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Floor Speeches

  • Speaking in favor of the College Opportunity and Affordability Act of 2008

    Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker, and thank you, Chairman Miller, for your work on this very, very important piece of legislation. For the first time in a decade, Congress is going to pass a Higher Education Act, and I'm happy to sport this long overdue improvement to higher education.

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  • Honoring the legacy of Cesar Chavez

    I rise with my colleagues today to remember a great American on his birthday. Cesar Chavez would have been 83 years old yesterday. He devoted his entire life to the betterment of this nation and to its people. He gave voice to the voiceless.

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  • Welcoming and Honoring Monsignor O'Keefe

    Mr. Speaker, it's my pleasure today to welcome Monsignor O'Keefe as our guest chaplin. Monsignor O'Keefe has been tending to the spiritual and human needs of people in Arizona for over 40 years, of which the last 30 has been in Yuma, Arizona. It is fitting that he provides today's blessing as we also memorialize the passing of Congressman Lantos, a great champion of human rights.

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