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Found 8 studies with search of: "Hematuria"
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1 Recruiting The Use of Finasteride to Reduce Hematuria and Hematospermia Following TRUS Prostate Biopsy
Conditions: Hematuria;   Hematospermia
Intervention: Drug: Finasteride
2 Completed Influence of Transmission Season on Outcome of Treatment of Schistosoma Haematobium Infection in Mozambique
Conditions: Hematuria;   Hydronephrosis
Intervention: Drug: praziquantel
3 Active, not recruiting Flexible vs Rigid Cytoscopy in Women
Conditions: Bladder Cancer;   Bladder Stones;   Hematuria;   Structural Abnormalities;   Voiding Dysfunction
Interventions: Device: cystoscope;   Device: cystoscope
4 Recruiting Rigid Versus Flexible Cystoscopy in Women
Conditions: Hematuria;   Urination Disorders;   Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection
Intervention: Device: Flexible versus Rigid Cystoscopes
5 Completed Pharmacological Modulation of the Intrarenal Pressure During Endourological Procedures in the Upper Urinary Tract
Conditions: Kidney Stone;   Unexplained Haematuria;   Benignant Tumour Mass in the Upper Urinary Tract
Intervention: Drug: Isoproterenol
6 Recruiting Screening for Bladder Cancer
Condition: Bladder Cancer
Intervention: Other: Specimen and questionnaires only
7 Completed Evaluation of Residual Urine After Intermittent Catheterisation
Condition: Healthy
Intervention: Device: Intermittent catheter
8 Recruiting Alport Syndrome Treatments and Outcomes Registry
Condition: Alport Syndrome

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