Temporal and spatial trends of Upper Mississippi River fish Kirby, D. J., and B. S. Ickes. 2006. Temporal and spatial trends in the frequency of occurrence, length–frequency distributions, length–weight relationships, and relative abundance of Upper Mississippi River fish. U.S. Geological Survey, Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, La Crosse, Wisconsin, July 2006. LTRMP 2006-T002. 68 pp ABSTRACT The Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP) collected more than 24,000 fish community samples from six study areas on the Upper Mississippi River System in 1993–2002. More than three million fish comprised of 136 fish species were collected. These data were used to assess lengthweight relations and size structure of commercial (i.e., commercially harvested) and recreational (i.e., recreationally harvested) species, and the distribution, frequency of occurrence, and abundance patterns of commercial, nongame (i.e., not commercially or recreationally harvested), and recreational species. Fortyseven species were collected in all six LTRMP study areas, 32 species were collected in 4 or 5 study areas, 33 species were collected in 2 or 3 study areas, and 24 species were collected in 1 study area. Spatial differences (i.e., differences among study areas) in size structure were more pronounced for commercial species than for recreational species. Rate of gain (increase in log10 weight per unit increase in log10 length) was assessed for five species, and was significantly different among study areas for all five species and significantly different among years for four species. Assessment of longitudinalspatial (among study area), lateralspatial (among aquatic area types) and temporal (among 10 years) patterns in abundance showed that species were most similar with respect to temporal variation in abundance, and least similar with respect to longitudinalspatial variation in abundance. These fisheries population assessments, derived from the spatially and temporally expansive LTRMP dataset, will provide river resource managers with decision support tools for managing UMRS fisheries. KEYWORDS Abundance patterns, fish populations, Illinois River, lengthweight relations, size structure, species richness, Upper Mississippi River