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Found 70 studies with search of: "Eczema"
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1 Recruiting Comparison of Video-Based Versus Written Patient Education on Atopic Dermatitis
Conditions: Atopic Dermatitis;   Atopic Eczema;   Infantile Eczema;   Hand Eczema
Intervention: Other: Patient Educational Materials
2 Completed Skin Tolerance Study of Betamethasone Creams in Atopic Eczema and the Preventative Properties of a Moisturiser
Condition: Atopic Eczema
Interventions: Drug: betamethasone valerate;   Drug: betamethasone valerate;   Drug: urea
3 Not yet recruiting Dandelion Juice in the Treatment of Dyshidrotic Hand Eczema
Conditions: Vesicular Palmoplantar Eczema;   Pompholyx
Intervention: Drug: dandelion juice marketed as a dietary supplement in Denmark
4 Recruiting Efficacy and Safety of a Retinoid in the Treatment of Severe Chronic Hand Eczema
Conditions: Chronic Hand Eczema;   Chronic Hand Dermatitis
Interventions: Drug: alitretinoin;   Drug: Placebo
5 Completed Randomized Phase III Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Xyzal® (Levocetirizine) vs Zyrtec® (Cetirizine) in Subjects With Dermatitis and Eczema
Conditions: Dermatitis;   Eczema
Interventions: Drug: Levocetirizine;   Drug: Cetirizine;   Drug: Placebo Levocetirizine (P-ZRT);   Drug: Placebo Cetirizine (P-XYR);   Drug: Standard topical steroid ointment
6 Recruiting Fish Oil Supplementation During Pregnancy for Prevention of Asthma, Eczema and Allergies in Childhood
Conditions: Asthma;   Eczema;   Allergy
Interventions: Dietary Supplement: n-3 fatty acid;   Dietary Supplement: olive oil
7 Completed A Randomised Trial of a Moisturising Cream in Preventing Recurrence of Hand Eczema
Condition: Hand Eczema
Interventions: Drug: Urea;   Drug: betamethasone valerate;   Drug: betamethasone valerate
8 Completed Multicenter Clinical Study to Examine the Efficacy and Safety of Zarzenda in Patients With Hand Eczema
Condition: Hand Eczema
Intervention: Device: Zarzenda
9 Completed A Phase 2a Study to Investigate the Effects of Repeated Administration of AeroDerm in Subjects With Atopic Eczema
Condition: Atopic Eczema
Interventions: Drug: Aeroderm (also known as pitrakinra, AER 001, BAY 16-9996);   Drug: placebo
10 Recruiting Identifying Risk Factors for Eczema Herpeticum in Individuals With Atopic Dermatitis
Conditions: Atopic Dermatitis;   Eczema Herpeticum
11 Recruiting The Underlying Mechanisms For S. Aureus Infection And Colonization Of Skin in People With Atopic Dermatitis With And Without Eczema Herpeticum (MRSA)
Conditions: Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus;   Atopic Dermatitis;   Eczema Herpeticum;   MRSA
12 Completed LEO19123 Cream in the Treatment of Hand Eczema
Condition: Hand Eczema
Intervention: Drug: Calcipotriol and LEO80122 (LEO19123 cream)
13 Not yet recruiting Safety and Efficacy of Quadriderme® in the Treatment of Impetiginous Eczema (Study P05134AM1)
Conditions: Dermatitis, Atopic;   Eczema, Atopic;   Skin Diseases, Eczematous
Interventions: Drug: Cream (betamethasone diproprionate, clotrimazole, and gentamicin sulfate);   Drug: Cream (betamethasone diproprionate and gentamicin);   Drug: Cream (betamethasone diproprionate)
14 Completed Double-Blind, Parallel, Randomised Study to Investigate the Effect of Oral Probiotics in Infants With Atopic Dermatitis
Conditions: Atopic Dermatitis;   Atopic Eczema;   Infantile Eczema
Intervention: Drug: probiotics: Lactobacillus GG, lactobacillus Rhamnosus
15 Recruiting Alitretinoin in the Treatment of Chronic Hand Eczema
Condition: Eczema
Intervention: Drug: alitretinoin
16 Recruiting Neuroskin Forte for Dry Skin Relief in Eczema and Psoriasis
Conditions: Psoriasis;   Eczema
Interventions: Drug: Neuroskin Forte;   Drug: Placebo Application
17 Completed Preliminary Study of Safety and Efficacy of Nanocrystalline Silver Cream in Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
Conditions: Atopic Dermatitis;   Eczema
Intervention: Drug: Nanocrystalline silver cream (NPI)
18 Recruiting Novel Topical Treatment of Hand Dermatitis (Eczema)
Conditions: Contact Dermatitis;   Eczema, Contact
Intervention: Device: Epikeia Coatings
19 Completed Long-Term Safety of Protopic in Atopic Eczema
Conditions: Dermatitis, Atopic;   Eczema, Atopic
Intervention: Drug: Tacrolimus ointment 0.1%
20 Recruiting Studies of Skin Microbes in Healthy People and in People With Skin Conditions
Conditions: Atopic Dermatitis;   Eczema;   Ichthyosis Vulgaris

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