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Found 15 studies with search of: "Trypanosomiasis"
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1 Completed Efficacy - Safety of Eflornithine-Nifurtimox Combination Versus Eflornithine to Treat Human African Trypanosomiasis
Condition: Trypanosomiasis, African
Interventions: Drug: Eflornithine;   Drug: Nifurtimox
2 Terminated Eflornithine + Nifurtimox Late-Stage Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT)in West Nile, Uganda
Condition: Trypanosomiasis, African
Intervention: Drug: Eflornithine plus Nifurtimox combination therapy
3 Terminated Randomized Clinical Trial of Three Drug Combinations for Late-Stage Gambiense Human African Trypanosomiasis
Condition: Trypanosomiasis, African
Interventions: Drug: melarsoprol 1.8 mg/kg/d, 10d + nifurtimox 15/20 mg/kg/d, 10d;   Drug: melarsoprol 1.8 mg/kg/d, 10d + eflornithine 400 mg/kg/d, 7d;   Drug: nifurtimox 15/20 mg/kg/d 10d + eflornithine 400 mg/kg/d 7d
4 Completed Trial of DB289 for the Treatment of Stage I African Trypanosomiasis
Condition: African Trypanosomiasis
Interventions: Drug: DB289;   Drug: Pentamidine
5 Completed A Trial of DB289 for the Treatment of Stage I African Trypanosomiasis
Condition: Trypanosomiasis, African
Intervention: Drug: DB289
6 Recruiting The BENEFIT Trial: Evaluation of the Use of an Antiparasital Drug (Benznidazole) in the Treatment of Chronic Chagas' Disease
Conditions: Chagas Disease;   Trypanosomiasis;   Heart Disease
Intervention: Drug: Benznidazole
7 Recruiting Evaluation, Treatment and Monitoring of Patients With a Known or Suspected Parasitic Infection
Conditions: Chagas Disease;   Malaria;   Parasitic Disease;   Trypanosomiasis
8 Recruiting Prevalence of Chagas Disease in Immigrant Patients With Conduction Abnormalities on Electrocardiogram
Condition: Chagas Disease
Intervention: Procedure: Trypanosoma cruzi serology
9 Completed Chagas Disease as an Undiagnosed Type of Cardiomyopathy in the United States
Conditions: Heart Diseases;   Myocardial Diseases;   Chagas Disease
10 Completed Genetic Architecture of Heart Disease in Rural Brazil
Conditions: Chagas Disease;   Heart Diseases;   Arrhythmia;   Heart Failure, Congestive
11 Recruiting Cell Therapy in Chagas Cardiomyopathy
Condition: Chagas Cardiomyopathy
Interventions: Procedure: Stem cell;   Drug: Filgrastime (G-CSF);   Drug: Standart therapy
12 Completed Chagas Cardiomyopathy Bisoprolol Intervention Study: Charity
Conditions: Chagas Cardiomyopathy;   Chronic Heart Failure
Intervention: Drug: Bisoprolol
13 Active, not recruiting Selenium Treatment and Chagasic Cardiopathy
Condition: Chagas Disease
Intervention: Dietary Supplement: Selenium
14 Recruiting Population Pharmacokinetics of Benznidazole in Children With Chagas Disease
Condition: Chagas Disease
Intervention: Drug: Benznidazole
15 Completed Chagas Disease Diagnostic - Inconclusive Serology
Conditions: Parasitemia;   Protozoan Infections
Intervention: Other: chagas disease diagnostic

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