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Welcome to Communities That Care

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has added Communities that Care (CTC) as a part of the CSAP toolkit.

SAMHSA has full copy rights to these materials and invite interested entities to download them from our website and use them in implementing your programs. Your State may provide you with technical assistance and/or training to aid you in this process.

Communities That Care is a system developed by J. David Hawkins and Richard F. Catalano that empowers communities to use advances from prevention science to guide their prevention efforts.

For an orientation to the Communities That Care system, please download Investing in Your Community’s Youth: An Introduction to the Communities That Care System. It provides an overview of the Communities That Care research foundation, implementation phases, and materials.

If you are interested in introducing Communities That Care to your community, please download Tools for Community Leaders: A Guidebook for Getting Started. It will help you define your community, recruit leaders, identify and address community readiness issues and plan next steps.

The CTC Prevention Strategies Guide lists fifty-six tested and effective prevention programs and policies shown to increase protective factors, reduce risk factors and reduce adolescent problem behaviors in well controlled studies. These are the preventive interventions recommended in the Communities That Care system.

The Communities That Care Youth Survey, is a reliable and valid instrument to measure the incidence and prevalence of substance use, delinquency and related problem behaviors and the risk and protective factors that predict those problems in your community.

The remaining documents on this web site are the complete trainers’ and participants’ manuals for the six Communities That Care training events through which Communities That Care is installed in communities. The order in which these training events are conducted is described in Investing in Your Community’s Youth.

If you have questions or would like more information about Communities That Care please contact Patricia B. Getty, Ph.D. at at the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention or your regional Center for the Application of Prevention Technology (CAPT) available through the SAMHSA website at Access a comprehensive summary of CTC.

Instructions For Printing

Communities That Care Community Planning System

Please note: All of the files on this page are in PDF format except for the Power Point Presentations and the CTC Readiness Checklist From Milestone & Benchmarks (Excel). Use Adobe Acrobat Reader available for free to view the PDFs.

Note: The CTC Youth Survey is a scannable form; however, the survey booklets must be printed to exact specifications. SAMHSA recommends that users contact a company for printing and scanning the survey booklets; producing profile reports, and conducting other analyses.

Community Building and Foundational Material

Building Protection: Social Development Strategy Chart (PDF 440 KB)

Risk Factors Matrix (PDF 40 KB)

Communities That Care Prevention Strategies Guide (PDF 13.93 MB)

Tools for Community Leaders: A Guidebook for Getting Started (PDF 2.54 MB)

Investing in Your Community’s Youth: An Introduction to the Communities That Care System (PDF 7.12 MB)

SOAR into Action! A Communities That Care Presentation Kit

Training Evaluation Form (PDF 33 KB)

Key Leader Orientation

Cover for Binder (PDF 310 KB)

Participants Guide

Trainer’s Guide

Power Point Presentations

Community Board Orientation

Cover for Binder (PDF 270 KB)

Cover for Binder (Spine) (PDF 1.54 MB)

Participants Guide

Trainer’s Guide

Power Point Presentations

Community Assessment Training

Cover for Binder (PDF 341 KB)

Participants Guide

Trainer’s Guide

Power Point Presentations

Community Resources Assessment Training

Cover for Binder (PDF 283 KB)

Participants Guide

Trainer’s Guide

Power Point Presentations

Community Planning Training

Cover for Binder (PDF 335 KB)

Participants Guide

Trainer’s Guide

Power Point Presentations

Community Plan Implementation Training

Cover for Binder (PDF 402 KB)

Participants Guide

Trainer’s Guide

Power Point Presentations

Training of Coordinators

Participants Guide

Trainer’s Guide

Power Point Presentations

Training of Process Facilitators

Cover for Binder (PDF 291 KB)

Participants Guide

Trainer’s Guide

Power Point Presentations

Training of Trainers

Participants Guide

Trainer’s Guide

Power Point Presentations

Last updated: January 2009


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