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Safety and Health Clips

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    Safety and Health Information
      Click on Icon to View Clip   Click on Icon to View Clip
    See Clip Another Sunrise: A Close Call on a Surge Pile* See Clip Otra Salida del Sol: Una Llamada Importante con una Pila de Regulación*
    See Clip Arc Flash Awareness (NIOSH) See Clip Automatic Emergency Parking Brakes*
    See Clip Best Practice Guide to the Milling of Slate* See Clip Blast Area Security*
    See Clip Blind Spots Can Kill!*  
    See Clip Chemical Hazard Information* See Clip Información sobre riesgos químicos*
    See Clip Conducting a Chemical Hazard Determination* See Clip Métodos de evaluación de riesgos químicos*
    See Clip Confined Spaces in Mining*  
    See Clip Customer and Delivery Truck Drivers Hazard Training* See Clip Capacitación de riesgos para los choferes de camiones de reparto y de los clientes*
    See Clip DUST - The Invisible Enemy* See Clip Polvo - El enemigo invisible*
    See Clip Dust Control - It's Everyones Business See Clip Control Del Polvo - Un Asunto De Todos
    See Clip Dawn of a New Day - Continuous Haulage Safety* See Clip Explosives Underground - Handling Explosives in Modern Mines
    See Clip Eye Protection (Peabody Coal Co.) See Clip Fatal Alert Entry Into Storage Silos*
    See Clip Fire Suppression – How It Works* See Clip Front-End Loader Safety*
    See Clip Ground Support . . . It's Important
    (Miner Mike Saves the Day)*
    See Clip Harvey Roles I*
    See Clip Harvey Roles II - A Lesson in Emergency Care * See Clip Hazards of Coal Stockpiling Operations*
    See Clip Hazards and Safety Practices on Surge Piles* See Clip Riesgos y procedimientos de seguridad en pilas de regulaciòn*
    See Clip Health and Safety Hazard Awareness* See Clip Conocimiento de los Riesgos en la Salud y la Seguridad*
    See Clip Hearing Conservation* See Clip Conservación de la Audición*
    See Clip Hidden Danger: Safety Improvements for Surge Piles* See Clip Peligro oculto: Mejoras de seguridad para las pilas de regulación*
    See Clip Highwall Hazard Recognition* See Clip Identificación de riesgos en frentes de corte alto*
    See Clip Highway Truck Inspection* See Clip Inby Roof Support*
    See Clip Inspecting Highwalls*  
    See Clip It Can Happen to You! (Roof Control)* See Clip Esto le puede pasar a usted*
    See Clip Junkyard Guards See Clip Desafio en el Deshuesadero
    See Clip Little Song About Noise, A* See Clip Quick-Change Water Spray System
    See Clip Reflective Materials See Clip Rock Along*
    See Clip Roof and Rib Control* See Clip Control de techo y pilares*
    See Clip Safety on or Near the Water* See Clip La seguridad en el agua o cerca de ella*
    See Clip Safety Tips (Working Beside Highwalls)* See Clip Consejos de seguridad para trabajar al lado de los frentes de corte alto*
    See Clip Scaling*  
    See Clip Seat Belt Success Story - Part I - By Terry Sanders* See Clip Un cinturón de seguridad cumple su misión - Parte I - por Terry Sanders*
    See Clip Seat Belt Success Story - Part 2 - By Terry Sanders* See Clip Un cinturón de seguridad cumple su misión - Parte 2 - por Terry Sanders*
    See Clip Silicosis: A Preventable Disease* See Clip Silicosis - Una enfermedad que puede prevenirse*
    See Clip Smoking Safety - "Pathway to Safety" - 1998*  
    See Clip Stay Calm and Stay in the Cab!* See Clip ¡Tranquilícese y quédese en la cabina!*
    See Clip "Stay Out of the Danger Zone!" - Continuous Miner Safety* See Clip No se acerque a la zona de peligro*
    See Clip Stockpile Safety - Think Quicksand See Clip Stockpile Safety - Safety Improvements for Surge Piles
    See Clip Surface Conveyor Safety* See Clip The Faces of Black Lung*
    See Clip "Tie Off- It's Your Lifeline!" See Clip Underground Electrical Safety*
    See Clip What Does the Term Silicosis Mean to You?* See Clip ¿Qué significa para usted la palabra silicosis?*

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