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Found 583 studies with search of: "Smoking"
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1 Not yet recruiting Prevent Exposure to Tobacco Smoke at Home [Gesunde Atemluft zu Hause]
Conditions: Smoking;   Passive Smoking;   Exposure to Environmental Smoke
Intervention: Behavioral: bio-chemical feedback and expert system intervention ETS
2 Active, not recruiting Efficacy of Naltrexone in Women's Smoking Cessation
Conditions: Smoking;   Smoking Cessation
Intervention: Drug: naltrexone (drug)
3 Completed A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Nurse Delivered Stage-Matched Smoking Cessation Intervention to Promote Heart Health of Cardiac Patients
Conditions: Smoking Cessation;   Smoking
Intervention: Behavioral: nurse-delivered stage-matched smoking cessation counseling
4 Not yet recruiting Comparative Study of SR Bupropion for Adolescent Smoking Cessation
Conditions: Smoking;   Smoking Cessation
Interventions: Drug: Bupropion;   Drug: Placebo
5 Completed Centralized Telephone Outreach to Assist Smoking Cessation Among Veterans
Conditions: Smoking;   Smoking Cessation
Intervention: Procedure: Telephone Care
6 Completed A Randomized Trial to Implement the AHCPR Smoking Cessation Guideline
Conditions: Smoking;   Smoking Cessation
Intervention: Procedure: Systems Support
7 Recruiting Evaluating a Telephone-Based Smoking Cessation Program Among People in the Military (The AFIII Study)
Conditions: Smoking;   Smoking Cessation
Interventions: Drug: Nicotine Patch;   Behavioral: Tobacco Quit Line Program
8 Completed Implementing Guidelines for Smoking Cessation: A Randomized Trial of Evidence-Based Quality Improvement
Conditions: Smoking;   Smoking Cessation;   Quality Improvement
Intervention: Behavioral: Quality Improvement
9 Recruiting Smoking Reduction Intervention for Smokers Not Willing to Quit Smoking: a Randomised Control Trial
Condition: Smoking Cessation
Interventions: Procedure: Reduction Intervention + Adherence Intervention;   Behavioral: Reduction Intervention;   Procedure: control
10 Completed PROS Brief Smoking Cessation Counseling in Pediatric Practice to Reduce Secondhand Smoke Exposure of Young Children
Conditions: Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation;   Smoking Cessation
Intervention: Behavioral: training in smoking cessation
11 Recruiting Knowledge and Perception of Smoking Risks/Consequences
Conditions: Cigarette Smoking;   Schizophrenia
12 Terminated Nurse Smoking Cessation of Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) With Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and Behavioral Support
Conditions: Smoking;   COPD
Interventions: Drug: nicotine sublingual tablets;   Behavioral: low and high behavior support
13 Completed Anti-Smoking Program for Parents: Effects on Child Smoking
Condition: Smoking
Intervention: Behavioral: Anti-smoking Socialization Program
14 Active, not recruiting Pennsylvania Adolescent Smoking Study (PASStudy)
Condition: Smoking Cessation
Interventions: Behavioral: Motivational Interviewing (MI);   Behavioral: Structured Brief Advice (SBA)
15 Active, not recruiting Smoking Cessation in Groups and With Tobacco Pastils
Condition: Smoking
Intervention: Drug: Oliwer Twist smokeless tobacco (tobacco)
16 Recruiting Trial Comparing Different Methods of Support With Stopping Smoking (PORTSSS/Stop Together Trial)
Condition: Tobacco Smoking
Interventions: Behavioral: Proactive telephone support;   Behavioral: Reactive (standard) telephone support;   Drug: Offer of cost-free Nicotine Replacement Therapy
17 Completed Mood and Smoking: A Comparison of Smoking Cessation Treatments
Conditions: Smoking Cessation;   Mood Tolerance;   Mood Management;   Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Interventions: Behavioral: Mood Tolearance;   Behavioral: Mood Management;   Drug: Nicotine Replacement therapy
18 Active, not recruiting Group Counseling for Smoking Cessation
Condition: Smoking
Intervention: Behavioral: cognitive behavior therapy
19 Recruiting Smoking Cessation for Depressed Smokers
Conditions: Smoking;   Depression
Interventions: Behavioral: Smoking Cessation Treatment;   Behavioral: Nicotine Replacement Therapy;   Behavioral: CBASP
20 Recruiting Modeling Stress-Precipitated Smoking Behavior for Medication Development: Guanfacine
Condition: Smoking
Interventions: Drug: guanfacine;   Drug: placebo

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