Releases Pertaining to Mexico

-04/23/09  Mexican Corrections Instructors Graduate from New Mexico Training Academy ; Washington, DC
-04/19/09   White House Fact Sheet: The United States and the 2009 Summit of the Americas: Securing Our Citizens' Future
-04/18/09   White House Blog: To Learn from History, Not Be Trapped by It
-04/17/09  Digital Town Hall of the Americas; Hillary Rodham Clinton,  Secretary of State ; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
-04/17/09   Remarks by the President at the Summit of the Americas Opening Ceremony
-04/16/09   Joint Press Conference With President Barack Obama and President Felipe Calderón of Mexico
-04/16/09   Op-ed by President Barack Obama: "Choosing a Better Future in the Americas"
-04/16/09   U.S.-Mexico Announce Bilateral Framework on Clean Energy and Climate Change
-04/16/09   White House Fact Sheet: U.S.-Mexico Discuss New Approach to Bilateral Relationship
-04/15/09   President Obama Designates Three Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations Under the Kingpin Act
-04/13/09   The United States and Mexico: A Multifaceted Partnership [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]
-03/26/09  Press Availability at TecMilenio University; Hillary Rodham Clinton,  Secretary of State ; Monterrey, Mexico
-03/26/09  Remarks At TecMilenio University; Hillary Rodham Clinton,  Secretary of State ; Monterrey, Mexico
-03/26/09  Remarks At The Simeprode/Benlesa Biogas Plant; Hillary Rodham Clinton,  Secretary of State ; Monterrey, Mexico
-03/26/09  Roundtable With Indigenous Students; Hillary Rodham Clinton,  Secretary of State ; Mexico City, Mexico
-03/25/09  Remarks With Mexican Foreign Secretary Patricia Espinosa After Their Meeting; Hillary Rodham Clinton,  Secretary of State ; Mexico City, Mexico
-03/25/09  Remarks at the Women Leaders Dinner; Hillary Rodham Clinton,  Secretary of State ; Mexico City, Mexico
-03/24/09  Special Background Press Briefing on Upcoming Secretary of State Travel to Mexico ; Washington, DC
-03/18/09  Guns, Drugs and Violence: The Merida Initiative and the Challenge in Mexico; David T. Johnson,  Assistant Secretary; Statement before the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the House Foreign Affairs Committee ; Washington, DC
-03/18/09  Mexico and the Merida Initiative; Roberta S. Jacobson, Deputy Assistant Secretary; Statement before the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the House Foreign Affairs Committee ; Washington, DC
-03/10/09  The Merida Initiative; David T. Johnson,  Assistant Secretary; Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, Related Programs of House Committee on Appropriations ; Washington, DC
-03/10/09  The Merida Initiative; Thomas A. Shannon, Jr.,  Assistant Secretary ; Washington, DC