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Found 9 studies with search of: "Shigellosis"
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1 Recruiting Therapeutic Induction of Endogenous Antibiotics
Condition: Shigellosis
Interventions: Biological: Sodium Butyrate;   Biological: Saline
2 Completed Phase 3 Study (Safety, Immunogenicity and Efficacy) of Improved Shigella Conjugate Vaccines in 1-4 Year Olds in Israel
Condition: Shigellosis
Intervention: Drug: Shigella Vaccines
3 Not yet recruiting Safety and Efficacy Challenge Study of CVD 1208S, a Live, Attenuated Oral Vaccine to Prevent Shigella: Phase IIb
Condition: Shigella
Intervention: Biological: CVD 1208S, Challenge strain of wild-type Shigella flexneri 2a
4 Not yet recruiting Safety and Efficacy Study of CVD 1208S, a Live, Attenuated Oral Vaccine to Prevent Shigella Infection: Phase IIa
Condition: Shigella
Interventions: Biological: CVD 1208S, a Shigella flexneri 2a live, oral vaccine;   Other: Placebo
5 Recruiting Healthy Adult Volunteer Study for Two Doses of a Shigella Vaccine
Condition: Shigella Infection
Intervention: Biological: SC599
6 Active, not recruiting Shigella Flexneri 2a Invaplex 50 Vaccine Dose Finding and Assessment of Protection
Condition: Shigellosis
Intervention: Biological: Invaplex 50 Vaccine
7 Completed Zinc Supplementation in Shigella Patients
Condition: Testing Effect of Intervention
Intervention: Drug: Children in the zinc group received 20 mg of elemental zinc as acetate per day in a twice-daily dose for two weeks.
8 Active, not recruiting Invaplex 50 Vaccine Dose-Ranging
Condition: Diarrhea
Intervention: Biological: Shigella flexneri 2a Invaplex 50
9 Completed Rifaximin for Prevention of Travellers' Diarrhea
Condition: Diarrhea
Interventions: Drug: Rifaximin;   Drug: Placebo

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