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Found 114 studies with search of: "Polyps"
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1 Active, not recruiting Calcium, Vitamin D, and Colon Cancer Risk Biomarkers
Conditions: Colonic Polyps;   Adenomatous Polyps
Interventions: Drug: Calcium (as calcium carbonate);   Drug: Vitamin D;   Drug: Calcium and Vitamin D in combination;   Drug: Placebo
2 Recruiting Discard:Characterisation of Colonic Polyps in Vivo
Condition: Colorectal Polyps
3 Completed Detection and Classification of Colon Polyps
Condition: Colon Polyps
Interventions: Procedure: Polp removal and identification;   Procedure: colon polyp removal;   Procedure: ETMI colonoscope (ETMI scope is a FDA approved device)
4 Recruiting Comparison of Two Types of Biopsy Forceps for Obtaining Cold Biopsy Polypectomy for Small Sessile Colorectal Polyps Less Than 6 mm in Diameter
Condition: Colorectal Polyps
Intervention: Other: evaluate the effectiveness of the RJ4 biopsy forcep versus the RJ3 biopsy forcep
5 Recruiting An Assessment of Goal-Directed Intraoperative Fluid Management in Hand Assisted Laparoscopic Colectomy
Conditions: Crohn's Disease;   Ulcerative Colitis;   Rectal Cancer;   Colon Cancer;   Colon Polyps;   Rectal Polyps;   Diverticulitis
Interventions: Drug: Hextend;   Drug: Lactated Ringers
6 Recruiting A Comparison of Beclomethasone Aqueous Spray and Aerosol Delivery Systems in Nasal Polyps
Condition: Nasal Polyps
Interventions: Drug: Intranasal Beclomethasone aerosol;   Drug: Intranasal Beclomethasone spray
7 Recruiting The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Analysis of Nasal Polyps for Fungal DNA
Conditions: Sinusitis;   Nasal Polyps
Intervention: Procedure: Nasal swab under endoscopic guidance
8 Recruiting Calcium/Vitamin D, Biomarkers,& Colon Polyp Prevention
Condition: Adenomatous Colon Polyps
Intervention: Drug: Calcium and/or Vitamin D
9 Completed Aspirin/Folate Prevention of Large Bowel Polyps
Conditions: Colorectal Cancer;   Polyps;   Adenomas
Interventions: Drug: Aspirin;   Drug: Folate
10 Recruiting Narrow Band Imaging Colon Polyp Study
Conditions: Adenomatous Polyp;   Neoplastic Polyp
Interventions: Procedure: standard of care colonoscopy;   Procedure: colonoscopy;   Procedure: standard of care colonoscopy
11 Active, not recruiting Vitamin D/Calcium Polyp Prevention Study
Conditions: Colorectal Cancer;   Polyps;   Adenomas
Interventions: Dietary Supplement: Calcium Carbonate;   Dietary Supplement: Vitamin D3;   Dietary Supplement: placebo
12 Recruiting Experience and Enhancement: Improving Colonoscopic Polyp Detection
Condition: Polyps
Intervention: Procedure: colonoscopy
13 Completed Study of Nasonex® for the Treatment of Nasal Polyps in Pediatric Subjects Between the Ages of 6 and Less Than 18 Years Old (Study P04292AM1)(COMPLETED)
Condition: Nasal Polyps
Interventions: Drug: mometasone furoate nasal spray;   Drug: mometasone furoate nasal spray;   Drug: Placebo nasal spray;   Drug: Placebo nasal spray;   Drug: mometasone furoate nasal spray;   Drug: mometasone furoate nasal spray;   Drug: Placebo nasal spray;   Drug: Placebo nasal spray
14 Completed Endometrial Polyps: Pathophysiology and Clinical Consequences
Conditions: Endometrial Polyp;   Endometrial Cancer
Intervention: Procedure: Hysteroscopic resection of endometrial polyps. (TCRP)
15 Completed Effect of 2 Doses of EPA on Apoptosis and Cell Proliferation on Colon Mucosa
Condition: Adenomatous Polyps
Interventions: Drug: Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA);   Procedure: Endoscopy;   Procedure: Biopsies taken;   Procedure: Clinical chemistry;   Procedure: Haematology;   Procedure: Physical examination;   Procedure: Vital signs;   Procedure: Urine pregnancy test;   Procedure: Completion of patient diary card
16 Recruiting Chronic Rhinosinusitis With or Without Nasal Polyps Steroid Study
Conditions: Chronic Sinusitis;   Chronic Rhinosinusitis;   Nasal Polyps
Intervention: Drug: Prednisone
17 Active, not recruiting Polyp Prevention Trial
Condition: Polyp Prevention
Intervention: Behavioral: Diet Assessment
18 Recruiting Biopsies and Polyps
Conditions: Nasal Polyps;   Asthma
19 Completed Mint Tea for the Treatment of Nasal Polyps
Condition: Nasal Polyps
Interventions: Other: Mint tea high in rosmarinic acid;   Other: Mint tea low in rosmarinic acid
20 Recruiting Curcumin for the Chemoprevention of Colorectal Cancer
Condition: Adenomatous Polyps
Intervention: Drug: Curcuminoids

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