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Found 39894 studies with search of: United States
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21 Completed A Study of SU11248 In Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer Who Have Failed Selected Other Therapies.
Condition: Breast Neoplasms
Intervention: Drug: SU011248
22 Terminated A Safety and Efficacy Study of DENSPM in Patients With Liver Cancer Who Are Not Eligible for Surgical Care
Condition: Carcinoma, Hepatocellular
Intervention: Drug: DENSPM (diethylnorspermine)
23 Active, not recruiting Imatinib Mesylate in Treating Patients With Recurrent or Persistent Uterine Carcinosarcoma
Condition: Sarcoma
Intervention: Drug: imatinib mesylate
24 Recruiting Two Dose Levels of Capecitabine With Docetaxel in Treating Women With Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer That Has Not Responded to Previous Anthracycline-Based Chemotherapy
Condition: Breast Cancer
Interventions: Drug: capecitabine;   Drug: docetaxel
25 Active, not recruiting Pemetrexed Disodium in Treating Patients With Persistent or Recurrent Endometrial Cancer
Condition: Endometrial Cancer
Intervention: Drug: pemetrexed disodium
26 Active, not recruiting TNX-355 With Optimized Background Therapy (OBT) in Treatment-Experienced Subjects With HIV-1
Condition: HIV Infections
Intervention: Drug: TNX-355
27 Completed Modafinil for the Treatment of Cocaine Dependence - 1
Condition: Cocaine-Related Disorders
Intervention: Drug: Modafinil
28 Completed ARQ 501 in Combination With Gemcitabine in Subjects With Pancreatic Cancer
Conditions: Pancreatic Cancer;   Adenocarcinoma
Intervention: Drug: ARQ 501 in combination with gemcitabine
29 Completed Study of the Human Anti-TNF Monoclonal Antibody Adalimumab for the Induction of Clinical Remission in Subjects With Crohn's Disease
Condition: Crohn's Disease
Intervention: Drug: Adalimumab
30 Completed A New Oral Treatment For Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Condition: Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Intervention: Drug: GW0823093
31 Completed Evaluation of GW406381 in Treating Adults With Osteoarthritis Of The Knee
Condition: Osteoarthritis, Knee
Intervention: Drug: GW406381
32 Active, not recruiting Therapy for Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma
Condition: Hodgkins Lymphoma
Interventions: Drug: VAMP Chemotherapy (Favorable Risk);   Drug: Stanford V Chemotherapy (Unfavorable Risk);   Procedure: Radiation therapy
33 Active, not recruiting Ophthalmologic Safety Study of Pramipexole IR Versus Ropinirole in Early Parkinson's Disease Patients
Condition: Parkinson Disease
Interventions: Drug: pramipexole IR;   Drug: ropinirole
34 Enrolling by invitation A Open Label Study of a Flexible Dose of Brivaracetam in Subjects 16 Years or Older Suffering From Epilepsy
Condition: Epilepsy
Intervention: Drug: Brivaracetam (ucb 34714)
35 Completed A Placebo-Controlled Study of Safety and Effectiveness of Myozyme in Patients With Late-Onset Pompe Disease
Conditions: Pompe Disease (Late-Onset);   Glycogen Storage Disease Type II (GSD-II);   Acid Maltase Deficiency Disease;   Glycogenosis 2
Interventions: Drug: Myozyme (alglucosidase alfa);   Drug: Placebo
36 Completed Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Testosterone Gel (1%)
Conditions: Primary or Secondary Hypogonadism;   Constitutional Delay in Growth and Puberty (CDGP)
Intervention: Drug: Testosterone Gel (1%)
37 Recruiting Hepatic Arterial Infusion With Floxuridine and Dexamethasone Combination With Chemotherapy With/Without Bevacizumab for Hepatic Metastases From Colorectal Cancer
Conditions: Hepatic Metastases;   Colon Cancer;   Rectal Cancer
Interventions: Drug: Bevacizumab HAI plus systemic chemotherapy;   Drug: HAI plus systemic chemotherapy
38 Completed A Study of AT1001 in Patients With Fabry Disease
Condition: Fabry Disease
Intervention: Drug: AT1001 (migalastat hydrochloride)
39 Terminated Open-Label Trial of LEUKINE® in Active Crohn's Disease
Condition: Crohn Disease
Intervention: Drug: Sargramostim (Leukine, BAY86-5326)
40 Active, not recruiting Safety and Efficacy of Extracorporeal Photoimmune Therapy With UVADEX for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Condition: Rheumatoid Arthritis
Interventions: Drug: Methoxsalen;   Procedure: Extracorporeal Photopheresis

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