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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Evaluation of Hospital Disaster Drills: A Module-Based Approach

File Inventory

Prepared by:

The Johns Hopkins University Evidence-based Practice Center,
The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health; and
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

    Sara E. Cosgrove, M.D., M.S.
    Mollie W. Jenckes, M.H.Sc., B.S.N.
    Karen Kohri
    Edbert B. Hsu, M.D., M.P.H.
    Gary Green, M.D., M.P.H.
    Carolyn J. Feuerstein
    Christina L. Catlett, M.D.
    Karen A. Robinson, M.Sc.
    Eric B. Bass, M.D., M.P.H.

File Name		Description		Software	Version	File	Size
01title.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	21KB	1 page
Contents: Title Page
02acknl.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	23KB	1 page
Contents: Acknowledgments, Suggested Citation
03abstr.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	21KB	1 page
Contents: Abstract: Introduction, Development of the Evaluation Modules, Content of the 
Evaluation Modules and Addenda
04conts.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	23KB	1 page
Contents: Table of Contents
05body.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	74KB	14 pages
Contents: How to Use This Tool: Introduction, Development of the Evaluation Modules, Evaluation 
Modules and Addenda, Evaluation Planning and Execution, Additional Issues
06tbl1.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	36KB	1 page
Contents: Table 1. Recommended use of evaluation modules and addenda
07tbl2.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	35KB	1 page
Contents: Table 2. Zone codes and paper color coding
08fig1.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	42KB	1 page
Contents: Figure 1. Sample page from an evaluation module
09refs.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	26KB	2 pages
Contents: References
10modu1.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	197KB	8 pages
Contents: Pre-drill Module
11modu2.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	132KB	17 pages
Contents: Incident Command Center Zone Module
12modu3.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	170KB	21 pages
Contents: Decontamination Zone Module
13modu4.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	142KB	18 pages
Contents: Triage Zone Module
14modu5.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	156KB	20 pages
Contents: Treatment Zone Module
15addn1.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	345KB	10 pages
Contents: Biological Incident Addendum
16addn2.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	234KB	9 pages
Contents: Radiation Incident Addendum
17addn3.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	23KB	2 pages
Contents: General Observation and Documentation Addendum
18addn4.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	111KB	2 pages
Contents: Victim Tracking Addendum
19modu6.doc	Microsoft Word® Document	MS Word®	2002	42KB	2 pages
Contents: Group Debriefing Module
20appa.xls	Microsoft Excel® Worksheet	MS Excel®	2002	163KB	4 sheets
Contents: Appendix A. Spreadsheet for Information Collected on Evaluation Modules and Addenda:
Pre-Drill Module, Main Module, Biological Incident Addendum, Radiation Incident Addendum

AHRQ Publication No. 04-0032
Current as of April 2004

Internet Citation:

Evaluation of Hospital Disaster Drills: A Module-Based Approach. File Inventory, Bioterrorism and Other Public Health Emergencies: Tools and Models for Planning and Preparedness. AHRQ Publication No. 04-0032, April 2004. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care