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Advanced Vehicles and Fuels Research Home

Advanced Vehicles and Fuels Research Home



Working with Us

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Working with Us

Interaction with industrial, university, and government partners is key to moving advanced vehicle and fuels technologies into the marketplace and the U.S. economy. There are a variety of ways to get involved with NREL's advanced vehicle and fuels research activities:

  • Work collaboratively with NREL through a variety of Technology Partnership Agreements. We can assist you in selecting which agreement is most appropriate for your research project.
  • Gain access to the Center for Transportation Technologies and Systems expertise and specialized research facilities through an Analytical Services Agreement (ASA).

In addition, NREL's patented transportation technologies are available for commercialization and NREL's world-class advanced vehicle and fuels laboratory facilities are available to industrial, university, and government researchers.

Licensing Our Technology

A number of advanced vehicle and fuels technologies have been patented/recorded and are available for licensing:


  • Vehicle cabin cooling system for capturing and exhausting heated boundary layer air from inner surfaces of solar heated windows.

Records of Invention

  • Thermal comfort manikin
  • Ambient ventilation of parked vehicles
  • Porous media micro channel heat exchangers
  • Heat pipe cooling of automotive instrument panel in light-duty vehicles/sport utility vehicles/mini-vans
  • Automatic tire inflation techniques with piezoelectric materials
  • Carbon nano technology; micro channel heat exchanger systems for advanced energy efficient applications
  • Thermoelectric power generation and cooling on the roof of a vehicle
  • Engine waste heat electric power generation and engine component pre-heating
  • Heat pipe/two-phase flow thermal management of fuel

Contact Us

Please contact us if you would like to explore collaborative opportunities with NREL's Center for Transportation Technologies and Systems.
Bob Rehn
(303) 275-4418

Printable Version

Content Last Updated: January 22, 2008

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