showing the offsets for the limits of construction as shown below.


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